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GLOBAL WARMING. Manatee Academy Science Expo By KOBE CAREY KAITLYN GUADALUPE BRENDA ALLEN TIMOTHY GRAVES Jeffery Brown. Is Global Warming really happening? Or, is this just another "HYPE" used by Scientist to scare us into buying their Books?. What is Global Warming?.
Is Global Warming really happening? Or, is this just another "HYPE" used by Scientist to scare us into buying their Books?
What is Global Warming? • “A change in temperature in Earth's atmosphere causes global warming that is affecting Earth's climate and the population of living organisms.” Said Mr. Patterson
What is Global Warming? • According to the Oxford Dictionaries online, Global Warming is defined as: • Noun “a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. “ • http://oxforddictionaries.com/view/entry/m_en_us1251104#m_en_us1251104
Evidence • Are there any evidence to support the Global Warming theory?
Well! Here is what we do know. • A part from a limited amount of research on this topic; clearly there is a huge dichotomy within the Scientific community. • Here is why:
Ms. Lucinda HohmannDirector of The Midwest Field Organizer at Environment America, interviewed by Kobe Carey, stated “ Yes! I believe that Global Warming is a hundred percent true.”
On the other hand: • The Russian News & Information Agency, January 2007 states in there online article : • "Global warming results not from the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, but from an unusually high level of solar radiation and a lengthy – almost throughout the last century – growth in its intensity...Ascribing 'greenhouse' effect properties to the Earth's atmosphere is not scientifically substantiated...Heated greenhouse gases, which become lighter as a result of expansion, ascend to the atmosphere only to give the absorbed heat away
PURPOSE OF RESEARCH • The premise of our research is not to argue whether or not Global Warming is really happening. But, to determine whether there's any substantiated evidence to support huge "Greenhouse" effects from fossil fuel interacting with the atmosphere thus, contributions to the Global Warming phenomenon. In addition, if this phenomenon is linked to decades of man's destructive habits, such as fossil fuel consumption, destruction of vital rainforest. caused by man inappropriate uses of of Earth's natural resources, and decades of neglect what can be done to reverse it?
OUR CONTNRIBUTION TO SCIENTIFIC FIELD • In order to study the global warming phenomenon and determine where there is any substantiated evidence to prove the Greenhouse theory, we looked at several variables that we believe are accurate and most sensitive indicators. We looked at Arctic Glacial melting over a period of time; raise in Oceanic water levels, changing patters of deserts, change in weather patterns; changes in the Earth's average temperature. And, the evolutionary changes of the industrial economy.
We have recreated glacial melting to see if there is any correlation between greenhouse gasses and glacial melting by placing several cubes of ice in a cup light paper places at the very top of the cup and cover the cup with ceramic paper and measure the change in the ice cube from solid state to liquid. Measure and compare results with a ice that had no carbon-dioxide introduce to the cup.
Research Variables • Does Green house Gasses affect the Arctic Glacial melting? • Does Deforestation affect Global Warming? • Is there a raise in the Ocean Water Level? And if so, what can we ascribe to be the cause? • Is there a change in the desert patterns around the world? Are these changes caused by Greenhouse Gasses? • Has the Earth's average temperature raise over the last Century?
Is there a dramatic change in the weather pattern around the world? Is there data to attribute this to the Greenhouse affect? • Does carbon emissions and other greenhouse gasses result in Global Warming?
Does greenhouse Gasses affect the Arctic Glacial melting? • In the article, ''Global Warming Puts The Arctic on Thin Ice,'' the NATIONAL RESOURCES DEFENSE COUNICLstates that ''The Average temperatures in the Arctic region are rising twice as fast as they are elsewhere in the world. Arctic ice is getting thinner, melting and rupturing. For example, the largest single block of ice in the Arctic, The Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, had been around for 3,000 years before it started cracking in 2000. Within two years it had split all the way through and is now breaking into pieces.''
What this means is that Global Warming is having an astronomical affect on earth's geographic features. Although the ice caps are melting at a slow rate, we can say this is an effect of Global Warming. Also ''there’s this consensus between all of the different climate models regarding this loss. And this is very very strong evidence that we’re starting to see the impact of green house warming.'' stated Mark Serreze, Melting Ice (2007).
Does Deforestation affect Global Warming? • Deforestation is basically a result of cutting down many trees thus, CO2 levels go up and the oxygen level goes down. The reason why the Earth's oxygen level has gone down it's because a large quantity of trees from our vital rainforests are being cut down for other resources.
