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Eye Movements and Visual Attention. Overview: Types of Eye Movement How to Measure Eye Movements Why Eye-Movement Research? Examples of Eye-Movement Studies and Paradigms. An Introduction to Eye-Movement Research. Eye Muscles. Eye Movements. Types of Eye Movement. Fixations:
Overview: Types of Eye Movement How to Measure Eye Movements Why Eye-Movement Research? Examples of Eye-Movement Studies and Paradigms An Introduction toEye-Movement Research
Eye Muscles Eye Movements
Types of Eye Movement Fixations: • The eye is almost motionless, for example, while reading a single, short word. • The information from the scene is almost entirely acquired during fixation. • Duration varies from 100-1000 ms, typically between 200-600 ms. • Typical fixation frequency is about 3 Hz. • Fixations are interspersed with saccades.
Types of Eye Movement Saccades: • Quick “jumps” that connect fixations • Duration is typically between 30 and 120 ms • Very fast (up to 700 degrees/second) • Saccades are ballistic, i.e., the target of a saccade cannot be changed during the movement. • Vision is suppressed during saccades to allow stable perception of surroundings. • Saccades are used to move the fovea to the next object/region of interest.
Types of Eye Movement Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements: • Smooth movement of the eyes for visually tracking a moving object • Cannot be performed in static scenes (fixation/saccade behavior instead)
Types of Eye Movement Torsional Eye Movements: • Rotation of the eye around the viewing axis • Stabilization of visual scene by compensating body rotation (up to about 15 degrees)
Types of Eye Movement Vergence Eye Movements: • Slow, smooth movements changing the vergence angle (the angle between the two viewing axes) • Used for changing gaze from a near to a far object or vice versa • Can take up to one second • Execution is often interrupted if no thorough inspection of the object is required.
Types of Eye Movement Tremor: • Fast, low-amplitude (seconds of arc) eye-movement “jitter” • Improves the perception of high spatial frequencies • Prevents the fading of static images during fixations
How to Measure Eye Movements Mirror on Eyeball • Used in first eye tracking experiments (Yarbus in 1960’s) • Suction cup attaches mirror to eyeball • Light beam is directed at mirror and reflected onto photo sensitive paper • Good spatial resolution but no temporal information • Unpleasant for the subject
How to Measure Eye Movements Electrooculogram (EOG) • Skin electrodes around the eyes measure potential differences • Wide range -- poor accuracy • Better for relative than absolute eye movements • Mainly used in neurological diagnosis
How to Measure Eye Movements Eye Coils • Subject wears contact lens with wire coil • Homogeneous magnetic field around subject allows measurement of gaze angle • Very high temporal and spatial precision • Special coil also allows measurement of torsional eye movements • Very uncomfortable
How to Measure Eye Movements Limbus Tracker • Photo diodes track the boundary between sclera and iris. • High temporal resolution • Poor spatial precision; only for horizontal eye movements • Inexpensive
How to Measure Eye Movements Purkinje Eye Tracker • Laser is aimed at the eye. • Laser light is reflected by cornea and lens • Pattern of reflected light is received by an array of light-sensitive elements. • Very precise • Also measures lens accomodation • No head movements
How to Measure Eye Movements Video-Based Systems • Infrared camera directed at eye • Image processing hardware determines pupil position and size (and possibly corneal reflection) • Good spatial precision (0.5 degrees) for head-mounted systems • Good temporal resolution (up to 500 Hz) possible
How to Measure Eye Movements EyeLink II System: • Binocular • Head-movement compensation (head camera looking at IR markers at monitor) • Temporal resolution 500 Hz • Spatial precision about 0.5 to 1 degree • Gaze-position data available in real-time
How to Measure Eye Movements EyeLink II System Configuration
How to Measure Eye Movements Measuring vergence eye movements in anaglyphs with EyeLink II (poor subject!)
Why Eye-Movement Research? In most eye movement studies, the only types of eye movement that are considered are fixations and saccades. Why? These eye movements indicate a person’s gaze trajectory while performing a certain task. Moreover, they yield information about a person’s visual attention.
Visual Attention • Visual attention is the selective allocation of visual processing resources. • For example, we can focus our attention on a particular object of interest in the visual field. • Visual processing of that object is enhanced while being rather shallow for other objects. • Also, we can respond more quickly and accurately to changes in an attended region. • This prioritization is necessary due to our limited processing resources.
Visual Attention • Example: Posner task: Subjects are instructed to fixate on a central marker. • One of two boxes (left/right) flashes to capture the subject’s attention (an automatic, involuntary response). • After a short delay (stimulus onset asynchrony - SOA) an asterisk appears in one of the boxes. • The subject has to report as quickly as possible in which box the asterisk appeared.
The Posner Attention Task • For short SOAs (< 200 ms), subjects respond faster if flash and asterisk appear on the same side than when they appear on different sides. • Cueing of attention to relevant location allows faster response. • For longer SOAs (up to 1000 ms), subjects respond more slowly if flash and asterisk appear on the same side. • Inhibition-of-Return mechanism makes attention less likely to return to the side of the flash until the asterisk appears.
Why Eye-Movement Research? About eye movements and visual attention: • Usually, saccades follow shifts of attention to provide high acuity at the attended position. • It is possible to look at an object without paying attention to it (staring). • It is possible to shift attention without eye movement (covert shifts of attention). • It is impossible to perform a saccade while not shifting attention. • During specific, natural tasks it is reasonable to assume that saccades follow shifts of attention.
Why Eye-Movement Research? The investigation of visual attention, in turn, is at the core of cognitive science. • Studying visual attention yields insight into general attentional mechanisms. • It can provide information on a person’s stream of conscious and unconscious processing while solving a task. • Attention is closely linked to the concept of consciousness. • Attentional mechanisms could improve artificial vision systems.
Eye-Movement Studies Eye movements while watching a girl’s face (early study by Yarbus, 1967)
Eye-Movement Studies Eye movements as indicators of cognitive processes (Yarbus): • trace 1: examine at will • trace 2: estimate wealth • trace 3: estimate ages • trace 4: guess previous activity • trace 5: remember clothing • trace 6: remember position • trace 7: time since last visit
Eye-Movement Studies Visual scan paths on instruments/dashboards – studies for the improvement of human-computer interfaces
Eye-Movement Studies Gaze trajectory measurement for the optimization of web page layout
Eye-Movement Studies Improving advertisements with eye-movement studies
Face Recognition Gaze-contingent window deteriorates face recognition, allows to identify relevant visual information.