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NEET 2017 Exam Patter, Eligibility & Tips To Avoid Negative Marking

The candidates who wish to study any graduate medical courses in like MBBS and BDS entrance exam, they can fill the application for NEET UG exam 2017.NEET is a National Eligibility entrance exam. Those students who have to make their carrier in medical fields then it are the best option for them. <br>The NEET UG exam is held on 7 may 2017. There is one good news is that as per a new notification released on 3 February 2017, they rolled back a limitation of three times attempts and examination taken in 2017 will be treated as the first attempt ignoring the previous exam.<br>

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NEET 2017 Exam Patter, Eligibility & Tips To Avoid Negative Marking

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  1. NEET2017ExamPatter,Eligibility& Tips To AvoidNegative Marking ThecandidateswhowishtostudyanygraduatemedicalcoursesinlikeMBBSandBDSentranceexam, theycanfilltheapplicationforNEETUGexam2017.NEETisaNationalEligibilityentranceexam.Those studentswho haveto make theircarrierin medical fields then itarethe bestoptionfor them. The NEET UGexam is held on 7 may 2017. There is one good news is that as per a new notification released on 3 February 2017, they rolled back a limitation of three times attempts and examination takenin2017will be treatedas the firstattempt ignoringthe previousexam. Theeligibilitycriteriafor NEETUG exam 2017: The age of candidate for appearing this exam is at least 17 years old. The age limitation for general categoryis25yearsandfor SC/ST/OBCage limitationfor candidate is30yearsold. 12th Candidate must have appeared/qualified Biology/Biotechnology(PCB). class exam with physics, Chemistry and Candidateswho belongtoGeneralcategorymust have atleast50% marksinPCBandforSC/ST/OBC candidate have atleast 40%marks inPCB. CandidatewhohavepassedtheB.ScexaminationthroughanIndianUniversitywithnotlessthan2of these subjects-Physics, Chemistry,Biology)BotanyandZoology)/Biotechnology. mc2academy Page 1

  2. NEET2017ExamPatter,Eligibility& Tips To AvoidNegative Marking The paper is of180 questions with allmultiple choice questionsand distribution of questions like 90 questionsfor biology,45questionsforPhysics,and 45 questions foe Chemistry.Paper isoftotal720 marks. Eachcorrectanswercarries 4 marks &incorrectanswerdeducts1 mark. Paper timingis 10amto 1 pm.Anexamis offline with paper andpen. Whileyouaredoingastudythenclearaboutallthetopics.Manytimesyoucoverallthetopicsbutyou don’thavecompleteknowledgeofthosetopicsandyouthinkthatyoucoveredallthetopics.Because yougetintrouble.ThereisanegativemarkinginNEETexam.Soitisdangerousforthosestudentswho are appearingin NEETUGexam. Sostudentsgetupanddo studyhard. TheNEETUGExamison7th May2017.Itincludesmultiplechoicequestionsandthingisthatpaperis offline.Themarkingschemeislikeforeachcorrectanswer4marks&negativemarkingalso.Foreach incorrect answer,1markisdeducted. Sowe willdiscuss that how toovercome negativemarking. Tips&tactics to overcome negativemarkinginNEETUG Exam: Perception: Most of the student fear about negative marking, and there are some students who love negative marking.Theythinkthattheygetanadvantageoverunderpreparationatthetimeoftheexam. Some studentthinksthatnegativemarkingisanopportunityforthehigherscorebutitdangerous.Sodon’t play with your future&stoplookingat negativemarking. Anticipation: Firstly,youcarefullyreadthequestionafterthat takedecisionstosolvethatquestion.Ifyouare okwith the questionthensolveitotherwisereturnbacktoit.Anticipationistheactofguessinghowthingswill workout next. Division of Time: Solvethosequestionsthatyouaresureaboutfirstbecauseyougetmoretimeforsolvingotherdifficult questions. This proper divisionof timeallowsyoutominimizenegativemarking. Practice: Practicemakesmanperfect.Itwillhelptoincreaseyourconfidence.Students,youstillhavesometime inyour handsodon’t waste your time&doa study.Don’t applyany shortcuts. Ifyoudoenoughpractice then youareabletosure aboutmore questions. ThesearethetipsandtacticstoovercomethenegativemarkinginNEETUGexam.Ifyoufollowallthe tips thenyoucaneasily crackNEETUGExameasily. mc2academy Page 2

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