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Assigned Community Health Assessment Topic

Assigned Community Health Assessment Topic. HEALTH Kristie L. Bruesch RN. Mecosta County, Michigan. HEART DISEASE. *Statistically proven to be the #1 killer in Mecosta County, Michigan. *In the year 2009, there was noted to be 317 total deaths in Mecosta County.

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Assigned Community Health Assessment Topic

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  1. Assigned Community Health Assessment Topic HEALTH Kristie L. Bruesch RN

  2. Mecosta County, Michigan

  3. HEART DISEASE *Statistically proven to be the #1 killer in Mecosta County, Michigan. *In the year 2009, there was noted to be 317 total deaths in Mecosta County. *Out of the 317 deaths, Heart disease took the life of 86 people . Michigan, S. o. (2011). Mecosta County Health Statistics Tables. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from Mecosta County Health Statistics Tables: http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/pha/osr/chi/FullTableList.asp?RegionType=1&RegionCode=54&Submit=Tables

  4. Top 10 causes of morbidity and mortality for Mecosta County • #1- HEART DISEASE • #2- CANCER • #3- CHRONIC LOWER RESPIRATORY DISEASE • #4- STROKE • #5- UNINTENTIONAL INJURIES • #6- DIABETES MELLITUS • #7- ALZEIHMERS DISEASE • #8- KIDNEY DISEASE • #9- PNEUMONIA/ INFLUENZA • #10- INTENTIONAL SELF- HARM Michigan, S. o. (2011). Mecosta County Health Statistics Tables. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from Mecosta County Health Statistics Tables: http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/pha/osr/chi/FullTableList.asp?RegionType=1&RegionCode=54&Submit=Tables

  5. Michigan, S. o. (2011). Mecosta County Health Statistics Tables. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from Mecosta County Health Statistics Tables: http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/pha/osr/chi/FullTableList.asp?RegionType=1&RegionCode=54&Submit=Tables

  6. Mortality/Morbidity Rates for the State of Michigan, 2009 Michigan, S. o. (2011). Mecosta County Health Statistics Tables. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from Mecosta County Health Statistics Tables: http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/pha/osr/chi/FullTableList.asp?RegionType=1&RegionCode=54&Submit=Tables

  7. Mortality/Morbidity Rates for the United States, 2008 Michigan, S. o. (2011). Mecosta County Health Statistics Tables. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from Mecosta County Health Statistics Tables: http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/pha/osr/chi/FullTableList.asp?RegionType=1&RegionCode=54&Submit=Tables

  8. Mortality Statistics 2007-2009 for Mecosta County and the State of Michigan Rates are given per 100,000 population. Data was insufficient and was not reliable to rate. Adding and subtracting the number shown after the + symbol to and from the rate creates the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval. The true rate lies between the interval with 95% statistical confidence.

  9. Lead Poison Define by the Center for Disease Control as having a venous blood level of > 10micrograms per deciliter (CDC,2011). Signs and symptoms include (Perez,2011): Abdominal pain and cramping (usually the first sign) Aggressive behavior Anemia Constipation Difficulty sleeping Headaches Irritability Loss of previous developmental skills (in young children) Low appetite and energy Reduced sensations

  10. Lead Poison Lead can be found in (Perez, 2011): Any house paint made and used before 1978. Toys and furniture painted before 1976. Painted toys and decorations made outside the U.S. Lead bullets, fishing sinkers, curtain weights. Plumbing, pipes, and faucets. Water pipes containing solder can place lead in the water. Some modern faucets. Soil contaminated by decades of car exhaust or years of house paint scrapings. soldering, stained glass, jewelry making, pottery glazing, and miniature lead figures. Children's paint sets and art supplies Pewter pitchers and dinnerware. Storage batteries.

  11. Childhood Lead Poisoning Data for Children Less than 16 years of age, Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Health, M. D. (2008, February 1). Children with Elevated Blood Levels. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from Children with Elevated Blood Levels: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdch/1129_02_01_08_227551_7.pdf

  12. State of Michigan Benchmark and Target Levels. Reduce Michigan’s infant mortality rate by 2.8 out of 1,000. Michigan ranked 34th in 2006 with a 7.3/1,000 infant mortality rate. Reduce Michigan’s rate of unintentional deaths by 19.1 out of 100,000. Michigan ranked 14th in 2007 with a 36.2/100,000 rate of unintentional deaths. Reduce Michigan’s coronary heart disease death rate by 7 out of 100,000. Michigan ranked 45th in 2006 with a 169/100,000 coronary heart disease death rate. Reduce Michigan’s overall cancer death rate by 28.7 out of 100,000. Michigan ranked 34th in 2007 with a 187.3/100,000 overall cancer death rate. Snyder, R., & Dazzo, O. (2011, May). Comparison of Michigan Critical Health Indicators Report & Healthy People 2010 Targets. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from Comparison of Michigan Critical Health Indicators Report & Healthy People 2010 Targets: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdch/CHI_HP_Report_2011_FINAL_352447_7.pdf

  13. State of Michigan Benchmark and Target Levels Decrease % of Michigan adults who smoke cigarettes by 7.6%. Michigan ranked 34th in 2009 with 19.6% of their adults smoking cigarettes. Reduce Michigan’s HIV infection death rate by 1.1 out of 100,000. Michigan ranked 14th in 2007 with 1.8/100,000 deaths from HIV infection. Reduce Michigan’s new gonorrhea cases by 128 out of 100,000.Michigan ranked 43rd in 2009 with 147/100,000 new gonorrhea cases. Reduce Michigan’s primary and secondary syphilis rate by 2.1 out of 100,000. Michigan ranked 21st in 2009 with a 2.3/100,000 primary and secondary syphilis rate. Snyder, R., & Dazzo, O. (2011, May). Comparison of Michigan Critical Health Indicators Report & Healthy People 2010 Targets. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from Comparison of Michigan Critical Health Indicators Report & Healthy People 2010 Targets: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdch/CHI_HP_Report_2011_FINAL_352447_7.pdf

  14. References CDC. (2011, May 6). Lead. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from Center for Disease Control: http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead/ Health, M. D. (2008, February 1). Children with Elevated Blood Levels. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from Children with Elevated Blood Levels: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdch/1129_02_01_08_227551_7.pdf Michigan, S. o. (2011). Mecosta County Health Statistics Tables. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from Mecosta County Health Statistics Tables: http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/pha/osr/chi/FullTableList.asp?RegionType=1&RegionCode=54&Submit=Tables Perez, E. (2011, June 3). Lead Poisoning. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from Medline Plus: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002473.htm Snyder, R., & Dazzo, O. (2011, May). Comparison of Michigan Critical Health Indicators Report & Healthy People 2010 Targets. Retrieved June 9, 2011, from Comparison of Michigan Critical Health Indicators Report & Healthy People 2010 Targets: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mdch/CHI_HP_Report_2011_FINAL_352447_7.pdf

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