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Objective : To be able to conjugate Latin verbs in the present tense and active voice. IX/XXIV/MMXII. Do Now : Take out your handouts from Friday and receive a new handout Take and annotate your Vocabulary Flashcard handout and Present Tense formation handout from today
Objective: To be able to conjugate Latin verbs in the present tense and active voice IX/XXIV/MMXII Do Now: • Take out your handouts from Friday and receive a new handout • Take and annotate your Vocabulary Flashcard handout and Present Tense formation handout from today • Begin to complete your Present Tense Verbs handout HOMEWORK #5- Present Tense verbs homework handout and flashcards for 5 verbs (amō, habeō, dūcō, capio, audiō). Open Notes quiz tomorrow on Parts of Speech and 3rd person singular and plural verbs
Objective: To be able to conjugate verbs in the present active tense in all conjugations IX/XXVII/MMXII Do Now: • Take out a pen (black or blue) and have your red pen handy and get ready for your quiz • HOMEWORK #8: Study for your Verb quiz tomorrow! • Once you complete your quiz, take out your homework (Present Tense Verbs) for review
Present Tense Verbs Homework • Circle the correct form of the verb according to the subject of the sentence. • Out of nothing, Chaos(apparet/ appareō/ apparent). • Terra and Uranus(prōdūcunt/ prōdūcit/ prōdūcimus) many children. • We(amō/ amātis/ amāmus) Eros because of his golden wings. • You(venis/ venit/ veniō) to Tartarus at the end of your life. • You all(capimus/ capiunt / capitis) the day, living your lives to the fullest.
Present Tense Verbs Homework • amō, amās, amat • habēs, habēmus, habent • prōdūcimus, prōdūcitis, prōdūcunt • venīs, venīmus, veniunt • capis, capitis, capimus I love, you love, he/she/it loves you have, we have, they have we produce, you all produce, they produce you arrive, we arrive, they arrive you take, you all take, we take
Present Tense Verbs Homework • I take = _________________________ • we have = _________________________ • you love = _________________________ • they lead = _________________________ • he hears = _________________________ capiō habēmus amās dūcunt audit
How do we form a Present Active Verb? PRESENT ACTIVE VOICE: Remove the -_______ from the 2nd principle part to create your Present Stem and add Present Active Endings • 1st conjugation: portō, portāre = to carry, Present Stem = ________________ • 2nd conjugation: doceō, docēre = to teach, Present Stem = _________________ • 3rd conjugation (regular): ponō, ponere = to place, Present Stem = _______________ • 3rd conjugation (-io): capiō, capere = to seize, Present Stem = ___________________ • 4th conjugation: audiō, audīre = to hear, Present Stem = __________________ -re porta- doce-- pone-- cape-- audī--
Present Active Endings -ō -s -t -mus -tis -(u)nt
Conjugate audiō, audīrein the present tense, active voice • audiō, audīre– I listen, to listen • What conjugation number is it? _____ 4th PRESENT audiō audīs audit audīmus auditis audiunt translation I hear you hear he/she hears we hear you all hear they hear Follow Rules ii and iii
How do we determine the conjugation number of a verb? • Look to the vowel before the –re in the 2nd principal part • If the vowel is ‘ā’ as in ‘amāre’, its 1st conjugation • If the vowel is ‘ē’ as in ‘habēre’, its 2nd conjugation • If the vowel is ‘e’ as in ‘dūcere’ its 3rd regular conjugation • If the vowel is ‘e’ as in ‘capere’ AND the 1st principal part ends in –iō(capiō) its 3rd –iō conjugation • If the vowel is ‘ī’ as in ‘audīre’, its 4th conjugation
Conjugate habeō, habērein the present tense, active voice • habeō, habēre– I have, to have • What conjugation number is it? _____ 2nd PRESENT habeō habēs habet habēmus habētis habent translation I have you have he/she has we have you all have they have
Conjugate amō, amārein the present tense, active voice • amō, amāre– I love, to love • What conjugation number is it? _____ 1st PRESENT amō amās amat amāmus amātis amant translation I love you love he/she loves we love you all love they love
Conjugate dūcō, dūcerein the present tense, active voice • dūcō, dūcere– I lead, to lead • What conjugation number is it? _____ 3rdreg PRESENT dūcō ducis ducit ducimus ducitis ducunt translation I lead you lead he/she leads we lead you all lead they lead Follow Rules i, ii, and iii and iv
