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Chapter 1: Sources of the Democratic Tradition 2000B.C.E. – A.D. 1689 Section 2: The Roman Republic and Empire Question: How did the Romans Establish a Republic? I . Establishing a Republic Rome was a city-state in the center of Italy, ruled by Etruscan kings and nobles c. 800 B.C.E.
Chapter 1: Sources of the Democratic Tradition 2000B.C.E. – A.D. 1689 Section 2: The Roman Republic and Empire Question: How did the Romans Establish a Republic? I. Establishing a Republic Rome was a city-state in the center of Italy, ruled by Etruscan kings and nobles c. 800 B.C.E. In 509 B.C.E., the Romans threw out the Etruscans and set up a republic where they chose their own officials Set up a senate of 300 members, all patricians (landholding upper class)—made laws Senators elected 2 consuls, who served one term only, commanded army and business of gov’t
During war, senate chose a dictator (ruler) to control gov’t for 6 months Cincinnatus—model dictator, organized army over attacking enemy and returned back to farm Plebeians (common people) made up most of Rome, but had no influence on gov’t The First Break through for the Plebeians came in 450 B.C.E., the gov’t wrote down laws in 12 tablets (Laws of the Twelve Tables), due to plebeian protests which were view in the market place. Because the 12 tablets were written down it allowed the Plebeians to appeal judgment by a patrician judge Plebeians were allowed tribunes (elect officials) to protect own interests; could veto (block) unfair laws consuls and senate Plebeians gained access to power w/o going to war this was adapted by the U.S. (senate, veto, checks on power)
Question: How did Rome go from a Republic to an Empire? II. From Republic to Empire • By 270 B.C.E., Rome controlled almost all of Italy (Etruscans, Greeks) • Punic Wars — Rome and Carthage (North Africa) fought three wars with each other from 264 to 146 B.C.E. • Rome won the first two wars. However, in the second war a Carthaginian general named Hannibal invaded Italy atop war elephants • Romans completely destroyed Carthage and controlled the Mediterranean Sea
By 133 B.C.E., Rome extended from Spain to Egypt Alexander The Great vast empire was divided up by Hellenistic rulers. One by one these lands became provinces of Rome Conquests of new lands brought riches and led to problems w/in Roman society Generals , traders, and officials became wealthy, but hurt small farmers and citizens who fought for free in the army Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus tried to create reforms to help the poor Senators did not like this and had Gracchus brothers killed Question: How did Julius Caesar Rise to Power in Rome? Civil war broke out in Rome and Julius Caesar who was a military commander emerged and took charge Caesar had just finished the conquest of Gaul (France) and returned to Rome and took over the capital and forced the senate to make him dictator He became the absolute ruler of Rome, but put in place many changes to help the poor like public works projects to employ the poor, gave citizenship to the people of the provinces
Caesar was killed by his enemies in the senate in 44 B.C.E., because they feared he was going to make himself king Question:Who was Emperor Augustus Caesar? Octavian, Caesar’s grand nephew, came to power; he was given the title Augustus (Exalted One) Augustus Caesar ended Rome as a republic and began the age of the Roman empire Created a well-trained civil service to enforce laws; opened high level jobs to all; and allowed independent gov’t as long as their allegiance was to Rome Question: What was the PaxRomana? PaxRomana—a period of 200 years that Augustus’ gov’t set up, a.k.a. “Roman Peace” Rome’s territory was stretched from the Mesopotamia to Britain (size of U.S.)
During the PaxRomana: • military protected the empire • trade flowed freely from Africa & Asia • People spread ideas and knowledge • Emperor Hadrian codified Roman law making them the same in all the provinces • Emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote Meditations and became a philosopher-king (Plato’s ideal) Question: What was Roman Law? III. Roman Law • The legacy of Rome was the establishment of justice through law, which created stability and unity borrowed by Europe and Latin America
Question: What was the Two Systems? Civil Law — rules that applied to citizens, Began with the Twelve Tablets and evolved over time Law of Nations — rules that applied to people outside of Rome These laws were based on the laws of nature and the human ability to reason The inspiration of these laws came from Stoic philosophy, later thinkers developed the principles of natural rights, a key idea in the American Declaration of Independence. An accused was presumed innocent until proven guilty; and judges interpreted laws and had to be fair Question: What was the Justinian’s Code? By 400s C.E., the Roman empire in the West collapsed and the Byzantine empire which was the center of power fro Rome in the East took over Emperor Justinian created the Justinian’s Code—the Body of Civil Law based on Roman law
Justinian set up a commission to collect and revise and organize all laws of ancient Rome called the Justinian Code By 1100s, Justinian’s Code reached Western Europe and were used by Christian Church many medieval monarchs Justinian’s Code is also used in international law today Question: What is Greco-Roman Civilization? IV. Greco-Roman Civilization Greco-Roman civilization—a blend of Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman traditions Romans absorb Greek culture after conquering Greece Philosophy of Stoicism stressed duty Greco-Roman ideas preserved by the Byzantine empire and Muslim scholars