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High School Essentials. CAO Meeting February 2013 Dr. Andrews Chief Academic Officer. Mark Howard, Director Research, Evaluation and Assessment. high School accountability. How many changes to the FDOE Accountability system in 2012?. 9 17 23 34. Correct Answer 34!.
High School Essentials CAO Meeting February 2013 Dr. Andrews Chief Academic Officer
Mark Howard, Director Research, Evaluation and Assessment high School accountability
How many changes to the FDOE Accountability system in 2012? • 9 • 17 • 23 • 34 Correct Answer 34!
HIGH SCHOOL GRADE ACCOUNTABILITY PERFORMANCE, LOWEST 25% LEARNING GAINS • FY2013 • Reading Performance Penalty • Math – Algebra 1 and Geometry EOC • Geometry Achievement Levels • Science – Biology 1 EOC • Biology Achievement Levels • Writing – 3.5 Score, 60 Minutes • Lowest 25% Adequate Progress Penalty Reinstated Grade Scale for High Schools (Based on a 1600-Point Scale)
PERFORMANCE Includes • ELLs with at least 365 calendar days from initial day of entry into U.S. school* • FCAT 2.0 • Reading • Writing • Science • EOCs • Algebra 1 • Geometry • Biology 1 *365 days: Initial day of entry to first day of FCAT 2.0 Writing testing – February 26, 2013
Emergent Achieved Commended 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 READING PERFORMANCE (100 pts) • One (1) point for each percent of eligible students scoring • FCAT 2.0 Achievement Scale Levels 3+ • FAA Scale Levels 4+ At least 30 students with valid reading scores
READING PERFORMANCE (100 pts) • Reading Performance Threshold Penalty • School grade lowered one letter grade if 25% Reading Performance threshold not met • Schools that have their grade lowered for not meeting other targets (e.g., Adequate Progress of the Lowest 25%, At-risk Graduation Rate) will not have their grade lowered further.
Reading: Percent ProficientFY12 Spring to FY13 Winter Diag Difference All Students Tested
MATH PERFORMANCE (100 pts) • One (1) point for each percent of eligible students scoring • Algebra 1 Levels 3+ • Grad requirement for into 9th in FY12 • Geometry Levels 3+ • Grad requirement for into 9th in FY13 • FAA Scale Levels 4+ At least 20 students with valid math scores Geometry Achievement Levels
MATH PERFORMANCE (100 pts) • Algebra 1 & Geometry EOC • First EOC in HS counts toward Performance • Grade 9 students bank M.S. EOC scores • Level 3+ included in high school Performance numerator and denominator • Not included in participation rate • Participation • Students enrolled in Algebra 1, Geometry • Survey 2 and 3 & 4 and 1 (most recent summer) • (October 2012, February 2013, June 2012, July 2012) • FAA tested students
Algebra 1 EOC: Percent Proficient FY12 Spring to FY13 Winter Diag Difference All Students Tested
Geometry EOC: Percent Proficient FY12 Spring to FY13 Winter Diag Difference All Students Tested
SCIENCE PERFORMANCE (100 pts) • One (1) point is accrued for each percent of eligible students scoring • Biology 1 EOC Levels 3.0+ • Grad requirement for into 9th in FY13 • FAA Scale Levels 4.0+ Biology 1 Achievement Levels
Biology 1 EOC: Percent ProficientFY12 Spring to FY13 Winter Diag Difference All Students Tested
WRITING PERFORMANCE (100 pts) • One (1) point for each percent of eligible students scoring • FCAT Writing Levels 3.5+ • FAA Scale Levels 4.0+ • 60 minutes
FY12 Grade 10 FCAT 2.0 WritingPercent Scoring 3.5 and 3.0 Difference
READING LEARNING GAINS (100 pts) • FCAT 2.0 (1 point) • Maintain same proficient level • L1 to L2, L1 to L3, or L2 to L3 • Remain L1 & increase Required scale points • Remain L2 & increase Required scale points Retained students make learning gains by maintaining a proficiency level, increasing a level, or increasing a scale score
READING LEARNING GAINS (100 pts) • FCAT 2.0 Weighted (1.1 or 1.2 point) • (1.1) Prior year level 1 or 2 & gain Requiredplus 33% or more scale points see example • (1.1) Move from lower level into L4 • (1.2) Move from lower level into L5 1.1 1.2 Retained students make learning gains by maintaining a proficiency level, increasing a level, or increasing a scale score Level 5 Level 4
READING LEARNING GAINS (100 pts) • Weighted Learning Gain for retained and non-retained students prior year in FCAT 2.0 L1 or L2 • Learning Gain of 1.1 = Required growth + 33% or more Example: Current ninth grader, prior year level 1 eighth grader Required growth (6) points + 33% (2 points) 6 + 2 = 8 scale points
READING LEARNING GAINS (100 pts) • FAA (1 point) • Maintain proficient (Levels 4-9) • Improve from prior Level • Remain Levels 1-3 & gain 5 or more scale points (Required) • FAA Weighted (1.1 point) • Prior year levels 1-3 & gain Required plus 33% or more (7+) scale points
MATH LEARNING GAINS (100 pts) • FAA (1 point) • Maintain proficient (Levels 4-9) • Improve from prior Level • Remain Levels 1-3 & gain 5 or more scale points (Required) • FAA Weighted (1.1 point) • Prior year levels 1-3 & gain Required plus 33% or more (7+) scale points
MATH LEARNING GAINS (100 pts) • Algebra 1/Geometry EOC (1 point) • Maintain proficient (L3-L5) • Improve from L1 to L2, L1 to L3, or L2 to L3 • Remain L1 & increase common scale score • Remain L2 & increase common scale score • FDOE will use a common scale for comparisons • Compare 9th grade students’ prior year FCAT 2.0 Math score to Algebra 1 scores • Compare prior year Algebra 1 score to Geometry EOC score
MATH LEARNING GAINS (100 pts) • Algebra 1 /Geometry EOC Weighted (1.1 or 1.2 point) • (1.1) Move from lower level into L4 • (1.2) Move from lower level into L5 1.1 1.2 Level 5 Level 4
