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Lead ( Pb )

Kim Ji Su. Lead ( Pb ). Everything I know about lead~. This pictures are all different shape of lead~. Lead. Lead is a bluish-white shining metal. The features of Lead is really flexible so even though

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Lead ( Pb )

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  1. Kim Ji Su Lead (Pb) Everything I know about lead~

  2. This pictures are all different shape of lead~ Lead Lead is a bluish-white shining metal. The features of Lead is really flexible so even though lead is heavy solid, it is easy to cut and make another shape. Also lead is easy to combine with other metal.The acid won’t effected on lead.

  3. Basic information about lead~ Name: Lead Symbol: Pb Atomic number: 82 Atomic weight: 207.2 (1) [see notes g m] Standard state: solid at 298 K CAS Registry ID: 7439-92-1 Group in periodic table: 14 Group name: (none) Period in periodic table: 6 Block in periodic table: p-block Color: bluish white Classification: Metallic Type : metal Density 293 K:11.34g/cm3 States : Solid

  4. The history of lead • Lead was one of the earliest metals discovered by the human race and was used in 3000 B.C. • Archaeologists discovered lead in Egypt. • The manner in which prehistoric people extracted lead from its minerals is not well-known • Lead was used for thousands of years because it is easy to get from the ground and easy to shape and work with it. • The romans used lead commonly.

  5. What kinds of effect? ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Tetra-Ethel lead was used is gasoline until the 1970's. It was out lawed because the lead was causing birth defects, health problems, and poisoning the environment. Lead flexes well with the metal without cracking. However, body fillers have improved through the years and flexes as well, but lead is superior for flexing without cracking. If you are slightly low on an edge or body line, lead provides a better edge that body filler. In fact, body filler is not recommended for building edges or body lines. Lead does not work well on thinner metals. More care must be taken when working with thinner metals to prevent overheating or weakening the metal. Since heat and filing is required to use lead, it will not work well on thinner metals.

  6. - A rise in blood pressure • - Kidney damage • - Miscarriages and subtle abortions • - Disruption of nervous systems • - Brain damage • - Declined fertility of men through sperm damage • - Diminished learning abilities of children • Behaviouraldisruptions of children, such as aggression, impulsive behavior and hyperactivity Lead can cause several unwanted effects

  7. Lead : physical properties • Melting point : Boiling point : • Density of solid :

  8. Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning and death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous. Tomato react with lead plate

  9. The ancient Romans used lead for making water pipes and lining baths, and the plumber who joins and mends pipes takes his name from the Latin word plumbum, meaning lead. Plumbum is also the origin of the terms 'plumb bob' and 'plumb line,' used in surveying and also the chemical symbol for lead, Pb. In medieval times, lead came to be used for roofing, coffins, cisterns, tanks, and gutters, and for statues and ornaments. Another early use of lead was for the strips joining the pieces of colored glass in church windows. How did ancient people used lead?

  10. Following World War I, the demand for lead increased because of growth in the production of motorized vehicles, many of which use lead-acid batteries to start their engines. The use of lead as radiation shielding in medical analysis and video display equipment and as an additive in gasoline also contributed to an increase in the demand for lead. How do we use Lead today

  11. Where can we find lead? Lead is a natural element which is widely distributed in soils, rocks and in rivers and the sea. People are most familiar with lead as a dull grey metal used in water pipes and for roofing, but in nature lead usually exists combined with other chemical elements. Native lead is rare in nature. Currently lead is usually found in ore with zinc, silver and copper and it is extracted together with these metals.

  12. What do I think about lead? I think lead is bad thing. This is because I think it cause so many disadvantages to human and environment. Even though there are still good reason about lead, but I think it’s not really safe for people. Even some people died because of the lead. Not only lead cause disadvantages to human but also it cause bad thing to environment. Therefore, I really think that lead is not really good things. However, if the lead is safe for people and don’t cause any problem I think I would say lead is good thing too. but unfortunately it causes bad problems.

  13. Bibliography http://www.collisionblast.com/2012/03/24/lead-filler-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-using-lead-for-repairing-dents/ http://www.webelements.com/lead/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?cid=1608&docId=533209&mobile&categoryId=1608 http://www.epa.gov/history/topics/perspect/lead.html http://corrosion-doctors.org/Elements-Toxic/Lead-history.htm http://historymedren.about.com/od/dailylifesociety/a/bod_tomatoes.htm

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