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Epidemiology of HIV and AIDS in the Riverside/San Bernardino, Transitional Grant Area (TGA)

Epidemiology of HIV and AIDS in the Riverside/San Bernardino, Transitional Grant Area (TGA). Compiled by: Riverside County Community Health Agency Department of Public Health Epidemiology and Program Evaluation Branch With Data and Tables Provided by:

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Epidemiology of HIV and AIDS in the Riverside/San Bernardino, Transitional Grant Area (TGA)

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  1. Epidemiology of HIV and AIDSin theRiverside/San Bernardino, Transitional Grant Area (TGA) Compiled by: Riverside County Community Health Agency Department of Public Health Epidemiology and Program Evaluation Branch With Data and Tables Provided by: San Bernardino Department of Public Health, HIV and STD Surveillance Program 2007

  2. Data Sources Unless otherwise noted, all HIV/AIDS statistics come from HIV and AIDS cases reported to Riverside County or San Bernardino County Departments of Public Health as of December 31, 2006.

  3. Inland Empire Demographic Profile • The 4th and 5th most populous counties, combined population exceeds four million. • Among the fastest growing counties in California. • Metropolitan area fifth-fastest growing in nation, 14th largest nationwide. • Area larger than the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, and New Jersey combined • Increasing Hispanic/Latino population • Potential language barriers

  4. AIDS Surveillance Summary 1California Office of AIDS. AIDS Surveillance Report for California, December 31, 2006. 2Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report 2005

  5. Names-based HIV Reporting • Federal HIV/AIDS funding cuts to states without reliable HIV tracking systems. • California Senate Bill 699 allowing name-based reporting signed April 2006. • Names-based reporting will hopefully improve access to early interventions. • 3,255 HIV positive cases reported in the TGA, with 98% living. 7/2002 – 3/2006: “No Name” reporting 4/2006 – : “Name” reporting (501 cases)

  6. Profile of People Living with HIV/AIDS: Riverside/San Bernardino, California Transitional Grant Area Gender, Race/Ethnicity, Age Group, and Mode of Transmission

  7. Proportion of the Population, Proportion of Prevalent AIDS Cases, Proportion of Prevalent HIV Cases by Race/Ethnicity

  8. Prevalence Rate by Race/Ethnicity Rate per 100,000

  9. TGA Medi-Cal (HIV) and ADAP Users by Race/Ethnicity, Fiscal Year 2004/2005

  10. Proportion of Persons Living With HIV/AIDS by Gender TGA AIDS Prevalence TGA HIV Prevalence

  11. Proportion of Persons Living With HIV/AIDS by Age Group TGA AIDS Prevalence TGA HIV Prevalence

  12. Proportion of Persons Living With HIV/AIDS by Mode of Transmission TGA AIDS Prevalence TGAHIV Prevalence

  13. Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS: Riverside/San Bernardino, California Transitional Grant Area Incidence, Prevalence, Evolving Trends, and Forecast

  14. Percent of AIDS Cases by Race/Ethnicity and Year of Diagnosis

  15. AIDS Incidence Rates by Race/Ethnicity and Year of Diagnosis Rate per 100,000

  16. Diagnosed AIDS Cases by Year2010 Projection R.C. 200 S.B.

  17. Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS: Riverside/San Bernardino, California Transitional Grant Area The Components: Profiles By County and Service Area

  18. AIDS Prevalence by EMA Service Area of Residence Rate per 100,000

  19. Living AIDS Cases by Race/Ethnicity N=2,054 N=446 N=267 N=612 N=535 N=547 N=59 N=37

  20. HIV Testing Risk Factors: July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006

  21. TGA ADAP and Medi-Cal Users (HIV) by HARS Reporting County, Fiscal Year 2004/2005

  22. Aging Service Population: Riverside County Living AIDS Cases by Age at Report/Age Now

  23. Summary • Majority of incident and prevalent cases White, MSM • Rates by race/ethnicity show disparity African Americans have the highest rates • AIDS case reporting (HARS) profile by race/ethnicity distribution similar to services utilization data. Service use data (ADAP/Medi-Cal) show local users HARS reported in other counties • Effective drug therapies have resulted in greater survival Service population aging, chronic disease concerns

  24. Aaron Gardner Phill Coon Becky Nanyonjo Marshare Penny Acknowledgements Riverside County San Bernardino County

  25. Contact Information Riverside County Department of Public Health Epidemiology and Program Evaluation Branch (951) 358-5557 San Bernardino County Department of Public Health AIDS, STD, & Reproductive Health Programs (909) 383-3060 www.rivcohealthdata.org

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