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Status of the Detector Simulation. Anderson C. Schilithz Javier Magnin Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas CBPF. Outline. Quickly status review First results Last works Last results Goals and next steps. Quickly review. Detector geometry. Target (R 1 =0.5m; h 1 =1.3m)
Status of the Detector Simulation Anderson C. Schilithz Javier Magnin Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas CBPF
Outline • Quickly status review • First results • Last works • Last results • Goals and next steps
Quickly review Detector geometry • Target(R1=0.5m; h1=1.3m) • Acrylic vessel + lqd scintillator(+Gd) • Gamma-Catcher(R2=0.8m h2=1.9m) • Acrylic vessel + lqd scintillator • Buffer(R3=1.4m; h3=3.10m) • Steel vessel + mineral oil • Vertical Tiles of the Veto System • X-Y Horizontal Tiles of the Veto System • Plastic scintillator paddles • above and under the external steel cylinder: muon tracking through the detector
Quickly review Simulation goals • Study of the efficiency of the detector • Study of detector geometry, number of PMTs (photo-multipliers), etc, in order to improve the detector efficiency • Study of background and systematic errors • Possibility of measuring other relevant physical quantities (e.g. Weinberg Angle, sterile neutrino, neutrino magnetic moment) with a good precision
Quickly review Initial steps • A preliminary study on the geometry of anti-neutrino detectors • Study of the package GLG4Sim, a Generic Liquid-scintillator Anti-Neutrino Detector (LAND) GEANT4 Simulation derived from the KamLAND • The novice examples of GEANT4 • Development of a very simple detector simulation to learn about the use and capabilities of GEANT4 Very simple detector simulation
Quickly review GLG4Sim package • GLG4Sim(Generic Liquid-scintillator Anti-Neutrino Detector) – General purpose simulation package for anti-neutrino reactor detectors • GLG4Sim has been widely used as the starting point for the Monte Carlo simulation in several experiments involving anti-neutrinos and liquid scintillator detectors, like KamLAND Developed by Glenn Horton-Smith
Quickly review -Angra Detector simulation • Uses GLG4Sim as the starting point • Interaction of neutron with Gadolinium was added • External event generator was created to: • Generation of positrons and neutrons to simulate the Inverse Beta Decay • Generation of electrons to simulate elastic antineutrino-electron scattering e+ + n Ext. Event Generator Detector Simulation or – ne + e-
Detector geometrysimulation Quickly review Three volumes with same dimensions of the real project, 110 PMTs (only for first studies) fully inside the buffer volume PMT detail (look like a real PMT)
Simulation Consistency test Detector consistency test: 9639 positron events generated (no neutrons in the generation) Energy spectrum generated inner target detector Scintillator energy deposited (photons hits in PMTs)
Simulation Consistency test Generated x Deposited MC(energy deposited)/MC(generated) default detector geometry
Simulation PMTs mapping
Simulation PMTs positioning Optimization of PMTs position Preliminary conclusion: approximating the PMTs to the center of the cylinder (in the side region) and applying a small tilt (to simulate a spherical geometry) the missed energy in the scintillator is smaller better efficiency in the detection of photon hits !
Simulation Full simulation test 500.000 simulated anti-neutrino events with inverse beta decay and antineutrino-electron elastic scattering
Last works Muon background • Previous study muon background: high energetic muons can be identitied like a anti-neutrino event • Initial tests reveal a possible inconscis-tency with high energy muons • For a strict muon analysis is necessary to implement the muon veto • Work to implement muon veto using plastic scintillator almost conclude
Last works Muon veto • Objective: • Identify muons traversing the detector • Structure: • Top and bottom flat panels of plastic scintillator • Barrel made of plastic scintillator strips • Need to include flags on simulated data to identify where the muon traversed the veto and the deposited energy
Last results Initial muon tests A initial study simulating muons crossing the detector (vertical direction) without veto was realied for know some variables. The hit time is a example: Muons at 1GeV (20 events) Muons at 1TeV (20 events)
Last results Initial muon veto XY layers vertical layers
Conclusion Goals and next steps • Full background has to be included in the MC generator, like as neutron capture correction • A detailed analysis of the efficiency of detector has to be done, considering electronic system • Muon veto final designing implemetation • The tagging of Inverse Beta Decay and antineutrino-electron scattering events has to be implemented to be able to separate the signals • To study the possibility of measuring the Weinberg angle using the -Angra Detector