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Period 3

Period 3. Module 1 Basketball Grammar. Grammar---Activity 1 Read the sentences and answer the questions. a) averaged/average: in the first sentence “ averaged” is a verb describing what Chamberlain did; in the second sentence “ average” is a noun telling us what we are talking about.

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Period 3

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  1. Period 3 Module 1 Basketball Grammar

  2. Grammar---Activity 1 Read the sentences and answer the questions. • a) averaged/average: in the first sentence “averaged” is a verb describing what Chamberlain did; in the second sentence “average” is a noun telling us what we are talking about. score/score: in the first sentence “score” is part of “to score” the infinitive of the verb telling us what Jordan did; in the second sentence “score” is a noun telling us what we are talking about. • b) No, it doesn’t.

  3. Activity 2 1 win 2 a surprise 3. a change Activity 3 1 verb: dream 2 noun: result 3 noun: star 4 verb: worked 5 noun: questions Grammar ---Do Activity 2 and 3

  4. Activity 4 1 broke 2 head 3 record 4 played 5 headed 6 recorded 7 play 8 break Activity 5 1 don’t change: drink; walk; 2 change: watch; mind; plan; Grammar ---Do Activity 4 and 5

  5. Summary---构词法 • 合成 combination • 派生 derivation ---prefix, suffix • 转化 conversion • 缩写简写 short form

  6. 词的转化(Conversion) • 1)名词转化为动词 paper — to paper the room mouth — to mouth some phrases shoulder — to shoulder the heavy load bandage — to bandage the leg • 2)动词转化为名词 to say something — to have a say to show — to give a show to feel — to have a feel to lead — to take a lead

  7. 3)形容词转化为动词 empty — to empty the bag wrong — to wrong somebody slow — to slow down better — to better your study • 4 )副词转化为动词 back — to back a car down — to down a plane near — to near the temple forward — to forward a message

  8. 5)形容词转化为名词 calm — a calm on the sea high — a new high of the industry good — a lot of good right — to tell right from wrong

  9. better, empty, cool, slow clear,dirty spare,busy dry,wet calm, own chair, hand, wound, picture, taste, land, cook, step, book, sort, back, guard, name, heat, seat cold, back, noble hard, early well, wide fast, last

  10. 有些词的词性转化后,词的重音发生变化 export / ' ekspo:t/ n. 出口 /ik'spo :t/ v.出口 import / ' impo :t/ n. 进口 /im'po:t/ v.进口 permit / ' p ә :mit/ n. 许可证 /p ə 'mit/ v. 准许 present / ' prez ə nt/ n. 礼物 /pri ' zent/ v. 赠送 increase / ' inkri:s/ n.增加 /in'kri:s/ v. 增加 record / ' reko:d/ n.唱片/ri ' ko:d/ v.记录

  11. Activity 1 1. beautiful 2. careful 3. hopeful 4. painful 5. powerful 6. wonderful Activity 2 1 powerful 2 painful 3 careful 4 hopeful 5 wonderful Grammar 2---Do Activity 1 and 2

  12. Grammar2---Do Activity 3 • 1 It means that it is "full" of that quality, e.g. hopeful = full of hope 2 It is without the quality described by the noun, e.g. hopeless = without hope 3 power, hope, care, pain 4 endless — limited; homeless — home-owning; selfless — selfish; worthless — valuable

  13. Grammar 2---Do Activity 4 • artistic • athletic • dramatic • energetic • fantastic

  14. Grammar 2---Activity 5 • 1 In the floor exercises in gymnastics you have to be athletic and artistic. • 2 You have to be very energetic to be a professional sportsman or woman. • 3 Some football matches are very dramatic, with extra time and penalty shoot-outs. • 4 When your team wins a cup, it's a fantastic feeling.

  15. Summary • 通过在词根上加前缀或后缀构成另一个词叫词的派生。本册主要出现了名词后缀构成形容词的用法。归纳如下 • 名词后加-ful power—powerful; hope—hopeful; wonder—wonderful; pain—painful; beauty—beautiful; help—helpful; care—careful

  16. 名词后加-less end—endless; home—homeless; care—careless; fear—fearless • 名词后加-ic history—historic; artist—artistic; fantasy—fantastic; drama—dramatic; poet—poetic

  17. 名词后加-al nation—national; environment—environmental • 名词后加-ive act—active; expense—expensive • 名词后加-ous fame—famous; courage—courageous • 名词后加-able comfort—comfortable; reason—reasonable

  18. 名词后加-ible sense—sensible; response—responsible • 名词后加-y rain—rainy; sun—sunny; cloud—cloudy; wind—windy • 名词后加-ly friend—friendly; month—monthly

  19. 后缀是派生的一种形式,能使词类转变。最常见的后缀为后缀是派生的一种形式,能使词类转变。最常见的后缀为 • -ful, -less, -ible, -ive, -ish, -ic, -ary, -ous, -er, -or, -tion, -ism, -ship, -ness, -ing, -ment, -hood, -ance, -ess,-ee,-eer

  20. Homework • 1. Try to find some information about the following the word -formation • 2. Finish the grammar exercises on WB

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