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DSD Annual Report 2007/08 . Integrated Community Development Presented to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 22 January 2008. PART C: Programme Performance. Welfare Services (HIV & AIDS). Presentation outline. Part D Programme Performance 2007/08: Community Development
DSD Annual Report2007/08 Integrated Community Development Presented to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 22 January 2008 "Building a caring society. together"
PART C: Programme Performance Welfare Services (HIV & AIDS). "Building a caring society. together"
Presentation outline Part D • Programme Performance 2007/08: Community Development • HIV and AIDS • Community Development • Youth Development • Non – Profit Organisations • NDA "Building a caring society. together"
HIV and AIDS "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services HIV/AIDS Strengthen and roll out home /community-based care and support • Provided Funding to 1579 HCBC organisations and 617 drop-in centres through provincial offices. • Ensured that 60% all funded HCBCs comply with the norms and standards for HCBC. • Finalised a research report on Evaluation and Cost and Process Indicators for HCBC programmes, incorporating lessons leant on training and capacity building. • Conducted a situational analysis of child headed households to inform the development of a capacity building/mentoring model for HCBC. "Building a caring society. together"
Progress 2008/09 • HCBC policy framework reviewed & developed, presented to joint coordinators workshop. • Draft guidelines for implementation of HCBC developed, to be finalised March 2009 • Minimum norms & Standards for HCBC programme finalised. Training on norms and standards completed for National and provinces.. • Situational Analysis on child headed households completed and presented to provinces. "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services HIV/AIDS (continued) Strengthen and roll out home /community-based care and support • Provided management training, mentoring and monitoring to 135 HCBC organisations. Caregivers graduated in the 4 provinces • Completed the implementation of the first phase of the Monitoring and Evaluation System for HCBC in North West and Kwazulu-Natal Provinces while next phase (electronic based IT system) will be implemented during 2008/09 • Currently the SETA,DSD (IT & HIV/AIDS Unit) working on an web-based model "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services HIV/AIDS (continued) Implementation of expanded public works programme within home /community-based care and support programme • Trained 97 service providers for accreditation as trainers in HCBC programmes through HWSETA. Full Accreditation will be implemented in 2008/09 • Provided training to 17084 caregivers and provided stipends to 41 757. Database for orphans and vulnerable children • Finalised report on the analysis and feasibility of OVC data and research findings will inform the monitoring and evaluation system for HCBC "Building a caring society. together"
Progress 2008/09 • Final report on analysis and feasibility on OVC data systems is available • Estimation of maternal orphans using vital registration • Training on Child care forums Conducted in Limpopo and Eastern Cape • National audit on CCFs commenced. Data collection completed in six provinces & preliminary report available. Training will commence in WC and Mpumalanga in Feb 2009 "Building a caring society. together"
Progress 2008/09 continued • 289 256 food parcels and 154 974 food supplements distributed to eligible families from HCBC organisations • 261 415 Families received psychosocial support and 58 295 individuals received counselling from HCBC • Manual & training material on psychosocial support developed for the OVC programme • Guidelines for succession planning developed. Training commenced in 6 provinces (MP,WC, EC,GP,FS & NW) • Draft National Action planon psychosocial support for children and adults on treatment developed. Broad consultation I January 2009. "Building a caring society. together"
Strengthening Implementation of OVC policy • Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the National Action Plan (NAP) developed. Core indicators developed for M & E framework for the NAP. • 41139 children referred for CSG from HCBC programme • 439 142 referred for foster care grants "Building a caring society. together"
Civil Society Strengthening: 08/09 • 300 CBO undergoing Accreditation for NQF level 3 training with the HWSETA. • 1651 HCBC organisations and 434 drop-in-centres supported, received funding and provide services to eligible children and families. • Targeting to train 300 CBOs on Community Development facilitation and planning: 09/10 • HCBC: Train caregivers on NQF level 3 • Scaling up of capacity building of CBO on Management/ Coordination and integration of services to all provinces. "Building a caring society. together"
Implementation of HCBC as part of EPWP • Capacity building of caregivers: 20387 Child Care Forums trained for NQF level 1-4. • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) phase1 (1000 learners achieved RPL assessment. Certification ceremonies taking place in all provinces. • RPL phase 2 (1700 currently undergoing RPL in all provinces). • Training provider accreditation: 300 organizations will be accredited at NOF level 3. • Bid submitted to treasury to address the alignment of stipends and NQF aligned training. • Draft regulatory Framework developed and consulted with provinces on DSD perspective "Building a caring society. together"
