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Exalt!. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. Ps 57:5,11. Theme. Exalting God lifts everything in our life to the high level of understand and blessing that God desires for us. Introduction.
Exalt! Be exalted, O God,above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. Ps 57:5,11
Theme Exalting God lifts everything in our life to the high level of understand and blessing that God desires for us.
Introduction Exalt: To lift up, hold in very high regard; think or speak very highly of. Exult: To rejoice, to express joy in a sincere and meaningful way Extol: To praise highly in words or song; to clearly & specifically declare the virtues of.
Examples Of Exalt In The Bible 1 Ps 21:13 Be exalted, O LORD, in your strength; we will sing and praise your might. Ps 35:27b The LORD be exalted, who delights in the well-being of his servant. Ps 40:16 But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation always say, “The LORD be exalted!” Ps 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Examples Of Exalt In The Bible 2 Ps 57:5,11 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. Ps 70:4 But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation always say, “Let God be exalted!” Ps 108:5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth.
RESPECT We express in words, attitude and gestures that honor & value God. Between the two of us He hears from me the position he has in my life. “Lord you are the #1 and first in my life: your wish is my command.”
2. DEVOTION Our activities & work reflect a personal commitment to do it all for Him. “Lord, I dedicate this day to you. This project I do with Your glory in mind.”
3. OPENNESS We are transparent before God. He is free to examine everything – 24/7. We have no secrets. “Lord examine my heart and see if there is any sin in me that I should address.”
4. ALTAR We have a quiet, private place in our life where God is “high and lifted up” where we pray, confess our sin and listen to Him. It is often a location and a time, but it is much more than that. Call it a state of mind & a way of seeing & and focused, deliberate act if enshrinement. “Lord, I am meeting You again this morning at this early hour to study your Word so that our hearts may be one.”
5. THANKFULNESS Both a humility and a contentment that comes from our recognizing every blessing comes from God and it is all a gift that we did not earn or deserve. “I give thanks to You, Lord, for this day and all that it holds. It is a gift from You. Bless it I pray.”
6. TRUTH Recognizing that the Word of God is the truth and an accurate description of reality “I study your Word so that I may know You and Your ways and understand my circumstances. Your word is truth.”
7. LOVE We express, in words and songs of adoration and praise, details about our understanding of and appreciation of God. “Lord, your wisdom is precious and discovering it has blessed me to no end. Sharing your wisdom with me is a wonderful expression of your love. I love you, too!”
MISSION STATEMENT As the Church we live our lives to exaltthe person of Jesus Christ in all we think, say and do and invite all people to do the same. We find ways to embracepeople where they are and continue to love them through their journey with Christ. We enjoyour walk with God and our walk with one another. We intentionally engagewith our community and the world to have a voice in the market conversations of our times. We strive to be equippedin order to accomplish the work set before us as ambassadors of Jesus Christ and His kingdom.
As the Church we live our lives to exaltthe person of Jesus Christ in all we think, say and do and invite all people to do the same
NIV EXALT 9 I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people: I will sing unto thee among the nations. PSALMS 57:9
EXALT To acknowledge and to make known the supremacy of the King is our highest calling.
We exalt through prayer, song, the arts, • stewardship and study