Thus, increasing the CO2 level emission gases from cars, air planes and factory’s and escape into the atmosphere and all the trees are gone so they aren’t able to absorb the CO2). Deforestation could resolve in cutting our oxygen levels in more than half of what they are now.
Deforestation can also result in destroying habitats which will have an astronomical effect on the food chain. As I said before, deforestation will cut down oxygen levels below half of what it now and is going to allow other gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide to destroy our atmosphere.
Is there a raise in the Ocean Water Level? And if so, what can we ascribe to be the cause? • "The level of the ocean water has been raising since the last three thousand years" stated Dr. John Windsor. Professor of the Florida Institute of Technology Oceanography Department. These changes are occurring because the glacial land masses in the North and South Poles keep getting warmer. And as a result, the melting ice cap are effects of "Global Warming."
According to Dr. Windsor, Greenhouse gasses have become the key catalyst. Which includes, burning of fossil fuels and other carbon emissions from cars. "Greenhouse gasses have been around for more than 150 years" states Dr. Windsor. The raise in the oceanic levels are constantly changing around the world thus, we have been experiencing peeks and valleys for over a century and a half, in which time the industrial revolution had been ushered in.
If this trends continues, places such as Florida along with the Eastern and Western coastal regions will be inundated (completely covered) with water. Hence, land will be totally taken over by sea water. However if all sixty-six percent 66% of the polar ice caps were to complete melt, the entire Earth will not be inundated by sea water because the sea water level will only raise by 200 meters.
Is there a change in the desert patterns around the world? Are these changes caused by Greenhouse Gasses? • In his article Sahara Desert Greening Due to Climate change? James Owen states “ Scientists are now seeing signs that the Sahara desert and surrounding regions are greening due to increasing rainfall. One of the immediate effects of of these rainfalls is the revitalizations of drought-ravaged regions. Although there is a desert shrinking trend supported by climate models, stated Mr. Owens, there is still a predictions that favors a return to conditions that “turned the Sahara into a lush savanna some 12,000 years ago.” • images taken between 1982 and 2002 revealed extensive regreening throughout the Sahel, according to a new study in the journal of Biogeosciences. These studies have suggest that the transition may be occurring because hotter hair has more capacity to hold moisture, which in turn creates more rain, said Martin Claussen of the Max Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany. (2009)
Images taken between 1982 and 2002 revealed extensive regreening throughout the Sahel, according to a new study in the journal of Biogeosciences. These studies have suggest that the transition may be occurring because hotter hair has more capacity to hold moisture, which in turn creates more rain, said Martin Claussen of the Max Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, Germany. (2009)
Has the Earth's average temperature raise over the last Century?
Is there a dramatic change in the weather pattern around the world? Is there data to attribute this to the Greenhouse affect? • Climate change refers to the variation at a global or regional level over time. It describes the variability or average state of the atmosphere or average weather over time scales ranging from decades to millions of years. These variations may come from processes internal to the Earth, be driven by external forces (e.g. variations in sunlight intensity) or, most recently, be caused by human activities.
The problem with humans contributing so much carbon dioxide is that Earth's natural system is overwhelmed and can't keep up with the rate of our CO2 release. The natural carbon cycle is disrupted and Earth's carbon 'sinks' or places that carbon can be safely absorbed are either diminishing or saturated.
"There is a change in the weather pattern it is from the populations from factories, cars, and airplanes” stated RonadoVbello. • Interviewed by. Brenda Allen.
Does carbon emissions and other greenhouse gasses result in Global Warming? • There is a dramatic change in our overall weather pattern and it is affecting the global climate. Scientist are saying that we humans have changed Earth's weather patterns by burning most of the fossil fuel deposits. Peradventure, increasing of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, we are now observing effects of global warming.
In the online website, Times For Change “Carbon-dioxide emission gas are the most important causes of global warming. CO2 is inevitably created by burning fuels like oil, natural gases, diesel, organic-diesel, petrol, organic-petrol and ethanol.” (2007)
IMPLICATIONS • We believe that the answer to our questions lie in changing our every day habits by finding alternative usage for energy thus decreasing our dependency of fossil fuel and that will potentially eliminate greenhouse gasses from our environment.
FINAL THOUGHTS • I know many of you guys drove here today to attend this presentation. Be not dismayed. The purpose is this presentation is not to scare you but to evoke consciousness in being mindful about how our daily activities are affecting us here today and for future generations to come. As the future generations of tomorrow, we believe that it is imperative for us now to start thinking about ways of improving the conditions here on planet Earth. Not waiting for a Global warming melt down crisis to take place then take action. But the time is now. Thank you!