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Types of Friction

Types of Friction. What is Friction?. Friction is the resistance to the sliding, rolling, or flowing motion of an object due to its contact with another object.  When a moving object comes in contact with another object, friction is the opposing force that slows or stops the moving object.

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Types of Friction

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  1. Types of Friction

  2. What is Friction? • Friction is the resistance to the sliding, rolling, or flowing motion of an object due to its contact with another object.  • When a moving object comes in contact with another object, friction is the opposing force that slows or stops the moving object.

  3. Without friction, an object would continue to move at constant speed forever. • The strength of the force of friction depends on the type of surfaces and how hard the surfaces push together. • Rough surfaces produce greater friction than smooth surfaces.

  4. Without friction you could not • Write • Drive a car • Fly an airplane • Why not?

  5. Four Types of Friction • Rolling Friction • Static • Sliding Friction • Fluid Friction

  6. What do all these things have in common?

  7. Rolling Friction • Rolling friction is friction that occurs between surfaces in motion in which one of the surfaces is a wheel, roller, or ball. • Examples: • Riding a bike – tires and ground • Bowling – ball and lane

  8. What do all these things have in common?

  9. Static Friction • Static friction is friction that occurs when the surfaces in contact are at rest (not in motion). • Examples: • A book resting on a desk. • A potted plant sitting on a sidewalk.

  10. What do all these objects have in common?

  11. Sliding Friction • Sliding friction is friction that occurs when solid surfaces slide over one another. • Examples: • Writing – pencil point and paper • Combing your hair – surface of comb and strands of hair

  12. What do all these things have in common?

  13. Fluid Friction • The force that tries to slow objects down when they move through a liquid or a gas. It's also known as "drag", or "air resistance". • All gases and liquids are fluids. • An airplane and a swimmer both experience fluid friction.

  14. Ways to Reduce Friction • Smooth the surface • Replace rolling with sliding • Add oil or another type of lubricant

  15. Friction Song • What is friction? • Friction Video

  16. Gravity and Free Fall • An object is in free fall when the only force acting on the object is gravity. • Free-falling objects do not encounter air resistance. • In free fall, the force of gravity is an unbalanced force.

  17. Calculating Free Fall All objects in free fall accelerate at the same rate – 9.8 m/s² - regardless of their mass. in one second = 9.8 m/s² in two seconds = 19.6 m/s² in three seconds = 29.4 m/s² in four seconds = ________ The velocity continues to increase as the object falls.

  18. Gravity, Free Fall, and Projectile Motion • An object that is thrown is called a projectile. • If there is no air resistance, an object that is dropped and an object that is thrown are both in free fall. • Without the force of air resistance, both objects will hit the ground at the same time.

  19. Gravity and Air Resistance • Most objects falling through air experience a type of fluid friction called air resistance. • Air resistance is not the same for all objects. • The greater the surface area of the object the greater the air resistance. • However, since the elephant has more mass, it has more downward force of gravity and falls faster.

  20. What type of friction?

  21. Static Friction

  22. What type of friction?

  23. Rolling Friction

  24. What type of friction?

  25. Fluid Friction

  26. What type of friction?

  27. Static Friction

  28. What type of friction?

  29. Sliding Friction

  30. What type of friction?

  31. Fluid Friction

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