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Questions To Ask During Hair Transpalnt Consultation .docx

Hair transplant surgery is the best solution for genetic hair loss. Genetic hair loss or male pattern baldness is a complex health issue that makes a large area of the scalp totally bald. At the peak of genetic baldness, only a thin layer of hair remains in the back and on both sides of the scalp. <br>Your hair specialist in Indore will remove these hairs and transplant them into the bald scalp since these hairs have proper resistance to male pattern baldness. <br>The hair transplant surgery yields permanent results if you have chosen a skilled and experienced hair transplant surgeon.

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Questions To Ask During Hair Transpalnt Consultation .docx

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  1. QuestionsToAsk During HairTranspalnt Consultation Hair transplant surgery is the best solution for genetic hair loss. Genetic hair loss or male pattern baldness is a complex health issue that makes a large area of the scalp totally bald. At the peak of genetic baldness, only a thin layerof hair remains in theback and on both sides ofthe scalp. Your hair specialist in Indorewill remove these hairs and transplant them into the bald scalp since these hairs have proper resistance to male pattern baldness. The hair transplant surgery yields permanent results if you have chosen a skilledand experienced hairtransplant surgeon. During the initial consultations, hair loss patients ask many questions about thehair transplant surgery andfinal results.

  2. Inthisblog,wehavemade alistofthemostcommonquestionsthat patientsask while they meetthe surgeon for thefirst time: Howwillyoutreatmybaldness? WheneveryouvisitthehairclinicinIndore,thesurgeontherewill diagnoseyourproblematthefirststep.Moreover,thesurgeonwill determine a suitable hair transplant technique according to your candidacy as well. Furthermore, the surgeon will determine the number of hair follicles thatyou need to cover thebald area of your scalp. After these steps, the surgeon will give you a date on which you have to arriveat the clinic for the surgery. Ishairtransplantsurgeryacorrectprocedureforme? Hair transplant surgery is a suitable treatment for male pattern baldness or genetic hair loss. Therefore, your surgeon will treat you with this surgical optiononlyifyouarefacingmalepatternbaldness.Thereare various treatmentprocedures for other typesof hair loss. Ishairtransplantsurgeryapainfulprocedure? Sincethehairtransplantis asurgicalprocedure,it is natural that it will cause pain or discomfort. However, the surgeon makes their best efforts to minimize discomfort during and after the treatment. They will administer anesthesia during the surgery to make sure that you feel comfortable during the surgery. After the treatment, the surgeon will prescribe painkillers and other suitable medicines to eliminate the chances of infection, pain, and discomfort. DoIneedtofollowanyinstructions? Surely, you have to follow the advice of your hair transplant surgeon. You need to stop smoking and drinking before the surgery to ensure proper results. Moreover, you have to stop blood thinners and avoid hair products likegels, creams, and oils aswell. WhatcanIexpectafterthesurgery?

  3. You will see some side effects like swelling, redness, and brushing just after the surgery. These side effects go away naturally within a couple of weeks. Hair growth does not take place instantly. You will see the first sign of hair growthafteralmost 6months.Atthis time, hair will be thinner and less densebutthethicknessanddensitywillimproveovertime.Betterresults willbeobservedafter12 months. Toget optimum results, you have to choosethe best hair transplantclinic in Indore.

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