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A Legenda. Christ when a child a garden made And many roses flourished there He watered them three times a day To make a garland for His hair And when in time the roses bloomed He called the children into share They tore the flowers from every stem. A Legenda.
A Legenda • Christ when a child a garden made • And many roses flourished there • He watered them • three times a day • To make a garland for His hair • And when in time • the roses bloomed • He called the children into share • They tore the flowers • from every stem
A Legenda • And left the garden strip and bare • How wilt thou weave thy self a crown • Now that thy roses are all dead • Ye have forgotten that the thorns • Are left for me the Christ child said • They plaited then a crown of thorns • And laid it rudely on His head • A garland for His fore head made • For roses drops of blood instead • of blood instead
All in the April Evening All in the April Evening April airs were abroad The sheep with their little lambs Passed me by on the road The sheep with their little lambs passed me by on the road All in the April evening I thought on the lamb of God.
All in the April Evening The lambs were weary and crying With a weak human cry I thought on the Lamb of God Going meekly to die Up in the blue blue mountain Dewy pasture are sweet Rest for the little body Rest for the little feet
All in the April Evening But for the Lamb of God Upon the hill top green Only across of shame Two stark crosses between All in the April evening April airs were abroad I saw the sheep with their lambs and thought on the Lamb of God.
The Victorious Christ (1) Into the quiet garden Went God’s beloved son; with crimson drops upon His brow, He prayed, “Thy will be done”. With crimson drops upon His brow, He prayed, “Thy will be done”.
The Victorious Christ (Chorus) Gethsemane, Gethsemane, O hallowed place of prayer; From thee our Lord come forth that hour My sin and yours to bear.
The Victorious Christ (2) With swords and staves they sought Him, The blessed Son of God, And found Him there with face serene, The wine press He had trod; And found Him there with face serene The wine press He Had trod.
The Victorious Christ (Chorus) Gethsemane, Gethsemane, O hallowed place of prayer; From thee our Lord come forth that hour My sin and yours to bear.
The Victorious Christ (3) Forth from the quiet garden He came to bear our sin; And shall we not be brave enough To bear our cross for Him? And shall we not be brave enough To bear our cross for Him?
The Victorious Christ (Chorus) Gethsemane, Gethsemane, O hallowed place of prayer; From thee our Lord come forth that hour My sin and yours to bear.
無罪羔羊 Via Dolorosa (God’s Lamb) (1) 無罪羔羊作犠牲祭 孤單走到這世間 是真神獨生子 是我基督 是受膏且尊貴 卻為我擔當一切罪工價 Down the Via Dolorosa, in Jerusalem that day, the soldiers tried to clear the narrow street, but the crowd pressed in to see the Man condemned to die on Calvary.
無罪羔羊 Via Dolorosa (God’s Lamb) (2) 隨著那民眾的呼喊 孤單走上各各他 嚐盡了無數的欺凌與譏誚 負著鞭傷苦痛 帶著那荊棘冠冕被宰殺 He was bleeding from a beating, there were stripes upon His back, and He wore a crown of thorns upon His head. And He bore with every step the scorn of those who cried out for His death!
無罪羔羊 Via Dolorosa (God’s Lamb) (3) 懸在髑髏地的苦架 正為我受這痛苦 無罪羔羊贖這世上眾罪孽 惟獨我主捨身施救贖給我醫治恢復 懷念羔羊捨身軀替我犠牲 也為愛我 Down the Via Dolorosa called “the way of suffering”, like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King. But He chose to walk that road out of His love for you and me. Down the Via Dolorosa, all the way to Calvary.
無罪羔羊 Via Dolorosa (God’s Lamb) (4) 隨著那民眾的呼喊 孤單走上各各他 嚐盡了無數的欺凌與譏誚 負著鞭傷苦痛 帶著那荊棘冠冕被宰殺 He was bleeding from a beating, there were stripes upon His back, and He wore a crown of thorns upon His head. And He bore with every step the scorn of those who cried out for His death!
無罪羔羊 Via Dolorosa (God’s Lamb) (5) 懸在髑髏地的苦架 正為我受這痛苦 無罪羔羊贖這世上眾罪孽 惟獨我主捨身施救贖給我醫治恢復 懷念羔羊捨身軀替我犠牲 也為愛我 Down the Via Dolorosa called “the way of suffering”, like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King. But He chose to walk that road out of His love for you and me. Down the Via Dolorosa, all the way to Calvary.
