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Shifting to Sustainability : Trusting the Next Generation to be Change Agents

Shifting to Sustainability : Trusting the Next Generation to be Change Agents. Dr. Jan Bartlett Associate professor and clinical school counseling coordinator Kayla Selby mA Candidate, School Counseling Sofia Seliger MA Candidate, School Counseling University of Northern Iowa.

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Shifting to Sustainability : Trusting the Next Generation to be Change Agents

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  1. Shifting to Sustainability: Trusting the Next Generation to be Change Agents Dr. Jan BartlettAssociate professor and clinical school counseling coordinator Kayla Selby mA Candidate, School Counseling Sofia SeligerMA Candidate, School Counseling University of Northern Iowa

  2. Welcome!We appreciate your voice, opinion, passion, understanding, and energy. Welcome to the “TABLES to create CHANGE”WE are here to co-create strategies to meaningfully connect with students 15-24, enlisting them to become change agents and problem solvers. This session will be interactive and student led. Our goal is for participants to leave the session with a plan to engage thousands of young people in co-creating a vision for future and steps to achieve the dream. No meaningful change happens without young people being involved. To find solutions to the many challenges facing our planet, communities, and individuals….all voices are needed at the table.

  3. No meaningful change happens without the involvement of young people The goal of this session is to develop strategies for increasing numbers of youth to become change agents in their communities; tackling the questions that matter.

  4. WORKSHOP FRAMEWORK • Open Space Technology • World Café • Appreciative Inquiry

  5. Whoever comes are the right people Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened Whenever it starts is the right time When it’s over it’s over OPEN SPACE TECHNOLOGY 4 Key Principles

  6. World Café 7 Design Principles Set the context Create hospitable space Explore questions that matter Encourage everyone's contribution Cross-pollinate and connect diverse perspectives Listen together for patterns, insights, and deeper questions Harvest and share collective discoveries

  7. Appreciative Inquiry Appreciate • Recognize the quality, significance or magnitude of • To be fully aware of or sensitive to • To raise in value or price Inquiry • The process of gathering information for the purpose of learning and changing. • A close examination in a quest for truth.

  8. A LITTLE DATA… • State of the World • World-o-Meters

  9. State of People • In 2012, an estimated 9.6 million adults diagnosed with Mental Illness in the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health • Every 5th Teenage either attempts or contemplates sucide • 28.8% of U.S. adults diagnosed with anxiety disorder National Institute of Mental Health • 20.8% diagnosed with mood disorder • 16.5% being diagnosed with depression National Institute of Mental Health

  10. Society’s Shifting Context • Adam Smith, 1723-1790, Wealth of Nations • Our desire for a life without shame…. • A linen shirt Today what is considered “required” to be “in style”? • Economist, Tim Jackson said…today people spend money they do not have, on stuff they do not need, to impress people they do not really care about, to create impressions that do not last.

  11. In the past 60 years… Human beings have consumed more than ALL the people before combined!! USA consumes the most!

  12. How do we change behavior, with Fun!http://www.thefuntheory Piano Stair Bottle Bank Arcade The world’s Deepest Bin

  13. PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO GROUP MEMBERS What drew you to this session and what ideas did you bring?

  14. Reimagine the future. What does it look like? Round one

  15. Round Two Where did your discussion go? What comes next?

  16. How do we move forward? Round three

  17. “Happy” the Film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcMQmuvzPmI

  18. Closing activity

  19. Film Resources FILMS • Happy (2013) • A Place at the Table (2013) • Transition Towns 2.0 (2012) • Fork over Knives (2011) • Economics of Happiness (2011) • “I am” (2011) • Waiting for Superman (2010) • The Organic Opportunity, Woodbury County, IA (2007)

  20. Reading Resources • Braly, J., and Hoggan, R. (2012) Dangerous Grains: Why gluten cereal grains may be hazardous to your health. New York: Penguin Group. • Blanchard, G. (2011). Ancient Ways: Indigenous healing innovations for the 21st century. • MA, Holyoke: NEARI Press. • Brumberg, J. J. (1997). The body project: An intimate history of American girls. New • York: Random House. • Buettner, D. (2010). Thrive: Finding happiness the blue zones way. Washington D.C.: • National Geographic. • Buettner, D. (2008). The blue zone: Lessons for living longer from the people who’ve lived the • longest. Washington D.C.: National Geographic. • Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers: The story of success. New York: Little, Brown, and Company. • Glendinning, C. (1994). My name is Chellis & I’m in recovery from western civilization. Boston, • MA: Shambhala Publications.

  21. More…. • Grimes, R. L. (2000). Deeply into the bone: Re-inventing rites of passage (life passages). • Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. • Heinberg, R., Lerch, D. (2010). The post carbon reader: Managing the 21st century’s • sustainability crises. Healdsburg: Watershed Media. • Jordan, J. B., Kaplan, A. G., Miller, J. B., Stiver, I. P., & Surrey, J. L., (1991). Women’s growth • in connection: Writings from the Stone Center. New York: The Guilford Press. • Kellert, S. R. (2012). Birthright: People and nature in the modern world. New Haven, CT: Yale • University Press. • Kindlon, D., & Thompson, M. (2000). Raising Cain: Protecting the emotional life of boys. New • York: Ballantine. • Korten, D.C. (2006). The great turning: From empire to earth community. San Franscico: • Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. • Lappé, A. (2010). Diet for a hot new planet: The climate crisis at the end of your fork and what • you can do about it. New York: Bloomsbury. • Leonard, A. (2010). The story of stuff: How our obsession with stuff is trashing the planet, our • communities, and our health – and a vision of for change. New York: Free Press.

  22. And more….. • Maté, G. (2011). When the body says no: Exploring the stress-disease connection. Hoboken: • John Wiley & Sons, Inc. • Maté, G. (2010). In the realm of hungry ghosts: Close encounters with addition. Berkeley: North • Atlantic Books. • Maté G. (1999). Scattered: How attention deficit disorder originates and what you can do about • it. New York: Plume. • Mead, M. (1970). Culture and commitment: The new relationships between the generations in • the 1970s. New York: Columbia University Press. • McKibben, B. (2010). Eaarth: Making a life on a tough new planet. New York: Time Books. • McKibben, B. (2007). Deep Economy:The wealth of communities and the durable future. New • York: Holt Paperwork. • Miller, J. Neufled, G., & Maté, G. (2006). Hold onto your kids: Why parents need to matter more than • peers. New York: Ballatine Books. • O’Brien, R. & Kranz, R. (2010). The unhealthy truth: One mother's shocking investigation into the • dangers of America's food supply. New York: Broadway Books/Crown Publishing Group .

  23. And more still…. • Pipher, M. (1999). Another country: Navigating the emotional terrain of our elders. New York: • Penguin Putnam. • Pipher, M. (1994). Reviving Ophelia: Saving the selves of adolescent girls. New York: • Ballantine. • Plotkin, B. (2008). Nature and the human soul: Cultivating wholeness and community in a fragmented • world.Novato, CA: New World Library. • Pollack, W. (1998). Real boys:Rescuing our sons from the myths of boyhood. New York: An • Owl Book, Henry Holt. • Ray, R. H., & Anderson, S. R. (2000). Cultural Creatives. New York: Harmony. • Robb, C. (2006). This changes everything: The relational revolution in psychology. New York: • Farrar, S, and Giroux. • Shenk, D. (2010). The genius in all of us: Why everything you’ve been told about genetics, talent • and IQ is wrong. New York: Doubleday. • Wheatley, M., & Frieze, D. (2011). Walk Out Walk On: A learning journey into communities • daring to live the future now. CA: San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.

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