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Croup... Dunnn , dunn , duuuuunnn .

Croup... Dunnn , dunn , duuuuunnn . Kirsi, Shania, Maggie. Causes?!?. Children under 5 are the most common people to get the infection. . Croup comes from many different viruses, The most common are parainfluenza , influenza, respitatory syncytial virus,) adenovirus, and measles . .

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Croup... Dunnn , dunn , duuuuunnn .

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  1. Croup... Dunnn, dunn, duuuuunnn. Kirsi, Shania, Maggie.

  2. Causes?!? Children under 5 are the most common people to get the infection. Croup comes from many different viruses, The most common are parainfluenza, influenza, respitatorysyncytial virus,) adenovirus, and measles. The infection causes swelling your throat and in your vocal cords.

  3. Affected Structures? Croup is also called, laryngotracheobronchitis. It is called laryngotracheobronchitis, because it affects the larynx, trachea, and bronchi.

  4. Symptoms && Effects A loud “bark” cough. Wheezing or grunting while breathing. Hoarse and Raspy Voices. Cold like symptoms

  5. Severe Symptoms. Drooling and trouble swallowing. Blue lips and or fingers. A high fever. Difficulty breathing. High pitched sound, when trying to speak. Please seek emergency help….

  6. At Home Treatment. STAY CALM!!! Give child moist air to breathe. Ex: Humidifier or a warm shower. Give lots of fluids to drink. Ex: Water and Juice. Sleep in the same room with child. Listen for breathing, If gets worse seek medical attention. Ex: A Hospital or Family Doctor.

  7. Medical Treatment. Reminder!!! Antibiotics are NOT used for a treatment for Croup. Sometimes oxygen with mist or cool mist is given to children coming to the hospital with croup.

  8. Full Recovery… ? The symptoms of croup generally peak 2 to 3 days after the symptoms of infection with a virus start. Viral croup usually lasts 3 to 7 days. Croup usually isn't serious. Most cases of croup can be treated at home. Sometimes, your child will need prescription medication. Almost every case of Croup is a full recovery =) !

  9. Sources. The Lung Association- While reading the information on the website, it made everything more clear and a better understanding of what Croup was. Kids Health ( For Parents) – The website look official :p , also because they seem genially concerned about the health of children and want parents to know about what they can do to help. Also, because Mrs. G said it was great.

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