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3rd International Conference and Members’ Meeting in Krakow, Poland – December 6-7, 2012 « Common risk and protective factors, and the prevention of multiple risk behaviours ». PUBLIC HEALTH AT WORK PLACE Jean-Claude POIRIER Secretary General ISSA Construction Section.
3rd International Conference and Members’ Meeting in Krakow, Poland – December 6-7, 2012 « Common risk and protective factors, and the prevention of multiple risk behaviours » PUBLIC HEALTH AT WORK PLACE Jean-Claude POIRIER Secretary General ISSA Construction Section www.issa.int/prevention-construction
PRESENTATION OF THE ISSUE • Created 1848 the day after an epidemic of heat, the notion of Public Health has far exceeded its initial conception both in terms of its themes and its target population. • Now, the science and practice of public health emphasize the role of social systems and multidisciplinary partnership absolutely essential.
The complexity of contemporary societies requires the involvement of external actors in the health sector so as to reach the various target populations, on one hand, and to mobilize material resources and political and administrative support on the other hand. • What’s about the role and the place of enterprises amoung these stakeholders ?
Because if there is a true corporate responsibility regarding the impact of Occupational Safety and Health of employees, no one can seriously claim that the enterprise is a world hermetically closed. • On the contrary, it is crossed by the behavior changes of the surrounding society, which are all determinants of public health.
The public health issues can lead to direct or indirect impact on enterprises the more individual or collective. • Additional costs for truly occupational accidents but occurred or favored by an external person’s behavior of the enterprise. Addictions such obesity on construction sites causing additional contributions for Occupational accidents and deseases.
Additional Costs for replacement because of recourse to temporary workers for absenteeism. • Delays in deliveries. • Extra cost for health insurance coverage when supported by the enterprises.
The problem is particularly acute with the ageing population and the impact on the extension of the working life. • The accompanying of Seniors in a perspective of sustainable work must be completed by a better preparation of the general condition of the population on its unprofessional side.
However, to the difference in captive populations (children at school, pensioners, non-active population) active aged 20-64 are relatively little affected by the actions of health promotion.
Beyond the presentation of the existing achievements, the development of health promotion is a major project in which the International Social Security Association will play a very strong pro-active role.
I) THE STATUS OF ACHIEVEMENTS • The doctrine of the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion created in 1996 with the support of European Union aims to ameliorate health and well-being at work and to reduce European employees’ occupational diseases. • At its Congress of Barcelona ENWHP raised the following observation The Challenge for Europe is to develop a new balance between economic efficiency and social cohesion.
The concept of no innovation without health or occupational health promotion is the foundation for a winning strategy for preparing European Companies to face new challenges. • Two other similar network have been also created in the Pacific and American Regions.
Beyond general conceptions we can study three exemples of problems between the work and the worker • Article of the Belgian magazine Focus by Prevent edit of November 2012 • Article in the magazine A + Work of the Institute for work and health of autumn 2012 « Work environment may put women at risk of diabetes ». • Recent study of the Nederlands Instituut Voor Onderzoek van gezondheidzozg Promoting healthy living at the workplace (physical exercise, balanced diet).
ENWHP highlights the interest of companies for introducing promotion of wealth effortsAs an example of « return on investment » of a strategy for implementation of programs promoting health and prevention we may mention: • Reduced absenteeism by 12-36% amoung program participants. Every dollar invested in these programs yields between 2.5 and 4.8 dollars through reduced costs associated with absenteeeism;
In Finland every dollar invested in programmes to maintain the working capacity of employees reported between 4 and 6 euros in return; • At Volkswagen it has been demonstrated that the increase of 1% of the effort to promote health has resulted in a gain in productivity of 1%;
POH has also shown its impact on lifestyles and attitudes towards health in a positive way: between 10 and 15% of participants in sessions “Stop smoking” managed to stop their consumption. 26% of program participants to maintain body weight have managed to maintain their weight after 12 months.
