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Christmas ‘Quiz’. Hint! hint!. The first few slides are about answer technique and are worth 20 marks. 1. Which ones would gain full marks on a 4 mark question?. A) a page of description B) 4 bullet points on 4 aspects C) 2 explained points D) an explained point and 2 bullet points
Christmas ‘Quiz’ Hint! hint!
The first few slides are about answer technique and are worth 20 marks
1. Which ones would gain full marks on a 4 mark question? • A) a page of description • B) 4bullet points on 4 aspects • C) 2 explained points • D) an explained point and 2 bullet points • E) 4 bullet points on one aspect
2. Which ones would gain full marks on a 6 mark question? • A) One fully explained reason (P,E.E) • B) One fully explained reason and a briefly explained reason (P,E,E and P,E) • C) Two fully explained reasons( 2 x P,E,E) • D) Three fully explained reasons(3 xP,E,E) • E) Five reasons but not explained (5 x P)
3. What are the 4 factors for ‘Why did Hitler become Chancellor?’ • A) Depression after WSC • B) Strengths of Nazi Party • C) Weimar politicians’ mistakes • D) The Weimar Constitution
4) How many marks would you get for these 10 mark essays? • A) You have listed the reasons why Hitler became Chancellor (4 x P) - 4 • B) You have fully explained the importance of the WSC (1 x P,E,E) - 6 • C) You have fully explained the importance of the WSC (1 x P,E,E) and one other factor - 8 • D) You have fully explained the importance of the WSC (1 x P,E,E) and 2 other factors - 9 • E) As well as D you have explained the links or order of importance - 10
5. What is the rule for? • A) Any source question – c + cva + ans the q • B) Any ‘how far?’ question – 2 sided and decide • C) Any q comparing 2 sources – write equally about each of them • D) Any source q with a year in it (eg 1934) – context for why that year is relevant • E) Any ‘why was this published?’ question – purpose = what effect is it trying to achieve • F) Any ‘does this source prove?’ question – No
The TOV • 1. What date was it signed? 28 June 1919 • 2. Who gained Alsace-Lorraine? France • 3. What was Clause 231? War Guilt • 4. In what year were reparations decided? 1921 • 5. With what country was Germany specifically banned from uniting? Austria
The leaders at Versailles • 6. Name the US president. Woodrow Wilson • 7. What were his ideas called? 14 Points • 8. Name the British PM David Lloyd George • 9. What was his view on reparations? Should not be too harsh but should be paid • 10. Name the new organisation agreed by the leaders at Versailles – League of Nations
German resentment of the TOV • 11. Give the acronym for remembering why Germany resented the TOV D’TRAWL • 12, 13, 14, 15 Now say what any four of the letters stand for • DIKTAT, TERRITORY, ARMAMENTS, WAR GUILT CLAUSE, L.O.N.
Were the leaders satisfied with the TOV? • 16. Was the British PM happy with the size of the German navy? Yes • 17. Was he happy that Germany should pay reparations? Yes • 18. Was the French PM happy about Alsace-Lorraine? Yes • 19. Was the US president pleased to see Germany pay reparations? Yes • 20. Was the US president happy with his own country’s attitude to the TOV? No
Manchuria • 36. The year the dispute started? 1931 • 37. The country that owned Manchuria? China • 38. The Report that aimed to end the crisis? Lytton Report • 39. What did it tell Japan to do? Leave Manchuria • 40. How did Japan react? Left League
Abyssinia • 41. The year the invasion started? 1935 • 42. What country was the aggressor? Italy • 43. Was the Suez Canal closed? No • 44. What did the Hoare-Laval Pact say? Most fertile land to Italy • 45. Who made a speech at the League of Nations begging it to protect Abyssinia? The Emperor Haile Selassie
Hitler’s aims • 21, 22, 23, 24. What were Hitler’s aims in foreign policy? • Over throw TOV; reunite Germans; Lebensraum; destroy Communist USSR • 25. Why is getting back the Saarland NOT an example of Hitler’s foreign policy? • It was in the TOV
The causes of world war two • 26. A cause that happened in 1919 TOV • 27. A cause that happened in 1929 WSC • 28. A cause that happened on 23 Aug 1939 Nazi Soviet Pact • 29. A cause that happened on 1 Sept 1939 Invasion of Poland • 30. A word that means “giving in, in the hope of avoiding war”. Appeasement
Austria and Czechoslovakia • 31. When did Hitler succeed in taking over Austria? March 1938 • 32. Did any country try to oppose this? No • 33. When was the Munich Agreement signed? 29 September 1938 • 34. Which 4 countries signed it? GB, F, It, Ger • 35. What did it allow Hitler to take over? The Sudetenland
The run up to war - 1939 • 36. The month in which Hitler broke up the rest of Czechoslovakia? March 39 • 37. The month in which he seized Memel from Lithuania? March 39 • 38. Whose independence did Britain guarantee in April? Poland • 39. The unlikely alliance that let Hitler “go east”? NSP • 40. The date Britain and France declared war? 3 Sept
The rise of the Nazi Party • 41. In what year did Hitler form the SS? 1926 • 42. In what year did he form the Hitler Youth? 1926 • 43. Who did he put in charge of propaganda? Josef Goebbels • 44. In what year was the first Nuremburg rally? 1927 • 45. “We must hold our noses and enter the Reichstag.” What made Hitler decide this? Failure of the Munich Putsch
Nazi control of Germany – fear, propaganda and benefit • Which of the factors above would you use each of the following to support? • 46. The Nuremberg Rallies = P • 47. The Gestapo = F • 48. The new Autobahns = B • 49. Overthrowing the TOV =B • 50. Control of the newspapers = P
Hitler’s Germany • 51. What was the Nazi Youth organisation called? Hitler Youth • 52. What was the Night of Broken Glass? When Jewish property was destroyed • 53. What did the Nuremberg Laws ban? intermarriage • 54. What were the 3 Ks? Kinder, Kirche, Kuche • 55. Which of the 3 Ks had to be abandoned in war-time?! Kuche as women had to go back to work
Britain in the First WW • 56. In what year was conscription introduced? 1916 • 57. Name the Act which did this. Military Service Act • 58. Name the Minister for War in 1914 Lord Kitchener • 59. Did the British government use censorship about military campaigns? Yes • 60. Why can we be certain that propaganda wasn’t completely successful? Laws eg for conscription/ or COs