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Catalina Curceanu, LNF-INFN Johann Zmeskal, SMI-Vienna

A report highlighting the achievements of the SIDDHARTA collaboration in measuring kaonic atoms, providing unique insights into QCD, hadron interactions, and astrophysics.

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Catalina Curceanu, LNF-INFN Johann Zmeskal, SMI-Vienna

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  1. Status report SIDDHARTA and SIDDHARTA-2 Catalina Curceanu, LNF-INFN Johann Zmeskal, SMI-Vienna On behalf of the SIDDHARTA(-2) Collaboration LNF – SC, 44th meeting, 4 June 2012

  2. SIDDHARTA SIlicon Drift Detector for Hadronic Atom Research by Timing Applications • LNF- INFN, Frascati, Italy • SMI- ÖAW, Vienna, Austria • IFIN – HH, Bucharest, Romania • Politecnico, Milano, Italy • MPE, Garching, Germany • PNSensors, Munich, Germany • RIKEN, Japan • Univ. Tokyo, Japan • Victoria Univ., Canada EU Fundings: JRA10 – FP6 - I3HP Network WP9 – LEANNIS – FP7- I3HP2

  3. The scientific aim of SIDDHARTA(-2) To perform precision measurement of kaonic atoms X-ray transitions -> unique info about the QCD in non-perturbative regime in the strangeness sectornot obtainable otherwise Precision measurement of the shift and of the width of the 1s level of kaonic hydrogen and the first measurement of kaonic deuterium SIDDHARTA went beyond what expected, since we did: Precision measurements of kaonic helium 3 and 4 (2p level) Other low-Z kaonic atom transitions were measured (kaonic kapton) Yields measurements (kaonic atoms cascade processes)

  4. n 4 3 s p d f 2 E2p Kb G Ka ~ 6.2 keV = DE2p1s 1 E1s e } Kaonic cascade and the strong interaction

  5. Antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths Once the shift and width of the 1s level for kaonic hydrogen and deuterium are measured -> scattering lengths (isospin breaking corrections): e + i G/2 => aK-p eV fm-1 e + i G/2 => aK-d eV fm-1 one can obtain the isospin dependent antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths aK-p= (a0 + a1)/2 aK-n = a1

  6. SIDDHARTA’s impact Measuring the kaonic hydrogen (and deuterium) drastically change the present status of low-energy KN phenomenology, QCD in strangeness sector, and also provide a clear assessment of the SU(3) chiral effective Lagrangian approach to low energy hadron interactions. Breakthrough in the low-energy KN phenomenology; Threshold amplitude in QCD Information on L(1405) Contribute to the determination of the KN sigma terms, which give the degree of chiral symmetry breaking; 4 related also with the determination of the strangeness content of the nucleon from the KN sigma terms Strong impact in astrophysics

  7. Φ → K- K+(49.1%) • Monochromatic low-energy K-(~127MeV/c) • Less hadronic background due to the beam • ( compare to hadron beam line : e.g. KEK /JPARC) Suitable for low-energy kaon physics: kaonic atoms Kaon-nucleons/nuclei interaction studies

  8. SDDs & Target (inside vacuum) Kaon detector

  9. SIDDHARTA data:- Kaonic Hydrogen: 400pb-1, most precise measurement ever,Phys. Lett. B 704 (2011) 113, Nucl. Phys. A881 (2012) 88; Ph D- Kaonic deuterium: 100 pb-1, as an exploratory first measurement ever, draft of paper Phys. Lett. B; Ph D- Kaonic helium 4 – first measurement ever in gaseous target; published in Phys. Lett. B 681 (2009) 310; NIM A628 (2011) 264 and Phys. Lett. B 697 (2011); PhD- Kaonic helium 3 – 10 pb-1, first measurement in the world, published in Phys. Lett. B 697 (2011) 199; Ph D- Ongoing: widths and yields of KHe3 and Khe4; KH yields; kaonic kapton yields; -> publications SIDDHARTA – important TRAINING for young researchers

  10. Kaonic Helium 3 and 4

  11. Comparison of results – with SIDDHARTA the era of precision measurements *error bar

  12. the strong-interaction width of the kaonic 3He and 4He 2p statehttp://arxiv.org/abs/1205.0640v1 New analyses:

  13. Average Theory: -0.13+-0.02 1.8+-0.05 Old kaonic He4 measurements

  14. K-d

  15. Old average K-3He width Figure 5: Comparison of experimental results. Open circle: K-4He 2p state; filled circle: K-3He 2p state. Both are determined by the SIDDHARTA experiment. The average value of the K-4He experiments performed in the 70’s and 80’s is plotted with the open triangle. K-4He width

  16. Kaonic Helium results:- first measurements of KHe3 and in gas He4 - if any shift of 2 p level is present – is small ; same for the width- undergoing – yields determination -> paper- KHe3 measurement took 3 days!!! – proves how EXCELLENT is SIDDHARTA-like method at DAFNE- SIDDHARTA-2 – can do much better: KHe3,4 at eV and try measurement of 1s levels!

