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HTS Cable Testing Gregory S. Boebinger, Florida State University, DMR 0654118 Applied Superconductivity Center and Magnet Science and Technology Division. Large DC magnets can be prime beneficiaries of HTS cable technology.
HTS Cable TestingGregory S. Boebinger, Florida State University, DMR 0654118Applied Superconductivity Center and Magnet Science and Technology Division Large DC magnets can be prime beneficiaries of HTS cable technology • The figure at left is the schematic cross section of a concept for a 60 T hybrid magnet that would use HTS cables to reduce electrical power consumption to less than half that of today’s world-record-holding 45 T hybrid magnet at the MagLab. This work was enabled by strong collaborationswith a former MagLab PhD student who recently formed a company to develop his ideas for making cables out of REBCO coated conductors. Danko van der Laan is affiliated with: • Advanced Conductor Technologies LLC • University of Colorado, Department of Physics • National Institute of Standards and Technology, • all located in Boulder, CO. • This work benefited from a DOE-High Energy Physics SBIR award to Advanced Conductor Technologies LLC and from developing collaborations with the Magnet Division at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), who offered us a several month visit by Gerard Willering, Marie Curie Fellow of CERN. Center bore of the magnet HTS Cable LTS CICC 1.6 m 1.6 m Partial cross section of a concept for a 60T, 14 MW magnet. Red: Resistive coils Gold: HTS cable coils Yellow: LTS cable coil