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Responding to the Need for Nurses: A Pilot Project

Responding to the Need for Nurses: A Pilot Project. Healthcare Share Spring Conference April 7, 2006. It’s in the news… and it’s happening everywhere. Nursing Shortage

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Responding to the Need for Nurses: A Pilot Project

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  1. Responding to the Need for Nurses:A Pilot Project Healthcare Share Spring Conference April 7, 2006

  2. It’s in the news…and it’s happening everywhere Nursing Shortage Nursing is the nation’s hottest job and that status is unlikely to change for at least a decade, according to new government employment statistics. FYI - Nursing Shortage The nursing shortage in Virginia Nursing Shortage--a world wide problem! What's the scoop on the nursing shortage? Nursing Shortage LoomsHealthcare Leaders Grapple With Workforce Issues

  3. Partnering for Excellence in Health Careers EducationVision Statement: Harper College Health Career programs

  4. Project goals • To provide the Nursing Program curriculum in a flexible, responsive, and accountable manner to community partners. • To provide on-site healthcare core courses that will improve career pathways within the agencies.

  5. Harper College’s Role • Offer fully accredited Nursing Program in a manner that supports the healthcare worker • Offer Health Science Core courses on site at partner hospitals • Use standard procedures and protocols • Provide on-site advising • Hire and facilitate contracts for faculty

  6. Hospital Partners’ Roles • Provide clinical sites for students in all areas of the curriculum • Support their participating employees • Cost-sharing with Harper College

  7. Collaborative Efforts • Determine academic calendar and class schedule • Seek grant funding

  8. Critical Skills Shortages Initiative (CSSI) • July ’04 CSSI application with plans to address the healthcare skill shortages • Nov ’04 awarded $150,000 for initial cohort (i.e., faculty, lab supplies, lab support, advising, licensing fees) • July ’05 awarded additional funding • March ’06 awarded second year funding for initial cohort

  9. Implementation:Nursing Program

  10. Nursing Program Expansion Began March 4, 2005 Classes/lab at Harper College every Friday, 9-5 Clinicals at NWH and SAMC every other Sat/Sun Complete LPN January 2006 Complete RN December 2006

  11. Nursing Program Expansion • Admission 3/05 Admitted 20 qualified applicants from the partner hospitals. Priority given for having more general education courses complete. • Curriculum Offered NLNAC accredited IDFPR approved program

  12. Nursing Program Expansion • Faculty Hired one fulltime faculty and one adjunct faculty • Theory/Lab/Clinical instruction Adapted to FRI/weekend format • Lab supplies/support Lab assistant and peer tutors hired

  13. Nursing Program Expansion • Advising Academic and nonacademic advising/counseling • Attrition Qualified students prepared to join this cohort • Licensing Exit exam and licensing fees paid by the grant

  14. Implementation:On-site Health Science Core

  15. On-site Health Science Core Courses • 5 Classes offered on site at a preferred day and time for participants • Courses: • Computer Usage in Healthcare • Introduction to the Health Care Field • Medical Terminology • Health Care Law and Ethics • Pharmacology

  16. On-site Health Science Core Courses • The courses offered are part of a group of core classes and are prerequisites into several career programs at Harper College • Curriculum is identical in objectives to on-campus classes but adapted to surroundings

  17. Cardiac Technologist Nursing Dietetic Technician Health Insurance Specialist Radiology Technologist Diagnostic Sonography Health Care Secretary Certificate Etc. On-site Health Science CorePotential Careers

  18. On-site Health Science Core • Began March 2005 with 20 participants from each site. • Classes at NWH at 4pm on Tues/Thurs • Classes at St. Alexius at 5pm on Mon/Wed • Classes ran consecutively with little time off (July 4th week, etc.) • Completed all 5 classes December 2005

  19. Health Science Core • Faculty Adjunct faculty were used, including some hospital staff from the site • Advising Academic and nonacademic advising/ counseling were held on-site, on-campus, and telephonically/ electronically as applicable. Topics included test taking skills, memorization techniques and career pathing