Conjugate capiō, caperein the present tense, active voice • capiō, capere– I take, to take • What conjugation number is it? _____ 3rd -io PRESENT capiō capis capit capimus capitis capiunt translation I take you take he/she takes we take you all take they take Follow Rules ii and iii
Making Vocabulary FlashcardsFRONT SIDE Term 1 amō, amāre 1st conjugation
Making Vocabulary FlashcardsBACK SIDE I love, to love amorous, amatory
Sicilia • The word ‘Sicilia’ appears in this text with 4 DIFFERENT endings. What are they? • _______________ • _______________ • _______________ • _______________ • What function does the word in bold have in each of these sentences? • Siciliaest magna īnsula (line 1): ___________________________ • In Siciliāvītaestdūra (line 2): ______________________________ • FamiliaeSiciliam….amant (line 6): ______________________________ • Magna estfāmaSiciliae(line 1): _______________________________ • Familiaepuellāsbonāsamant (line 5): _________________________________ -a -ae -am -ā Subject, singular Prepositional Phrase Direct Object receives the action of the verb Possessive noun Subject, plural
Objective: To be able to recognize how noun endings reflect the function of a word in a sentence X/IV/MMXII Do Now: • Take out your ‘The Rise of Jupiter’ handout and flashcards for inspection • Take a ‘Clash of the Titans’ handout and begin to read and annotate the Latin passage • HOMEWORK #12: Complete the Exerceamus section of the bottom of your handout
subject -a -ae -us -ī direct object -am -ās -um -ōs
Exerceamus!Annotate and translate the following sentences using your Declension charts to help you. • aquamvidēs ____________________________________ • magistrumaudīmus. ____________________________________ • magister discipulōsdūcit. ____________________________________ • deafīliōsamat. ____________________________________ • fīliusdeam petit. ____________________________________ • Terra et fīliusŪranumvincunt. ____________________________________ You see the water We hear the teacher The teacher leads the students The goddess loves (her) children The son looks for the goddess Terra and her son conquer Uranus
Quiz 3: Present Active Tense Verbs • In order to form a Present Tense verb, we remove the -____________ from the __________ principal part, or the infinitive, of the verb to get the Present Stem • Ex. Present Stem of habeō, habēre = ______________ • To form a Latin verb, we add the _______________ to the Present Active Endings 2nd -re habē- Present Stem
Conjugate habeō, habēre I have habeō habēs you have he/she/it has habet habēmus we have you all have habētis habent they have
Nouns and the Case System • Circle the subjects of the following Latin sentences: • Gaia et Ūranusmultōsfiliōsprōdūcunt. • Cyclopes taetrīsunt, Titanīpulchrīsunt. • Ūranustaetrōsfiliōscelat. • Gaia lacrimat. • Nominative Endings: • ‘a’ as in Gaia • ‘us’ as in Ūranus • ‘es’ as in Cyclopes • ‘ī’ as in Titanī
Objective: To be able to recognize translate Latin sentences accurately based on our knowledge nominative and accusative noun endings X/V/MMXII Do Now: • Take out your ‘Clash of the Titans’ handout for inspection • Compare your homework answers with those of the other members of your group. Explain what you came up with and how you got there • HOMEWORK #14: • Complete the Family Tree and Cogitate section of the bottom of your handout. • Make flashcards for the vocabulary terms in the box of your ‘Clash of the Titans handout’ • Quiz Tuesday on noun endings and flashcard vocabulary .
Exerceamus! Annotate and write in Latin • The goddess sees her son. _____________________________________________________ • The children listen to the water. _____________________________________________________ • The woman prepares a stone. _____________________________________________________ • The goddesses love (their) kingdom. _____________________________________________________ • Uranus looks for water. _____________________________________________________ deafiliumvidet filiīaquamaudiunt fēminasaxumparat deae regnum amant Ūranusaquam petit
The Clash of the Titans in OlympōIuppiter, adultus, deōs et deāsconvocat: ‘cum Tītānīspugnāmus. abSāturnōrēgnumcapimus. deōs et deāsdūcō, et Tītānōsvincimus.’ Sāturnusrēgnumnōncēdit. deīOlympiī bellum parant. IuppitervastōsfīliōsTerraehabet. OlympiīTītānōsvincunt. Iuppiter et Neptūnus et Plūtorēgnapetunt. Iuppitercaelum, Neptūnusaquam, Plūtorēgnum sub Terrācapit et trēsgermanīterramregunt.
