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RHIC Accelerator Complex and Detectors

A New State of Matter: Has the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) Seen It? Brant M. Johnson, BNL. @. RHIC Accelerator Complex and Detectors. Relative Size of RHIC to Middletown, CT. The river Wesleyan stadium RHIC Ring. Courtesy: Dave Morrison, BNL. Understanding Physics 1.

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RHIC Accelerator Complex and Detectors

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  1. A New State of Matter: Has the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) Seen It?Brant M. Johnson, BNL @

  2. RHIC Accelerator Complex and Detectors Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  3. Relative Size of RHIC to Middletown, CT The river Wesleyan stadium RHIC Ring Courtesy: Dave Morrison, BNL Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  4. Understanding Physics 1 The first thing we need to understand modern physics is a concept we can borrow from the theatre: A Willing Suspension of Disbelief Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  5. Understanding Physics 2 The second thing required to approach a true understanding of modern physics is: A Sense of Wonder Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  6. Curiosity and a Sense of Wonder Small,    smaller,    even smaller,    and smaller    smallest? Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  7. Early Atomic Models: Hard Sphere and Plum Pudding In the 5th Century B.C. Greek Philosopher Democritus Proposed that every form of matter is made of very tiny pieces or indivisible building blocks, which he called ATOMS: Hard Sphere Plum Pudding In 1907 J. J. Thomson reasoned that because electrons comprise only a very small fraction of the mass of an atom, they probably were responsible for an equally small fraction of the atom's size. Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  8. Experiment: Sole Judge of Scientific Truth In 1917 the Rutherford Scattering Experiment results falsified the Plum Pudding Model The test of all knowledge is experiment. EXPERIMENT is the SOLE JUDGE of SCIENTIFIC TRUTH. -- Richard P. Feynman (This is especially true when a model or theory is falsified.) Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  9. Soft and Hard Scattering pT p Transverse Momentum pL or pz Longitudinal Momentum p0 Soft Scattering (large b, small q): Low pT like in plum pudding model prediction. Hard Scattering (small b, large q): High pT, like in Rutherford scattering results. (Note: Hard scattering implies substructure, that is something smaller inside). Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  10. Small, smaller, smaller, … smallest? small/smaller Atom Nucleus Nucleon Parton smallest? smaller parts Nucleus & Electrons Protons & Neutrons Quarks & Gluons smallest? Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  11. Quarks, Gluons, and Leptons Proton RHIC? Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  12. Baryons (protons, neutrons, etc.) Color neutral + Color neutral Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  13. Meson (pions, kaons, etc.) Color neutral Color neutral Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  14. 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics for Asymptotic Freedom http://www.physicstoday.org/vol-57/iss-10/nobel.html Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  15. What’s in a name? What is RHIC? Relativistic: something traveling at nearly the speed of light Heavy Ion: Typically fully-stripped gold ions (bare gold nucleii) Collider: Two ion beams aimed at each other to hit head-on. Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  16. World’s First Polarized Proton Collider Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  17. A Closer Look at RHIC Capable of colliding ~any nuclear species on ~any other species Two independent rings: 3.83 km circumference 120 bunches/ring 106 ns crossing time Luminosity • Au-Au: 2 x 1026 cm-2 s-1 • p-p : 2 x 1032 cm-2 s-1 (polarized) Energy: 500 GeV for p-p 200 GeV for Au-Au (per N-N collision) Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  18. RHIC Detectors (Collaborations): 2 large; 2 small STAR 10:00 8:00 2:00 6:00 Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  19. Layouts of RHIC Detectors: 2 large; 2 small Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  