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Learn about the functions of the urinary system, the anatomy of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, and common urinary disorders.
The Urinary System MEDL 2350 Lecture 3 February 17, 2003
Functions • The urinary system consists of 2 kidneys, 2 ureters, a urinary bladder, and the urethra. • The urethra has distinct functions depending on the sex (gender) of the individual. • The female urethra has ONLY a urinary function.
The male urethra has both urinary and reproductive functions. • In both sexes, the main function of the urinary system is the eliminate waste products from the body.
The Functions • Maintain HOMEOSTASIS, or a constant internal environment. • Maintain constant concentrations of salt, water, and acids.
Anatomy of the Urinary System • Blood enters the kidneys through the RENAL ARTERIES and leaves the kidneys through the RENAL VEINS. • Blood is filtered in the GLOMERULUS. • The glomerulus is part of the functional unit of the kidney called the NEPHRON. • The nephrons are contained within the RENAL CORTEX and RENAL MEDULLA.
Urine is collected in the CALICES (singular – CALYX). • From the calices (located within the RENAL PELVIS) the urine enters the URETERS. • The ureters connect the kidneys to the bladder.
Within the bladder, urine is stored until there is enough pressure to cause it to enter the urethra. • The urethra carries urine from the bladder to the outside world. • The male urethra has three parts: 1. penile urethra – within the penis 2. membranous urethra – within the urogenital diaphragm 3. prostatic urethra – within the prostate gland
The female urethra is very short and is located superior to the vagina.
Some Suffixes -osis abnormal condition -pathy disease -pexy fixation -ptosis falling
Abnormal condition -osis Enlargement - megaly Hardening - scler
What does each word mean? Nephromegaly Enlargement of the kidney Nephrectomy Removal of the kidney
The suffix –iasis is used to describe something abnormal. An abnormal condition of kidney stones is Nephr / o / lith / iasis kidney stone Abnormal condition
Combine nephr / o and -ptosis Nephroptosis Which means a dropping or prolapse of a kidney.
The Ureters, Bladder, and Urethra • Urine is conveyed from each kidney through one of two ureters and stored in the bladder until it is removed from the body through the urethra.
The suffix -ectasis means dilation or enlargement. Therefore, an enlargement of the ureter is called ureter / ectasis. A stone in the ureter is a ureterolith
You would use a procedure called a ureter / o / lith /o / tomy to remove a ureterolith. A surgical procedure ureter stone
Stones are formed in the urinary tract by the deposit of crystalline substances excreted in the urine. • Stones can be surgically removed or crushed so the pieces are voided in the urine. • The suffix -tripsy means crushing.
The urinary bladder is a muscular sac that stores urine until it is removed. • The combining forms cyst / o and vesic / o are used to refer to the bladder.
Ureterolith -> stone in the ureter. Ureterocystoscope -> an instrument to view the ureter and bladder. Ureterocystoscopy -> visual examination of the ureter and bladder.
The urethra differs in men and women. In men, it serves a dual function of conveying sperm and urine. In females, it only conveys urine. • The combining form for urethra is urethr / o
Cancers • Malignant tumors are cancerous. • Benign tumors are non-cancerous. • Malignant tumors spread rapidly.
The combining form adeno / o Is used to denote a gland. Therefore, adeno / o / dynia is a word that denotes pain in a gland.
The combining form carcin / o means cancer. • Therefore, aden / o / carcin / oma refers to a cancerous glandular tumor.
A “UTI” refers to URINARY TRACT INFECTION. • UTI’s account for the majority of office visits resulting from urinary symptoms.
The Nephron • Each kidney contains about 1 million NEPHRONS. These structures are the filtering mechanisms of the kidney. • The nephron is responsible for keeping fluid levels balanced. • Urine flows from the nephron into the funnel-shaped CALYX. • From the calyx, urine passes into the RENAL PELVIS to the ureter.
The combining form pyel / o refers to the renal pelvis.
Parts of the Nephron • Glomerulus • Collecting tube • Bowman’s Capsule The combining form glomerul / o refers to the glomerulus.
Combining Forms for Color Erythr / o -> red Leuk / o -> white
Combining Form for Infection • PUS is a collection of dead blood and inflammatory cells. • The combining form that means pus is py / o
The suffix -uria refers to urination. Hemat / uria -> blood in urine py / uria -> pus in the urine
The combining form olig / o refers to scanty or little. Therefore, olig / uria means little or scanty urination.
Miscellaneous The combining form for night is noct / o The suffix -phobia means fear. The prefix in- refers to “not”.
Other Urinary Disorders AZOTURIA - an increase in nitrogen in the urine. DIURESIS – abnormally large amount of urine. ENURESIS – involuntary discharge of urine after the age which bladder control should have been established. HYPOSPADIAS – abnormally place urethral opening on the underside of the penis.
PHIMOSIS – stenosis (narrowing) of the foreskin opening over the glans of the penis. UREMIA – elevate level of waste products in the blood.