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Civics Unit 5

Civics Unit 5. “Elections”. I. Funding Campaigns. Private Funds - money from individual contributors, large corporations, or fundraisers limit of $2300 per person can fund own campaign w/o limit Public Funds- help by matching funds raised but has limits. PACs and Soft Money

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Civics Unit 5

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  1. Civics Unit 5 “Elections”

  2. I. Funding Campaigns Private Funds- money from individual contributors, large corporations, or fundraisers limit of $2300 per person can fund own campaign w/o limit Public Funds- help by matching funds raised but has limits

  3. PACs and Soft Money Political Action Committees (PACs)- interest groups that try to elect candidates ($5000 limit) lobbyist- activist for an interest group Soft money- unlimited money not for campaign but may help one side Ex: Swift Boat Vets, MoveOn.org

  4. 4.01-2 Review Name and explain three different types of third-parties What is an advantage of a multi-party system over a two-party system? Give an example of a plank for both political parties What is a way for PACs or other interest groups to get around campaign contribution limits? What is the purpose of primaries in the election system?

  5. II. Nominating Candidates Primaries- voting for party candidate for general election (diff. ways of counting votes- winner take all vs. divided) Caucuses- group of people meet and select candidate Conventions- Party members meet and pick candidate

  6. III. General Election Campaign Labor-intensive- volunteers, rallies, events Media-driven- TV, radio, internet

  7. Electoral College- • determined by number of representatives in state • need 270 of 538 to win; if no 270, House decides • Inauguration- swearing in

  8. Assignment Option 1: Pick a party Pick which of our two parties you most support. Explain why you support this party. What positions of the party do you agree with and why? Are there other factors like people in gov’t or the culture of the party that affect your affiliation? Option 2: Pick a candidate Who will you vote for in the 2012 election, who would you have voted for and why? Think about party, personal qualifications, positions on issues, etc. We will work on this in class on Friday. Length- 1-1.5 Double-spaced typed pages

  9. Civics Unit 5 Media and Public Opinion

  10. I. Media Propaganda- technique of persuasion to influence behavior create belief good or bad Mass media- tv, newspaper, radio, etc. canvassing- targeting a group of people personally

  11. Methods of propaganda Glittering generalities- values w/o explanations Bandwagon- everybody’s doing it Stack Cards- show one side Just Plain Folks- show as one of the people Name Calling- accusatory generalizations Transfer- combine ideas to transfer attitude toward one idea to the another Euphemisms- call things by better names

  12. Very important because reflects voting behavior • Public Opinion polls- collect information by asking questions • straw poll- unreliable, no control over who responds (ex: internet polls, voluntary polls) • scientific polling- get accurate information (ex: Gallup Organization or Harris Survey) • sample size about 1000 people • margin of error +3-5% II. Public Opinion

  13. “Interest Groups and Political Action” Civics 4.04

  14. Group of citizens coming together to effect public policy • Protected by 1st Amendment: speech, assembly, petition • Public Interest Groups- support causes that affect Americans in general • ex: League of Women’s Voters: educates voters I. Interest Groups

  15. Lobbying- representatives from interest groups contacting gov’t officials to further cause II. Other Political Actions

  16. Litigation- using courts to further cause • NRA stopping DC handgun law • Protest- ex: Bus Boycott against segregation • Recall- allow voters to remove an elected official from office

  17. “Citizenship” Civics 4.06

  18. Def: members of a country that have rights and responsibilities • Citizenship by birth- born in state, territory, military base or to American parents • Naturalization- legal process to become a citizen • Must demonstrate civic and history knowledge • expatriation- give up citizenship I. Citizenship

  19. Legal Aliens (immigrants) • resident aliens have permanent residence in US • cannot vote; but pay taxes, attend schools, have legal protection • Illegal Aliens risk being deported- sent back to native country

  20. Follow laws • Pay taxes • Jury duty • Attending school • selective service (draft)- men must sign up for at age 18 II. Duties of Citizens

  21. Democratic process • voting in elections • stay informed, participate in events, contact representatives, try to make a change • Must be 18, citizen, registered, and not a felon III. Responsibilities

  22. Volunteering • Be educated

  23. IV. Modern Issues • Electoral College • Separation of Church and State

  24. American multiculturalism: “melting pot” vs. “tossed salad” • “E Pluribus Unum”- “from many one” • Tolerance- willingness to respect others different than yourself • Affirmative Action- preferences given to minorities to correct historical injustice

  25. Pro-choice vs Pro-life • Homosexual rights

  26. Balancing budgets • Poverty, public transfer payments, progressive tax

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