20. Tracking Detectors Measure Charge and Momentum Event Displays Left/Right tells charge Curvature is proportional to 1/p Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  21. Disclaimer 1: A PHENIX Perspective My background is in atomic, plasma, and beam physics. Atomic collision physics: at U. Texas at Austin (1971-1975), then BNL dual-MP tandems (1975-1984, including several experiments with my good friend Prof. Tom Morgan, Wesleyan). Atomic physics with Synchrotron Radiation: National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS, 1984-1992). Relativistic Heavy Ion (Nuclear) Physics (PHENIX at RHIC, 1993-…) While this talk includes data from all four RHIC experiments, my view is from PHENIX perspective. It is hard to tell, but this is me  October 2003 Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  22. Disclaimer 2: Many slides borrowed “whole hog” Many of my much more expert colleagues have given similar talks. Rather than borrow bits and pieces and give the impression that I have created all of the slides for this talk, I have chosen to borrow “whole hog” many of the slides from two excellent recent talks: Recent Discoveries at RHIC: Do They Indicate a New State of Matter? Professor William (Bill) Zajc, Columbia University (PHENIX Spokesperson) General RHIC Colloquium, Fermilab (FNAL), July 30, 2003. Status of QGP Search at RHIC: A PHENIX Perspective Dr. David d’Enterria, Nevis Labs, Columbia University Institute fur Kernphysik, Frankfurt, September 30, 2004 RHIC Colloquium, FNAL, July 30, 2003 W. A. (Bill) Zajc, Columbia Inst. Kernphysik, Frankfurt, Sept. 30, 2004 David d’Enterria, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  23. What is a Quark Gluon Plasma? Phases of Matter: Quarks and gluons become deconfined as the temperature and/or density is increased through and beyond a phase boundary Phases of Water: …Water Vapor …Liquid Water Ice … ~140 MeV Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  24. Phase Diagrams of Nuclear Matter Normal Density  high density or high temperature Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  25. Physics at One Millionth of a Second After the Big Bang Today is ~14 billion years later. Most particles detected are hadrons after Freeze Out Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  26. Multiplicity and Centrality Centrality: The state of being central; tendency towards a center. RHIC collisions are: peripheral semi-central most central. Multiplicity: A large number or wide range (of something). At RHIC: the something is particles Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  27. Questions Related to Formation of “New” State of Matter Are the Temperature and Energy Density High Enough? Are There Strong (Collective) Pressure Gradients? Is There Evidence of a Dense Final-State System? Is the Thermalization Time Realistic? Is the System Chemically Equilibrated? Is There Evidence for Quark Recombination? Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  28. Soft and Hard Scattering Transverse Momentum pT pT p pL pL Longitudinal Momentum p0 • Soft Scattering: • Low pT like in plum pudding • model prediction. • Hard Scattering: • High pT, like in Rutherford • scattering results. • Hard scattering implies substructure Most particles Produced at RHIC are “Soft” (Low pT) Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  29. Is the Temperature (T) High Enough? Yes! intensity  Phobos Preliminary Systematic Errors not shown transverse momentum  Planck distribution describes intensity as a function of the wavelength of emitted radiation From transverse momentum distribution deduce temperature of about 120 MeV “Blackbody” radiation is the spectrum of radiation emitted by an object at temperature T Courtesy: Dave Morrison, BNL Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  30. Is the Energy Density (e) High Enough? Yes! Inst. Kernphysik, Frankfurt, Sept. 30, 2004 David d’Enterria, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  31. Are There Strong Collective Pressure Gradients? Yes! Inst. Kernphysik, Frankfurt, Sept. 30, 2004 David d’Enterria, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  32. Hard Scattering: Systematizing Our Expectations RHIC Colloquium, FNAL, July 30, 2003 W. A. (Bill) Zajc, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  33. Is There Evidence of a Dense System? Yes! PRL Cover – 14 January 2002 