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Technology Transfer In The Context of EU-EECA Relations

Technology Transfer In The Context of EU-EECA Relations. Giles Brandon Principal Consultant Intelligentsia Consultants Ltd. What is Technology Transfer?.

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Technology Transfer In The Context of EU-EECA Relations

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  1. Technology Transfer In The Context of EU-EECA Relations Giles Brandon Principal Consultant Intelligentsia Consultants Ltd Giles Brandon, gilesbrandon@intelligentsia-consultants.com

  2. What is Technology Transfer? “Technology transfer is the process by which a developer of technology (e.g. university, research institution or company) makes its technology available to a commercial partner that will exploit the technology.”* *Based on WIPO definition Giles Brandon, gilesbrandon@intelligentsia-consultants.com

  3. Tech-Transfer Is Not Easy! Xerox Palo Alto Research Centre (PARC) Founded 1970 on Stanford University campus Xerox invested $150m during first 14 years Developed 1st PC, mouse, laser printing & LAN Tech-transfer barriers: Company only in the business of office copiers No effective mechanisms to transfer to manufacturing and marketing Culture clash between Xerox PARC and Xerox headquarters “Only” laser printing was commercialised Giles Brandon, gilesbrandon@intelligentsia-consultants.com

  4. Why Is Tech-Transfer Important? Licensing income per university (€k) “Is Europe lagging behind the US in university technology licensing?”, Conti & Gaulé, 2009 Giles Brandon, gilesbrandon@intelligentsia-consultants.com

  5. Tech-Transfer At Oxford University Isis Innovation Ltd Helps Oxford University commercialise its Intellectual Property Turnover: £7.5m (2010) Manages 368 patents Signed 250 technology licence and consulting deals (2010) Isis Innovation Annual Report 2010 Giles Brandon, gilesbrandon@intelligentsia-consultants.com

  6. Moscow Institute Of Electronic Technology (MIET) Innovation Complex Giles Brandon, gilesbrandon@intelligentsia-consultants.com

  7. EU-EECA Transnational Techology-Transfer Enterprise Europe Network (Armenia & Russia members) Gate to Russian Business and Innovation Networks (Gate2RuBIN) Russian Technology Transfer Network Franco-Russian Technology Network Centre of Engineering and Technology Transfer, Kazakhstan Republican Centre for Technology Transfer, Belarus Technology Transfer Agency, Uzbekistan Giles Brandon, gilesbrandon@intelligentsia-consultants.com

  8. Russia-Lithuania Tech-Transfer Agrobaltika Ltd, Kaliningrad Design software for polder systems Signed agreement (2009) Silute Polders Silute District Administration Technical cooperation Tested new software applications Adapted software to local needs Analysed Silute polder systems Plan to reconstruct Silute polders Giles Brandon, gilesbrandon@intelligentsia-consultants.com

  9. EastLink Parallel Session: Technology Transfer In The Context Of EU-EECA Relations Practical examples of EU-EECA technology transfer Practical advice on “what to do” and “what not to do!” New opportunities for EU-EECA technology transfer Giles Brandon, gilesbrandon@intelligentsia-consultants.com

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