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Cog. In Middle Childhood ( ch . 11) Desarrollo Cognoscitivo en la niñez (7 a 11 años )

Cog. In Middle Childhood ( ch . 11) Desarrollo Cognoscitivo en la niñez (7 a 11 años ). Week 11. Piaget’s Cognitive Dev. Theory. Sensorimotor (0-2); Pre-Operational (3-7); Concrete operational (7-11); Formal operational (12- adult).

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Cog. In Middle Childhood ( ch . 11) Desarrollo Cognoscitivo en la niñez (7 a 11 años )

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  1. Cog. In Middle Childhood (ch. 11)DesarrolloCognoscitivo en la niñez (7 a 11 años) Week 11

  2. Piaget’s Cognitive Dev. Theory • Sensorimotor (0-2); • Pre-Operational (3-7); • Concrete operational (7-11); • Formal operational (12- adult)

  3. Piaget’s Stage/ etapa 3: Concrete Operational Thought • Periodo de lasoperacionesconcretas (se extiendedesde los 7 añoshasta los 11 años).

  4. Conservation/Conservación • The concept that certain basic properties of an object remain the same even when a transformation changes the physical appearance is mastered by 7;

  5. Thinking becomes decentered: multiple aspects of a problem/situation/ task… aspectosmúltiples se consideran al mismotiempo • Reversibilityemerges… • Class inclusion emerges: the understanding that objects can be classified in different ways and at different levels…poderentenderqueobjetos se puedenclasificar a variosniveles o categorías

  6. Seriationemerges: the ability to order a set of items quantitatively (by size, weight, or length)… • La habilidad de ponerobjetos en orden (físicamente), usando el tamaño, peso, o cantidad). • Transitive inference / inferirtransitivo (deducir)- when a child seriates/orders mentally… La habilidad de deducir (mentalmente)

  7. Memory • Working memory / MemoriaTrabajadora-information that a child is currently processing; usually easily retrievable for a task at hand…El procesamiento de informaciónque un niñohace en el momentoqueesexponido a la informacion. • Long term memory / Memoria a largo plazo- information that is never forgotten, which is stored in the brain for a long period of time…informaciónespermanente.

  8. 4 aspects of long term memory (Memoria a largo plazo): 1) Encoding/ Codificar- a child forms a mental representation of information they are exposed to. 2) Storage/Almacenamiento- a child categorizes & places content/information into long term memory. 3) Accessing/Teneracceso-when a child tries to find, the mental representation (information) among their mental categories. 4) Retrieval/ Recuperar- when a child activates & is able to use their stored information, at a specific time.

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