Inst. Kernphysik, Frankfurt, Sept. 30, 2004 David d’Enterria, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  34. Control Experiment: d + Au (cold nucleus) Some theorists suggested that the observed high pT suppression in Au+Au central events was an initial state effect. If so, then at least some suppression should also be seen in d + Au collisions. Experimental results falsified the initial-state conjecture. Conclusion: Au+Au result is a final-state effect. . Au + Au Experiment d + Au Control Experiment Final Data Preliminary Data Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  35. Is There Evidence of a Dense Final State System? Yes! Presented at a BNL “Press Event” 18 June 2003. PRL Cover 15 August 2003 Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  36. CERN Press Release, February 10, 2000 Question: If we have seen a New State of Matter at RHIC, then how does it differ from the one CERN claimed to have discovered in 2000? Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  37. Experimental Evaluations by RHIC Collaborations Formation of dense partonic matter in relativistic nucleus nucleus collisions at RHIC: Experimental evaluation by the PHENIX collaboration Quark Gluon Plasma and Color Glass Condensate at RHIC? The perspective from the BRAHMS experiment. The PHOBOS Perspective on Discoveries at RHIC Are We There Yet? The STAR Collaboration’s Critical Evaluation of the Evidence Regarding Formation of a Quark Gluon Plasma in RHIC Collisions. Links: http://www.arxiv.org/nucl-ex/0410NNN PHENIX: nucl-ex/0410003 BRAHMS: nucl-ex/0410020 PHOBOS: nucl-ex/0410022 STAR: (to be released) Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  38. Answers to the Questions at RHIC and SPS Are the Energy Density and Temperature High Enough? Are There Strong (Collective) Pressure Gradients? Is There Evidence of a Dense Final-State System? Is the Thermalization Time Realistic? Is the System Chemically Equilibrated? Is There Evidence for Quark Recombination? • Yes at RHIC and SPS • Yes at RHIC; not as large at SPS • Yes at RHIC; suppression not as strong at SPS • Yes at RHIC; not as realistic at SPS • Yes at RHIC; yes at SPS • Yes at RHIC; no at SPS Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  39. Back up slides Back Up Slides Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  40. Is There Evidence of Quark Recombination? Yes Inst. Kernphysik, Frankfurt, Sept. 30, 2004 David d’Enterria, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  41. Is the Thermalization Time Realistic? Yes Inst. Kernphysik, Frankfurt, Sept. 30, 2004 David d’Enterria, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  42. Is the System Chemically Equilibrated? Yes Inst. Kernphysik, Frankfurt, Sept. 30, 2004 David d’Enterria, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  43. Intermediate pT: Unsuppressed Baryon Production Inst. Kernphysik, Frankfurt, Sept. 30, 2004 David d’Enterria, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  44. Complicated Time Evolution in Temp (T), Energy Density () 1 fm = 10 –15 m ; c = 3 x 10 8 m / s  1 fm/c  3 x 10 –24 s 10 7 fm/c  3 x 10 –17 s Before Collision Unsuspecting Nuclei are at normal T and  Inst. Kernphysik, Frankfurt, Sept. 30, 2004 David d’Enterria, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  45. Theoretical Guidance At a critical temperature (Tc ) quarks and gluons become deconfined as the confining potential drops to zero RHIC Colloquium, FNAL, July 30, 2003 W. A. (Bill) Zajc, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  46. Kinematics: Angle (q), Rapidity (y), Psuedorapidity (h) RHIC Colloquium, FNAL, July 30, 2003 W. A. (Bill) Zajc, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  47. PHENIX Examples of Particle Identifiers: EMCal and RICH Electromagnetic Calorimeters (EMCal) and Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  48. Number of Participants (Npart) and Collisions (Ncoll) RHIC Colloquium, FNAL, July 30, 2003 W. A. (Bill) Zajc, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  49. Jets at RHIC RHIC Colloquium, FNAL, July 30, 2003 W. A. (Bill) Zajc, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

  50. Systematizing RHIC Knowledge Text RHIC Colloquium, FNAL, July 30, 2003 W. A. (Bill) Zajc, Columbia Wesleyan Univ., Nov. 4, 2004 A new state of matter: Has RHIC seen it? Brant M. Johnson, BNL

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