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Scurvy. Cause. Vitamin C deficiency: Ascorbic acid protects DNA, proteins, and vessel walls from free radicals and more importantly enables the enzymes that synthesize collagen to react multiple times. The Latin name for Scurvy is Scorbutus. Initial Symptoms:.
Cause Vitamin C deficiency: Ascorbic acid protects DNA, proteins, and vessel walls from free radicals and more importantly enables the enzymes that synthesize collagen to react multiple times. The Latin name for Scurvy is Scorbutus
Initial Symptoms: The symptoms of scurvy start to appear after a person has been without a sufficient source of Ascorbic acid for three months. Fatigue Pain in limbs, mostly legs. A general sense of irritability and misery that I’m sure has nothing to do with poor economic conditions or isolation on a ship for months with pilgrims or pirates
Corkscrew Hairs Brittle hair that grows all screwy and has tiny bruises or even sometimes bleeding at the base
Ecchymoses These tiny bruises group together in patches or can come together and form large blotches
Gross Gums Gums can swell and bleed, loosen, and no longer be able to hold teeth in. Fortunately Ascorbic acid comes in lots of non-chewable forms. Day 2 of scurvy. Just kidding. This dude has a lot of scurvy days behind him. Or lady, I can’t tell
Severe Joint Pain Bleeding inside of joints can cause pain so severe that an individual may not be able to walk.
Vision Problems Blurred vision and light sensitivity are caused by bleeding inside your eyes Extreme close up of Blackbeard during a poetry reading aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge.
Injuries Wounds will not Heal Scars from previous wounds may re-open Especially emotional ones
Heart and Lung Problems Shortness of breath, low, blood pressure, and chest pain leading to shock and death.
Modern Groups at Risk: • People that eat less than 2 servings of fruits and vegetables a day -Elderly -Children -Alcoholics -Bachelors or Widowers -People on weird diets that they may have seen on TV -people with psychiatric aversions to 2 servings of fruits and vegetables a day • People with medical conditions that prevent the intake and absorption of Ascorbic acid -Dialysis patients -People with Crohns Disease -People with malabsorption disorders
Treatment Spontaneous bleeding stops within a day Bleeding and sore gums heal in 2-3 days Ecchymoses heal within 12 days Muscle and Bone pain quickly dissappear Oral Ascorbic Acid
QUESTIONS: Vitamin C is identified as what acid? Ascorbic What is the Latin name for the disease associated with ascorbic acid deficiency? Scorbutus After switching to a diet devoid of vitamin C (ascorbic acid ), how much time will normally pass before initial symptoms of Scorbutus (Scurvy) develop? About three months
Sources: • http://productnutrition.thecoca-colacompany.com/welcome • http://fnicsearch.nal.usda.gov • Disguised As the Devil: How Lyme Disease Created Witches and Changed History By M. M. Drymon • http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/125350-overview • http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Scurvy/Pages/Symptoms.aspx • “Scurvy Is Still Present in Developed Countries” Journal of General and Internal Medicine Bertha Velandia, MD, Robert M. Centor, MD, Vicky McConnell, MD and Mobin Shah, MD • http://dermnetnz.org/systemic/scurvy.html • http://bio200-nutrition.wikispaces.com/