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Global Health Security Agenda Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control

Global Health Security Agenda Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control. A threat anywhere is a threat everywhere. Global Health Security activities are focused on accelerating progress toward full implementation of International Health Regulations. IHR – 5 hazards.

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Global Health Security Agenda Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control

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  1. Global Health Security AgendaBureau of Epidemiology,Department of Disease Control A threat anywhere is a threat everywhere

  2. Global Health Security activities are focused on accelerating progress toward full implementation of International Health Regulations

  3. IHR – 5 hazards • Infectious disease • Zoonosis • Food safety • Chemical • Radio-nuclear

  4. IHR – 8 capacities • Legislation, policy and financing • Coordination & NFP • Preparedness • Surveillance • Response • Risk communication • Human resources • Laboratory


  6. Prevent • a comprehensive national plan to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) • Adopted behaviors, policies and/or practices that minimize the spillover of zoonotic diseases from lower animals into human populations • A whole-of-government national biosafety and biosecurity system is in place. • A functioning national vaccine delivery system

  7. Detect • Real-time biosurveillance with a national laboratory system and effective modern point-of-care and laboratory-based diagnostics. • Strengthened foundational indicator- and event-based surveillance systems . • Timely and accurate disease reporting according to WHO requirements. • Workforce development

  8. Respond • Every country will have a public health Emergency Operations Center (EOC) functioning according to minimum common standards • a country will be able to conduct a rapid, multi-sectoral response • A national framework for transferring medical countermeasures and public health and medical personnel among international partners

  9. GHSA Lead Country • AMR • Indonesia, Japan, Thailand – Contributing country • Zoonotic Disease • Indonesia, Vietnam – Lead country • Biosafety and biosecurity • Republic of Korea – Contributing country • Immunization • Republic of Korea – Contributing country

  10. GHSA Lead Country • Nationwide Laboratory Systems • Thailand – Lead country • Malaysia, Japan, China – Contributing country • Surveillance • Indonesia – Contributing country • Workforce development • Thailand – Lead country

  11. GHSA Lead Country • Emergency Operation Center • Malaysia – Lead country • Vietnam – Contributing country • Multi-sectoral Response • Republic of Korea – Lead country • Indonesia, Malaysia – Contributing country

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