  20. Health Science Core Retention • 23 completed all 5 classes • 31 completed at least 4 classes • 35 completed at least 3 classes • 38 completed at least 2 classes

  21. Program Evaluation:Methodology and Results

  22. A multi-method research strategy • Survey of Current Students • Other Student Information • Course grades • Usage of Advising and Counseling services • Exit Interview of Non-Continuing Students • Supervisor Assessment of the program

  23. Survey of Current Students • What students liked best about the program • Satisfaction with facets of instruction

  24. Survey of Current Students: Results

  25. Survey of Current Students: Results

  26. Student Information • Grades • Advising & Counseling • Application to other Healthcare programs (HSC students only)

  27. Student Information: Grades

  28. Student Information: Usage of Advising and Counseling Services • Harper’s advisors have had approximately 240 student contacts since the program started • Student contacts include individual counseling sessions, group counseling sessions, and informal discussions Approximately 80% of the contacts occurred during scheduled group sessions • Most of the contacts (nearly 90%) occurred in the first semesters of the program

  29. Student Information: Application to Other Health Programs • Among the HSC students, 8 have already applied to Harper’s limited enrollment health careers programs: • 5 have applied to Nursing • 2 have applied to Radiologic Technology • 1 has applied to Sonography • Admissions decisions are pending

  30. Exit Interviews: Results • Exit interviews are ongoing, have been conducted with 9 students • They left the program due to their schedules, test-taking skills, and other events in their lives

  31. Supervisor Assessment • Current impact of the programs • Expected future impact • Should the programs continue

  32. Supervisor Assessment: Results

  33. Supervisor Assessment: Results

  34. Supervisor Assessment: Results

  35. Supervisor Assessment: Results • Supervisors believe that employees are getting a lot out of the program • Supervisors noted the importance of retaining employees after they finish the program • retention of skilled employees is always an issue • they believe that retention is more likely under this structure than traditional classes

  36. Summary • Students are engaged in the program: 84 to 98% were satisfied or very satisfied with each rated aspect. The program fits their schedule, prepares them for a career, and is interesting • Students are successful in the program: overall nearly 50% are getting As in their classes; 94.5% are passing their classes • Few students are exiting the program; those that do indicate a desire to return when circumstances allow • Supervisors are already seeing some positive results in employee morale, motivation, knowledge, and skills, and expect to see more positive impact in the future

  37. Lessons Learned

  38. Successes and Challenges Successes • Student satisfaction • Partner collaboration • Employee morale • College resources and staffing • Increased numbers of licensed nurses • Increased numbers prepared to enter other allied health care programs

  39. Successes and Challenges Challenges • Short turn around for funding request • Impact on other college departments • Timeliness of tuition reimbursement • Weekend schedule • Access to ancillary services on the weekend • Student/faculty connection to the college

  40. Successes and Challenges Challenges • Securing staff • schedule • salary • Acceptance of change and recognition that things can be done differently • Ongoing funding support

  41. Next steps Remaining timetable for pilot project - Nursing Friday/weekend cohort (n=20) • March/April 2006 – anticipated LPNs • December 2006 – anticipated RNs

  42. Next steps Remaining timetable for pilot project – Health Science Core • 2 new cohort groups started in January at NWH and SAMC with another 40 participants. Course involved are: • Computer Usage in Healthcare • Introduction to the Health Care Field • Medical Terminology • Added partner in Good Shepard Hospital with new cohort in Health Science Core

  43. Next steps (cont.) • Sustain and initiate new partnerships • Continue dual admission into Nursing Program • Increase enrollment in Nursing Program • Continue on-site offerings of health science core courses

  44. Contact Information Harper College Web site www.harpercollege.edu Peg Gallagher, Director of Grants & Strategic Initiatives pgallagh@harpercollege.edu Joe Baumann, Manager Academic Research Services jbaumann@harpercollege.edu Elizabeth Pagenkopf, Chair Health Science Core epagenko@harpercollege.edu

  45. QUESTIONS?? Thank you 

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