Family Tree of the Greek Theogony Olympians
The Rise of the Titans • Gaia and Uranus produce many children, some ugly (the Cyclopes and Hectonchires) and some beautiful (the 12 Titans) • Ashamed, Uranus hides the ugly children in a cave • Seeking revenge against her husband, Gaia forces her children to punish their father for his misdeed • Cronus murders his father Uranus with a sickle and castrates him • Uranus’ castrated genitals fall into the sea and from their foam Aphrodite is created
Legacy of Patricide • Cronus now takes his father place as ruler of the cosmos • Gaia and Uranus prophesize that one of Cronus’ children will overthrow him • Cronus and his sister Rhea give birth to 6 children, the Olymians, and to avoid being overthrown, Cronus swallows his children • To save her son, Jupiter, Rhea deceives Cronus and feeds him a rock in place of her child • Rhea takes Jupiter to the island of Crete to raise him in secrecy
Objective: To be able to identify the function of a noun based on its gender X/IX/MMXII Do Now: • Take out a black or blue pen for your quiz and clear your desk • Take out your homework for inspection • Fill out the top of your Noun Gender handout • HOMEWORK #15: • Complete your Noun Gender handout. • Make flashcards for the vocabulary words at the bottom of your handout • Begin to study your translations for your Translatiō examination on Monday 10/15
Quiz 5- Nominative and Accusative • deaaquamvidet • discipulīsaxumparant • fēminaefiliōspetunt • The teacher hears the (female) student • The women love (their) kingdom The goddess sees the water The students prepare a stone The women look for their sons magistra/magister discipulam audit fēminae regnum amant
The Clash of the Titans in OlympōIuppiter, adultus, deōs et deāsconvocat: ‘cum Tītānīspugnāmus. abSāturnōrēgnumcapimus. deōs et deāsdūcō, et Tītānōsvincimus.’ Sāturnusrēgnumnōncēdit. deīOlympiī bellum parant. IuppitervastōsfīliōsTerraehabet. OlympiīTītānōsvincunt. Iuppiter et Neptūnus et Plūtorēgnapetunt. Iuppitercaelum, Neptūnusaquam, Plūtorēgnum sub Terrācapit et trēsgermanīterramregunt.
Gender • What is gender? • How do is noun gender determined? • How does noun gender relate to noun endings?
subject -a -ae -us -ī direct object -am -ās -um -ōs
Objective: To be able to identify the function of a noun based on its gender X/X/MMXII Do Now: • Take out your Noun Gender handout and flashcards for inspection • Compare the answers you got on your homework to those of your table members • Take out a red pen for corrections • HOMEWORK #16: • Study your flashcards and noun endings (for 1st, 2nd declensions in ALL genders) for a quiz tomorrow • Begin to study your translations for your Translatiō examination on Monday 10/15
-um -a -a -um Nominative singular and accusative singular are ALWAYS the same for neuter nouns Nominative plural and accusative plural endings are ALWAYS the same for neuter nouns
Because nominatives and accusatives look the same, you must use context to decide. • Iuppitercaelumregit. What case is caelum? How do you know? _________________________________ • monstrumpuerōsterret.Whatcase is monstrum? How do you know? ________________________ Accusative IuppiterDOES NOT have an accusative ending, so caelummust be accusative Nominative puerōsDOES have an accusative ending, so monstrummust be nominative
It is very important that you learn a noun completely, i.e. nominative (1st form), genitive (2nd form), gender, and meaning. • silva(from silva, silvae, f. forest) is __________________________________ • caela(from caelum, caelī, n. sky) is __________________________________ • Why is it so important to know that silva is 1st declension feminine and caela is 2nd declension neuter? nominative singular 1st declension must be a singular subject nominative or accusative plural 2nd declension must be a plural subject OR plural direct object To know that silvacan ONLY be a singular subject and that caelacan be ONLY EITHER a plural subject or a plural direct object
Exerceamus! Read, ANNOTATE, and translate. • deīrēgnumhabent. __________________________________________ 2. nymphāsantrumservat. __________________________________________ 3. deacaelaamat. __________________________________________ the gods have a kingdom the cave preserves the nymphs the goddess loves the heavens/skys
Nominative and Accusative Practice Worksheet • Work independently on your Nominative and Accusative Practice handout, though you may consult your table members • USE the following items to help you: • flashcards • noun endings charts • noun declension worksheets Once you’ve completed your worksheet, raise your hand for me to check your work and I will give you your next assignment
Objective: Tobe able to translate sentences correctly by identifying noun and verb endings X/XI/MMXII Do Now: • Take out your Nominative and Accusative Practice worksheet for inspection • Compare the answers you got on your homework to those of your table members • Take out your Clash of the Titans handout • Take out a red pen for corrections • HOMEWORK #17: • Translate the text ‘The Olympians’ on your HW handout • Make flashcards for the starred (*) vocabulary words from your ‘The Olympians’ handout • Begin to study your translations for your Translatiō examination on Tuesday 10/16
Annotate and supply the correct Latin word form for the words in brackets: • [The gods] (in Olympō) bellum parant. deī(nom. pl. 2nd decl. from deus, -īm.) • Iuppiter[the sky] regit. _____________________ • [The kingdoms] deās et deōs servant. _____________________ • OlympīTitanōs [conquer]. _____________________ • magistradiscipulōs [loves]. _____________________ • (The women) saxapetunt._____________________ • discipulus(female student) audit. _____________________ • Gaia (Ūranus) vincit. _____________________ • (The sibilings) terramregunt._____________________ caelum (acc. sing. 2nd decl. n.) rēgna (nom. pl. 2nd decl. n.) vincunt (3rd person pl.) amat (3rd person sing.) fēminae (nom. pl. 1st decl. f.) discipulam (acc. sing. 1st decl. f. ) Ūranum (acc. sing. 2nd decl. m.) germanī (nom. pl. 2nd decl. m.)