  17. Kaonic Hydrogenimpact

  18. Residuals of K-p x-ray spectrum after subtraction of fitted background Kaonic hydrogen higher Kα Kβ EM value K-p Kα

  19. KAONIC HYDROGEN results e1S= −283 ± 36(stat) ± 6(syst) eV G1S= 541 ± 89(stat) ± 22(syst) eV

  20. Kaonic Hydrogen results:- most reliable and precise measurement ever - need to go for Kd! -> SIDDHARTA-2

  21. Kaonic Hydrogen paper cited by 21 papers:1) Relistic calculations of Kbar-N-N, Kbar-N-N-N, and Kbar-Kbar-N-N quasibound statesN. Barnea, A. Gal, E. Z. LivertsPhys. Lett. B 712 (2012) 132-1372) A new perspective on the Faddeev equations and the $\bar{K}NN$ system from chiral dynamics and unitarity in coupled channels Authors: E. Oset, D. Jido, T. Sekihara, A. Martinez Torres, K. P. Khemchandani, M. Bayar, J. Yamagata-Sekihara, Nuclear Physics A in press3) arXiv:1202.2030 , New insights into antikaon-nucleon scattering and the structure of the Lambda(1405) Maxim Mai, Ulf-G. Meißner4) arXiv:1201.6549, Chiral SU(3) theory of antikaon-nucleon interactions with improved threshold constraints Yoichi Ikeda, Tetsuo Hyodo, Wolfram Weise

  22. 5) Kaonic atoms and in-medium $K^-N$ amplitudes , E. Friedman, A. GalNuclear Physics A 881 (2012) 150-158 6) Chirally motivated $\bar{K}N$ amplitudes for in-medium applications A. Cieply, J. Smejkal Nuclear Physics A 7) Future directions in kaonic atom physics E. Friedman, Hyperfine Interactions 209 (2012), 127-1328) arXiv:1109.3005 Improved constraints on chiral SU(3) dynamics from kaonic hydrogen , Yoichi Ikeda , Tetsuo Hyodo , Wolfram Weise9) arXiv:1108.5912, Kaon-nucleon scattering lengths from kaonic deuterium experiments revisited , M. Döring, U.-G. Meißner 10) K^- nuclear potentials from in-medium chirally motivated models A. Cieplý, E. Friedman, A. Gal, D. Gazda, J. Mareš Phys. Lett. B 702, 402 (2011) Phys.Rev.C 84, 045206 (2011) 11) Determination of the pi Sigma scattering lengths from the weak decays of Lambda_c , Tetsuo Hyodo, Makoto Oka (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) Phys.Rev.C84:035201,2011

  23. 12) The nature of the Lambda(1405) resonance in chiral dynamics Tetsuo Hyodo (Tokyo Inst. Tech.), Daisuke Jido (YITP, Kyoto Univ.) Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys.67:55-98,2012 13) arXiv:1103.4974 [pdf, ps, other] One- versus two-pole $\bar{K}N - πΣ$ potential: $K^- d$ scattering length N.V. Shevchenko14) Chirally motivated K^- nuclear potentials A. Cieplý, E. Friedman, A. Gal, D. Gazda, J. MarešPhys. Lett. B 702 (2011) 402-407 15) Energy Level Displacement of Excited np State of Kaonic Deuterium In Faddeev Equation Approach M. Faber, M. P. Faifman, A. N. Ivanov, J. Marton, M. Pitschmann, N. I. TroitskayaPhysical Review C 84,064314 (2011)

  24. Kaonic hydrogen yield New analyses:

  25. DAFNE represents (as always did) an (THE) EXCELLENT FACILITY in the sector of low-energy interaction studies of kaons with nuclear matter. It is actually the IDEAL facility for kaonic atoms studies as SIDDHARTA has demonstrated SIDDHARTA-2 team is ready to restart the measurements, having a multi-step strategy, strating with the Kaonic deuterium

  26. SIDDHARTA(-2) in LEANNIS • Exotic (kaonic) atoms – probes for strong interaction • hadronic shift ε1sand width Γ1sdirectly observable • experimental study of low energy QCD. • Testing chiral symmetry breaking in systems with strangeness • Kaonic hydrogen • scattering lengths, no extrapolation to zero energy • precise experimental data important/missing • kaonic deuterium (never measured before) • determination of the isospin dependent KN scattering lengths • Information on (1405) sub-threshold resonance • responsible for negative real part of scattering amplitude at threshold • important for the search for the controversial „deeply bound kaonic states” (KEK, GSI, DANE, J-PARC) LEANNIS Kick-off meeting, Prague, May 21, 2012 39

  27. SIDDHARTA-2 SIDDHARTA–2 status 40

  28. SIDDHARTA-2 The upgrade of the SIDDHARTA apparatus for an enriched scientific case Exploring the (very) low-energy QCD in the strangeness sector by means of exotic atoms 14 June 2010 41

  29. SIDDHARTA-2 42

  30. Participating Institutions • INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati, Roma, Italy • Stefan Meyer Institut für subatomare Physik, Vienna, Austria • IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania • Univ. Tokyo, Japan • RIKEN, Japan • INFN Sezione Roma1 and Ist. Superiore di Sanita’, Roma, Italy • Univ. Victoria, Victoria B.C., Canada • Politecnico Milano and INFN Milano, Milano, Italy • Excellence Cluster, TUM, Munich, Germany • Univ. Zagreb, Croatia 43

  31. The SIDDHARTA setup 44

  32. The SIDDHARTA-2 setup, essential improvements • new target design • new SDD arrangement • vacuum chamber • more cooling power • improved trigger scheme • shielding and anti-coincidence 45

  33. new target design • new SDD arrangement 46

  34. New target cell and SDD arrangement 47

  35. New target cell and SDD arrangement 48

  36. New target cell prototype LEANNIS Prague, May 21, 2012 49

  37. Burst pressure 3.5 bar (abs.) LEANNIS Prague, May 21, 2012 50

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