LOWEST 25% LEARNING GAINS (200 pts) • Calculating Lowest 25% - Reading • Only students in prior year L1 or L2 • Calculate for each student group • The sum of all groups plus other retained students in prior year L1 and L2 Fewer than 30 students L2 or below, reading and mathematics gains of all students substituted *Students who skip a grade will show Learning Gains by moving up a level or maintaining L3+
LOWEST 25% LEARNING GAINS (200 pts) • Calculating Lowest 25% - Mathematics • Only students in prior year L1 or L2 (excluding FAA) • Calculate for each student group • The sum of all groups plus other retained students in prior year L1 and L2 Fewer than 20 students L2 or below, reading and mathematics gains of all students substituted *Students who skip a grade will show Learning Gains by moving up a level or maintaining L3+
LOWEST 25% LEARNING GAINS (100 pts) • Lowest 25% Adequate Progress • At least 50 percent of the Lowest 25% (50% in Reading and 50% in Mathematics) make Learning Gains or show improvement from the prior year: • Lowest 25% Adequate Progress Penalty
SDPBC Algebra 1 EOC Pass Rates LEVEL 1 6% LEVEL 2 16%
SDPBC Algebra 1 EOC Passing Rates TAKING 11,608 FAILURES 4,863
SDPBC Algebra 1 EOC Passing Rates FAILURES 4,863 PASSING 481 REMAINING 4,382
SDPBC Algebra 1 EOC Passing Rates FAILURES 4,382 PASSING 678 REMAINING 3,704
SUMMMARY OF CHANGES STATEWIDE ASSESMENT COMPONENTS • FY2013 • Math – Geometry EOC • New Achievement Levels • Science – Biology 1 EOC • New Achievement Levels • Writing – 3.5 Score, 60 Minutes • Reading Performance Penalty • Lowest 25% Progress Penalty Reinstated
Keith Oswald, Assistant Superintendent Curriculum and Instruction Strategies and resources
High School Resources for ELA Lesson plans that focus on tested benchmarks, contain on grade level text, and text-dependent questions are located on each grade level ELA calendar in Learning Village. It is important to continue instruction. Two of the most difficult benchmarks (as determined by percentage correct on the winter diagnostic) are 6.1.1 and 6.2.2. The scope and lesson plans on Learning Village instruct on these benchmarks in January and February. Additional lesson plans that focus on tested benchmarks are available for small groups.
These lessons are not located on the calendar, so they are fresh lessons for students. There is also access to the Florida Achieves site for additional testing practice and links to released practice tests.
High School Resources for Reading Lesson plans that focus on tested benchmarks, contain a variety of text levels, and text-dependent questions are located on each grade level reading calendar in Learning Village. Every week, an informational passage with vocabulary activities, reading strategies, and FCAT-style questions is included for each grade level.
SpringBoard Resources Available on TrainU SpringBoard ELA and Math Resources available: Pacing Guides, Benchmark Correlations, Graphic Organizers, Sample Bellringers and Mini-Lessons, CCSS and PARCC Connections, Marzano Crosswalk Reading and Writing Supports: Links to 10 SB Writing Workshops per grade level, Sample FCAT stem questions based on SB reading
Reader and TaskTen Guiding Principles Make close reading and rereading of texts central to lessons. Provide scaffolding that does not preempt or replace text. Ask text dependent questions from a range of question types. Emphasize students’ supporting answers based upon evidence from the text. Provide extensive research and writing opportunities (claims and evidence).
Reader and TaskTen Guiding Principles The most important concept to remember: it is not about the program; it is about the teacher. Offer regular opportunities for students to share ideas, evidence, and research. Offer systematic instruction in vocabulary. Ensure wide reading from complex text that varies in length. 9. Provide explicit instruction in applied grammar and conventions. 10. Cultivate students’ independence.
Administrative Considerations • Capitalize on teachers’ strengths. • Utilize data to monitor progress. • Classroom Assessments • Core K12 • Diagnostics • Focus on the curriculum and the resources available in Learning Village. • Maintain a balance between instruction and test preparation.
Best Practices for Test Readiness • Students write every day. • Provide prescriptive feedback to students and monitor progress. • Teach strategic minilessons based on class needs. • Pull students together for small group instruction based on similar need.
Best Practices for Test Readiness • Confer with individual students. • Ensure that 11th grade students marked as 10th graders in TERMS are receiving writing instruction. These students will take FCAT 2.0 Writing again. • Utilize lesson plans in Learning Village as needed. • Utilize the tutorial lessons and Saturday lessons as needed.
SpringBoard Writing Workshops • Expand everyday writing opportunities already available within the regular SpringBoard curriculum. • Integrate SpringBoard Writing Workshops into regular instruction. • 10 Writing Workshops available for each grade level. • Use as support, extension, or intensive practice.
FY12 FCAT 2.0 Writing High School The minimum goal for students needs to remain a 4 as at least one scorer needs to believe the essay is a 4 in order to earn a 3.5. FY12 State Note: In Palm Beach County, there was a 17 point difference between 3s a 3.5s last year. FY12 Palm Beach County
Qualities of Good Writing Focus (Meaning & Structure) Organization (Structure) The order of ideas presented in the essay. Using transitions that help the essay flow Ordering ideas Having a thesis statement • Staying on the thread of the topic that was chosen to write about. • Planning (various methods)