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Georgia Department of Community Affairs Shelter Plus Care Program. Overview February 2011. Shelter Plus Care Program.
Georgia Department of Community AffairsShelter Plus Care Program Overview February 2011
Shelter Plus Care Program S+C is designed to link rental assistance to supportive services for hard-to-serve homeless persons with disabilities (psychiatric, substance abuse related, or those with AIDS) and their families.
Shelter Plus Care Contracts • For S+C, the grant agreement is between HUD and the DCA(recipient)(1). HUD holds the DCA responsible for the overall administration of the program. Under the grant agreement, the DCA must agree to operate the program in accordance with the provisions of Part 582 and other applicable HUD regulations. • The DCA will hold the Sponsor (sub-recipient) to the same standards. • (1) • (1) Contracts are signed by HUD and the Georgia Housing and Finance Authority
Who can move into a S+C unit? Eligible participants • A “homeless” person, who is also • A “person with disabilities” (primarily SMI, Chronic SA, Dual, or AIDS), who is also • A “very low income” person- meaning “a (family) income not to exceed 50% of median”. • Or the “homeless” (and very low income) family member of such a person.
S+C Definition of HomelessnessThe S+C program specifically targets homeless persons who: • are sleeping in places not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks, and abandoned or condemned buildings; or are sleeping in emergency shelters. • this may include persons who ordinarily sleep in one of the above places but are spending a short time (30 consecutive days or less) in a hospital or other institution.
Eligible Disabilities A person shall be considered to have a disability if such person • Has a physical, mental or emotional impairment which is expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration; substantially impedes his or her ability to live independently; and is of such a nature that such ability could be improved by more suitable housing conditions, or • Has a severe and chronic developmental disability. NB The person with the disability MUST be an adult within the household
S+C Income Limits • Household must not exceed 50% of the AMI (Area Median Income) • Sponsors can use the DCA Income form and the HUD webpage at http://www.huduser.org/portal/ to determine income requirements
Supportive Services Match • § 582.5 HUD defines ‘supportive services’ to mean assistance provided or arranged by the [sponsor] that addresses the special needs of eligible persons. • Assistance includes, but is not limited to: • health care • mental health • alcohol and drug services • child care • case management, counseling • Supervision • Education • job training; and • Independent living services § 582.110 Sponsor must provide or ensure the provision of supportive services appropriate to the needs of the population being served and at least equal in value to the aggregate amount of the rental assistance. Match includes: • Salaries, • Value of services (except in patient hospital) provided by others, • Volunteer time at $10/hr, • Leasing costs of service centers; and • Street outreach, working with persons in shelters, etc.
Other factors when starting a S+C Grant • Environmental Reviews for each site • HQS inspections performed initially and then annually by DCA staff • Rent Reasonableness- § 582.305 All Grant awards are based on FMR, but unit rents are set at a different standard. Sponsors must demonstrate that rents are ‘reasonable’ (for standard, not luxury units) for the area. http://www.dca.state.ga.us/housing/specialneeds/programs/downloads/ShelterPlusCare/HUD_Rent_Reasonableness_Guidance_&_Checklist.pdf
Extension vs. RenewalThe year prior to the expiration date of a new grant there is a critical decision:
Further Shelter Plus Care Regulation and Information Available on our website http://www.dca.ga.gov/housing/specialneeds/programs/ShelterPlusCare.asp Corporation for Supportive Housing http://www.csh.org/ HUD’s Homelessness Resource Exchange http://www.hudhre.info/