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Abacus 300 B.C

Computer Timeline. Compaq Portable II 1982. Abacus 300 B.C. Apple Macintosh 1985. Analytical Engine. IBM Stretch 1959. Pascaline. Jacquard. 1975 Apple I. Mark I IBM 1944. Napier’s Bones 1617. Commodore 64 1984. Communication Timeline. By Alex Iveroth a nd Conor Diggs. Abacus .

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Abacus 300 B.C

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Computer Timeline Compaq Portable II 1982 Abacus 300 B.C Apple Macintosh 1985 Analytical Engine IBM Stretch 1959 Pascaline Jacquard 1975 Apple I Mark I IBM 1944 Napier’s Bones 1617 Commodore 64 1984

  2. Communication Timeline By Alex Iveroth and Conor Diggs

  3. Abacus http://www.ee.ryerson.ca/~elf/abacus/history.html Back

  4. Napier’s Bones http://www.17centurymaths.com/contents/napier/jimsnewstuff/Napiers%20Bones/NapiersBones.html Back

  5. Pascaline http://www.computermuseum.li/Testpage/Pascaline-Calculator-1642.htm Back

  6. Jacquard http://www.cs.kent.edu/~rothstei/10051/HistoryPt2.htm Back

  7. Analytical Engine http://inventors.about.com/od/bstartinventors/a/Charles_Babbage.htm Back

  8. Mark I IBM http://www.computersciencelab.com/ComputerHistory/HistoryPt3.htm Back

  9. IBM Stretch www.brouhaha.com/~eric/retrocomputing/ibm/stretch Back

  10. 1975 Apple I http://apple-history.com/h1 Back

  11. Compaq Portable II http://oldcomputers.net/compaqii.html Back

  12. Commodore 64 http://www.commodoreusa.net/CUSA_C64.aspx Back

  13. Apple Macintosh • http://oldcomputers.net/macintosh.html Back

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