The Clash of the Titans • in OlympōIuppiter, adultus, deōs et deāsconvocat: • ‘cum Tītānīspugnāmus. • abSāturnōrēgnumcapimus. • deōset deāsdūcō, et Tītānōsvincimus.’ • Sāturnusrēgnumnōncēdit. • deīOlympiī bellum parant. • IuppitervastōsfīliōsTerraehabet. • OlympiīTītānōsvincunt. • Iuppiteret Neptūnus et Plūtorēgnapetunt. • Iuppitercaelum, Neptūnusaquam, Plūtorēgnum sub Terrācapit et trēsgermanīterramregunt.
Objective: Tobe able to translate sentences correctly by identifying noun and verb endings; to be able to review for our Translatiō X/XV/MMXII Do Now: • Take out your flashcards and The Olympians handout and translation. • Wait to receive back your Family Tree of the Theogony handout • Take out a red pen for corrections • Wait to receive back your More Nominative and Accusative Practice worksheet • HOMEWORK #17: STUDY FOR YOUR TRANSLATIO EXAM TOMORROW!
The Olympians • Iuppiter III germānās et II germānōshabet. • Jupiter has 3 sisters and 2 brothers. • germānusNeptūnusaquāsrēgit et terrāsmovet et equumfacit. • (His) brother Neptune rules the waters (seas) and moves lands and rides a horse. • PlūtoOrcumhabet. • Pluto has the underworld. • Orcus estrēgnumquōmortuīveniunt. • The underworld is the kingdom where the dead arrive. • prōpoenāTītānī habitant in Tartarō in Orcō. • As punishment the Titans live in Tartarus in the underworld.
The Olympians • Iuno, germāna, estrēgīnadeōrum. • Juno, (the siste), is the queen of the gods • deamātrimōniumservat. • The goddess preserves marriage • Cerēsagrōsservat et virīs et fēminīsfrūmentum dat. • Ceres preserves fields and gives grain to men and women. • Vestafocumservat et in flammīs habitat. • Vesta preserves the hearth and lives in flames.
More Nominative and Accusative Practice Worksheet • Complete your worksheet from Friday independently • You may consult your table members quietly for help • When you are done, raise your hand to receive your check LI Term 1
Translatiō Exam, Term 1 • Take out a blue or black pen ONLY • You may use a piece of scrap paper to write on as well though your final draft will go on the back of your Translatiō • The first and last lines of the Translatiō (which are underlined) are translated for you on the back • TRASLATE THE VERB ‘videt’ in line 6 TWICE in your translation of that sentence • Words in italics are glossed for you in the box in the center of your paper • Cover your test paper with the arm you do not write with. • You have the full period to complete your exam • If you finish early, turn your exam in and you may take out other NON-LATIN work for the remainder of the period • Bona fortūna, discipulī et discipulae!
Objective: Tobe able to identify and translate nouns in the ablative case in prepositional phrases X/XVIII/MMXII Do Now: • With a partner at your table, briefly discuss the following: • On a scale of 1-5, how difficult was the Translatiō we took yesterday? • Looking back, one thing I would have done differently was ____________ • HOMEWORK #18: Make flashcards for the words at the bottom of your Ablative worksheet. • Study for a high stakes quiz on 1st and 2nd declension noun endings (nominative, accusative, and ablative cases) TOMORROW!
Exerceāmus!Annotate and translate the following sentences. Remember to put (parentheses) around prepositional phrases! • IuppiterāSaturnōrēgnumcapit = _______________________________________________ • puella in agrōambulat = _______________________________________________ • dea cum filiālacrimat = _______________________________________________ Translate the following prepositional phrases into Latin • from the kingdom = ________________________ • without the woman = ________________________ • beneath the earth = ________________________ Jupiter takes the kingdom from Saturn the girl walks in the field the goddess weeps with (her) daughter ārēgnō, dērēgnō sine fēminā sub terrā
Objective: Tobe able to identify and translate nouns in the ablative case in prepositional phrases and imperfect tense verbs X/XIX/MMXII Do Now: • Take out a black or blue pen for your quiz • Once you are done, read and annotate the front side of your Imperfect Tense handout • HOMEWORK #18: Make flashcards for the words starred in your Imperfect Tense reading. Complete your Daphne and Apollo translation and the verb chart at the bottom of your handout