More generally, the ENWSH summarizes in 8 points the arguments for the implementation of POH in companies and organizations: • POH improves the working conditions of employees, • POH reduces the rate of absenteeism, occupational accidents and disability • POH generates a capital gain on the image of the company,
POH leads to better management of human resources, • POH increases productivity, • POH improves the alertness of employees about their health and motivation, • POH improves the health of employees, • POH generates more job satisfaction among employees.
ENWHP work has been then usefully completed by the production of quality criteria encouraging the integration of prevention and health promotion work at work in the system of quality management of organizations. Criteria specifically dedicated to small and medium enterprises have also been developed.
GOVERNMENT MEASURES • In France, the law requires company directors to take all appropriate measures to prohibit smoking at the workplace, • In Switzerland, the Federal Office of Public Health of the Swiss Confederation has published a manual for companies to analyze their situation and take appropriate measures to prevent or reduce the spread of virus H1 N1.
II) EXEMPLES OF CONVINCING REALIZATIONS • Canada • 5 SMEs in the region of La Sarre participate in the pilot project JOCOEUR intended to prevent vascular and respiratory diseases. Each participant receives professional advice from OSH experts going to the workplace to encourage healthy lifestyles (nutrition, active living, tobacco control, etc..) or to observe the treatments required in some cases.
Canada • BC Hydro has established a program in 1988. It aims to strengthen the capabilities of employees by encouraging them to live healthy and balanced. - 80% of BC Hydro employees enrolled in the program - Annual reduction of 1.2 million CAN $ for sick leave Every dollar spent results in a profit of 2.74 CAN $.
France • PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN (site of Rennes)has developed for 12 years with its staff prevention programs and health education (project CAP HEALTH) covering diverse topics as alcohol, flu, headaches, or food : PNNS National Plan for nutrition and health). This program received subsidies from the government and from Mutouest.
III) THE WAYS FOR IMPROVEMENT • Reduce the divide between public health and occupational health • Highlight the mutual interests of the social partners.
A FAVORABLE CONTEXT • Young people entering the labor market attach greater importance to the health and the balance of professional life and private life than previous generations • Also, employers who want to attract young workers have an interest in showing that they provide health programs.
Implementation of the standard Company and Work, the corporate social responsibility, • An issue of Sustainable Development.
THE ROLE OF ISSA • The subject seems so important that ISSA has drawn up Guidelines for Social Security Institutions for developing work place health • The ISSA has a membership of 335 organization representing government and agencies
THE ROLE OF ISSA • Theoverallaim is to promote dynamic social security as the social dimension in a globalizing world by supporting excellence in social security administration • The topic of prevention is one which is well explored by ISSA in its research publications
THE ROLE OF ISSA • Within the framework of ISSA’s program of activities, there is a Special Commission on Prevention that arms to initiate, coordinate and conduct at the international level activities designed to promote prevention peculiarly prevention of occupational accidents and diseases but not only. In fact, the concept of prevention has clear links to workplace health promotion
THE ROLE OF ISSA • On a practical point of view Social Security Institutions in partnership with other administrations Ministry of National Education, Local Authorities and Social Partners of Employees has an important role to play
THE ROLE OF ISSA • First of all delivering good practices through successful experiences got in programmes existing all over the world but considering the culture of each country • And then giving financial helps (money or sending of experts)
OPPORTUNITIES AND BENEFITS FOR SOCIAL INSURANCE PROMOTE EMPLOYMENT • Health is a central prerequisite for employability so, prevention of work related and not work related ill health (physical and mental) throughout all phases of working entrances and individual’s ability to work and increases future employability particularly useful in a context of evolutions of the age of retirement
OPPORTUNITIES AND BENEFITS FOR SOCIAL INSURANCE FACILITATE RETURN TO WORK AND REINTEGRATION • Rehabilitation and return to work schemes can be incentivised for by insurance funds centers for rehabilitation financed by Social Security Institution • Reduced need for social security benefits
OPPORTUNITIES AND BENEFITS FOR SOCIAL INSURANCE FACILITATE RETURN TO WORK AND REINTEGRATION • Workplace health promotion helps to address major risk factors to preventable illness obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption and can facilitate early intervention for such illness • Reducing health inequalities