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Sicilia Comiso Piazza San Biagio

Sicilia is a masterpiece itself, masterpiece of history, culture, nature and people..<br>Comiso is a municipality in the Ragusa Province, devastated by the 1693 earthquake and rebuilt on the same spot as the old ruins in the Sicilian Baroque style

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Sicilia Comiso Piazza San Biagio

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  1. 2 Comiso

  2. Comiso

  3. The Val di Noto owes its fame to the reconstruction which underwent after the year 1693, when the entire area was decimated by an enormous earthquake. Following the earthquake, many towns were rebuilt on entirely new sites. Another feature is the homogeneous structure of these towns, as the late baroque style developed in Sicily was extensively used in the rebuilding. The area's towns were rebuilt in what came to be known as the Sicilian Baroque style. Comiso (Sicilian: Còmmisu) is a municipality in the Ragusa Province, it has existed since before Byzantine times. Comiso was devastated by the 1693 earthquake and rebuilt on the same spot as the old ruins in the Sicilian Baroque style. Under Byzanthine rule the town was called Comicium, then it was conquered by the Saracens. From 1453 to 1812 it was a fiefdom of the Naselli family, who restored the old Byzantine castle, adding a wing and a chapel, and made it their residence. In 1693 the ominous earthquake destroyed almost all the houses, and left only the churches of SS. Annunziata and San Biagio Faima Văii Notose datorează mai ales reconstruirii urmare devastatorului cutremur din anul 1693, când zona a fost decimată. După cutremur multe dintre oraşe au fost reconstruite în acelaşi loc. Structura acestor oraşe este omogenă mai ales pentru că arhitecţii au folosit un stil unitar, cunoscut astăzi ca stilul baroc sicilian. Comiso (în siciliană Còmmisu) este un oraş în Provincia Ragusa care după cutremurul din anul 1693 care a distrus aproape toate casele şi a lăsat doar bisericile SS. Annunziata şi San Biagio, a fost refăcut pe vechiul amplasament, în stil baroc sicilian. În timpul dominaţiei bizantine oraşul s-a numit Comicium, iar apoi a fost cucerit de sarazini. În perioada 1453-1812 a fost un fief al familiei Naselli, care a refăcut şi mărit castelul bizantin. Salvatore Adamo s-a născut la Comiso

  4. Comiso (30,000 inhabitants; 209m altitude) stands on a plain at the foot of the Iblean Mountains. The road leading up to Ragusa, notably the final stretch, provides impressing views of the Ippari Valley and the coast. The country-side is densely populated, most due to presence of factories and hothouse plantations. Richest in water reserves, Comiso is among the most fertile and top agricultural producers of Sicily.

  5. The Nasellis restored the old Byzantine castle, adding a wing and a chapel, and made it their residence, the citadel of the Spanish rulers of the Aragon family. The castle you can see now is the result of many restorations and modifications. Familia Naselli a restaurat fortăreaţa bizantină (sec XII), adăugându-i o aripă şi o capelă şi au transformat-o în reşedinţa familiei. Forma actuală este rezultatul mai multor modificări şi transformări

  6. Internet image The castle belonged to Naselli, noble foeffee family, which brought wealth and splendor to the city of Comiso. In the parkthere is a war memorial Monumento ai Caduti

  7. Internet image In the front garden there is a monument dedicated to war dead.

  8. Internet image

  9. In 1841, on the east side of the castle, architect E. Gerlando built a neo-classical theatre with a Doric style pediment. În anul 1841 în partea de est a castelului arhitectul E.Gerlando a construit un teatru în stil neoclasic.

  10. sfilato of Comiso (a particular kind of embroidery), according to the ancient traditionof preparing the trousseau for the future bride who, after marriage, will bring it with her to his husband's house

  11. Nerium oleander

  12. Text :Internet Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Gabriela Cristescu Otilia Contraş Internet (3 images) All  copyrights  belong to their  respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2011 Sound: Salvatore Adamo - Felicità - Non sei tu

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