無罪羔羊 Via Dolorosa (God’s Lamb) (6) 眾罪盡抺清 為世人流盡血 神愛默默付出 更為我犠牲 The blood that would cleanse the souls of all men, made its way through the heart of Jerusalem.
無罪羔羊 Via Dolorosa (God’s Lamb) (7) • 懸在髑髏地的苦架 正為我受這痛苦 • 無罪羔羊贖這世上眾罪孽 • 惟獨我主捨身施救贖給我醫治恢復 • 懷念羔羊捨身軀替我犠牲 也為愛我 • Down the Via Dolorosa called • “the way of suffering”, • like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King. • But He chose to walk that road out of • His love for you and me. • Down the Via Dolorosa, all the way to Calvary.
I Asked The Lord I asked the Lord to comfort me when things weren’t going my way He said to me I will comfort you And lift your cares away I asked the Lord to walk with me When darkness was all that I knew He said to me Never be afraid for I will see you through
I Asked The Lord I did not ask for riches He gave me wealth untold The moon the stars the sun the sky Are there for you to be hold I thank the Lord for everything And I count my blessing each day He came to me when I needed Him I only have to pray And He’ll come to you if you ask Him to He’s only a prayer away
神我歡呼稱讚你 Lord I lift Your name on high • 神我歡呼稱讚你, • 樂意將歌聲獻給你。 • 奇妙恩典心裡寄, • 同在世上充滿福氣。 • Lord I lift Your name on high • Lord I love to sing Your praises • I’m so glad You’re in my life • I’m so glad You came to save us
神我歡呼稱讚你 Lord I lift Your name on high • 你降卑生於世間,指引預備。 • 順服犠牲至死,拯救大地。 • 墓穴焉可以禁死,接進高天勝善美, • 神我歡呼頌讚你。 • You came from heaven to earth • to show the way • From the earth to the cross my debt to pay • From the cross to the grave from the grave • to the sky Lord I lift Your name on high
請主光照 Shine, Jesus, Shine • 愛似光今每刻耀明朗 • 照我心驅散黑夜迷茫 • 我救主是世間盼望亮光 • 賜我真理脫解困惑敵擋 • 照耀我靈 快樂滿腔 • Lord, the light of Your love is shining • in the midst of the darkness shining; • Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us. • Set us free by the truth You now bring us, • Shine on me, shine on me.
請主光照 Shine, Jesus, Shine • 請你光照 今將輝煌去照耀四方 • 將聖火降 使灰心得曙光 • 彷似溪澗 將恩福流往各地各邦 • 釋放真理 請將恩光發放 • Shine, Jesus, shine, • Fill this land with the Father's glory; • Blaze, Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire. • Flow, river flow, flood the nations • with grace and mercy; • Send forth Your Word, • Lord, And let there be light.
基督耶穌今復生 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (1) 基督耶穌今復生,哈利路亞! 天使世人同歡欣,哈利路亞! 高唱歡樂凱旋歌,哈利路亞! 諸天大地同唱和,哈利路亞! Christ the Lord is ris'n today, Alleluia! Sons of men and angels say, Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! Sing, ye heav'ns, and earth reply, Alleluia!
基督耶穌今復生 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (2) 慈愛救贖大功成,哈利路亞! 戰爭完畢主得勝,哈利路亞! 衝破死亡主復生,哈利路亞! 樂園大門主已開,哈利路亞! Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia! Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia! Death in vain forbids Him rise, Alleluia! Christ has opened Paradise, Alleluia!
基督耶穌今復生 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (3) 榮耀君王已復生,哈利路亞! 死亡毒鈎有何害?哈利路亞! 我主捨命救眾生,哈利路亞! 死亡權勢今何在?哈利路亞! Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia! Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia! Dying once He all doth save, Alleluia! Where thy victory, O grave? Alleluia!
基督耶穌今復生 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (4) 主復活帶我高升,哈利路亞! 誠心跟隨尊榮主,哈利路亞! 效主樣式亦復生,哈利路亞! 經歷十架亦得勝,哈利路亞! Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia! Foll'wing our exalted Head, Alleluia! Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia! Our the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!