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How large are the productivity losses in contemporary patients with RA and how soon in relation to diagnosis do they develop?. Neovius M, Simard JF & Askling J for the ARTIS Study Group Ann Rheum Dis. 2011 Jun;70(6):1010-1015. Ver2011 07 13. Aim.
How large are the productivity losses in contemporary patients with RAand how soon in relation to diagnosis do they develop? Neovius M, Simard JF & Askling J for the ARTIS Study Group Ann Rheum Dis. 2011 Jun;70(6):1010-1015 Ver2011 07 13
Aim To estimate the sick leave and disability pension trajectory in patients diagnosed with early RA 1999-2007 and the burden of sick leave and disability pension in prevalent patients with RA in 2007 Ver2011 07 13
Methods • Incident RA Cohort (n=3,029)Individuals aged 19-59y diagnosed with early RA were identified in the Swedish Rheumatology Quality Register (1999-2007; mean age 47y; 73% women) • Prevalent RA Cohort (n=25,922)19-64y old prevalent patients in 2007 were identified in the National Patient Register & Swedish Rheumatology Quality Register (mean age 52y; 73% women) • OutcomeSick leave & disability pension data were retrieved from national registers • Matched ComparatorsFor each patient, five age-, sex-, education-, and county-matched general population comparators were sampled (5 comparators available for 25,551 patients with RA) Ver2011 07 13
Results • Prevalent RA • Annualdays of sick leave & disability pension in 2007 • Economic burden • Incident RA: Development in relation to diagnosis • By month -12m to +12m • By year -4y to +4y • By calendar period Ver2011 07 13
2 Incident raDevelopment in relation to diagnosis Ver2011 07 13
Conclusion Despite better drugs and improved treatment strategies, data from contemporary patients with early and established RA continue to indicate large unmet needs Ver2011 07 13
RelatedArticles from SRQ/ARTIS Askling J, Fored CM, Geborek P, Jacobsson LT, van Vollenhoven R, Feltelius N, Lindblad S, Klareskog LSwedish registers to examinedrugsafety and clinicalissues in RA Ann Rheum Dis 2006;65(6):707-12. Neovius M, Simard JF, Klareskog L, Askling J. for the ARTIS Study GroupSick leave and disability pension before and after initiation of antirheumatic therapies in clinical practice. Ann Rheum Dis 2011;70(8):1407-14. Simard JF, Arkema EV, Sundstrom A, Geborek P, Saxne T, Baecklund E, Coster L, Dackhammar C, Jacobsson L, Feltelius N, Lindblad S, Rantapaa-Dahlqvist S, Klareskog L, van Vollenhoven RF, Neovius M, Askling JTen years with biologics: to whomdo data on effectiveness and safetyapply? Rheumatology (Oxford) 2011;50(1):204-13. Neovius M, Simard JF, Askling J for the ARTIS Study GroupNationwide prevalence of rheumatoidarthritis and penetration of disease-modifyingdrugs in SwedenAnn Rheum Dis 2011;70(4):624-29. Neovius M, Simard J, Sundstrom A, Jacobsson L, Geborek P, Saxne T, Feltelius N, Klareskog L, Askling J. Generalisability of clinical registers used for drug safety and comparative effectiveness research: coverage of the Swedish Biologics Register. Ann Rheum Dis 2011;70(3):516-19. Ver2011 07 13