Child Headed Households • Number of Child headed households not yet ascertained • Total number of CHH that received services within HCBC April 2008 to Dec 2008 estimated to be 50 887. • Updating data base of maternal orphans in South Africa. • 2008 estimates: 1,500 000 maternal orphans • Currently the data gives estimates of data by province. • 2009 the department will determine aggregates of maternal orphans at municipality level to enable the departments to identify orphans. • Districts can utilise the data to identify child headed households, match with SOCPEN and ensure service delivery. "Building a caring society. together"
Maternal Orphans data base using vital registration • Determination of maternal orphans • Matching of home affairs data on maternal death and births • Matching the orphans database with other existing databases in order to verify location and services received by the orphans • Linking the information to social security data • Linking the data to IEC data to determine orphans at municipal level • Data acquired will also support the efforts for determining Child Headed Households using the maternal orphans database. "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services HIV/AIDS (continued Orphans and Vulnerable Children data system • Finalised research on feasibility of a creating data system for orphans and research findings will be used to inform M&E system for HCBC • Developed a set of performance indicators for the National Action Plan for OVC • Created functional coordination structures for OVC at national level and six provincial and district levels "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 3: Social Welfare Services HIV/AIDS (continued) • HIV and AIDS management programme for Children and youth in residential care • Provided training to personnel in 198 residential care centres comprising 1112 officials. • 2009/10: training to be scaled to district officials and other residential facilities Strengthening Prevention Programmes on HIV and AIDS • Finalised the development of a Monitoring and Evaluation tool for HIV prevention programmes, (for love life programme) • Finalised a strategy for the reduction of progression of HIV • Linked 328 ground breakers to EPWP "Building a caring society. together"
Community Development "Building a caring society. together"
Functions of the Chief Directorate • Develop, monitor and facilitate the implementation of policies, strategies and programmes to: • Reduce poverty and achieve sustainable livelihoods • Create an enabling and conducive environment for the practice of community development. • Create an enabling environment for empowerment of non-profit organizations to enable their full participation in the fight against poverty. • Protect, empower and support vulnerable youth to become self-reliant. "Building a caring society. together"
Anti-Poverty Strategy • Desktop analysis of existing DSD provincial Anti-Poverty Strategies was conducted. . "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 4: Community Development Anti-Poverty Strategy The Department has developed Partnership with Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS), a Second Economy Intervention Strategy in the Presidency to facilitate the ‘Communities Work Programme’ – a work guarantee scheme. • Developed a Households Profiling Tool to identify poor and vulnerable households to provide immediate and sustainable interventions • The Department works in partnership with other government Departments in providing support to poor communities to ensure community ownership and sustainability of development initiatives through interventions such as skills development by Labour, access to market by Department of Trade and Industry. "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 4: Community Dev. (Cont) Linking Grants Beneficiaries to Sustainable Livelihoods and Cooperatives • First phase of pilot study: linking grants to livelihoods in Bokfontein, North West Province is underway. • The pilot is linked to organizational work and right to work approaches to poverty eradication. • 50 toilets have been erected out of the ‘sweet equity’ principle. • Launched and registered the Consumer Cooperative. • Facilitated training of Bokfontein Cooperative members by the Department of Labour. • The Drop in Centre component of Cooperative in Dutjini pilot study was fully registered and funded. • Produced two SLA Learning experience documentaries for the Bokfontein and Dutyini projects • Deferred launching of the Limpopo pilot project to 2008/09 financial year due to provincial re-prioritisation. "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 4: Community Dev. (Cont) Conducive environment for community development practice: • Hosted National Community Development Policy Seminar and stakeholders offered DSD mandate to lead to the process to develop a develop the policy framework. • Conducted Community Development Audit study on National and International Policies and Legislations that have an impact on community development. • Established Inter-Departmental Task Team and Reference Group to guide on policy content and process. • Conducted provincial and national Community Development Policy Consultations. • Community Development Policy Framework will be taken to cabinet in the new financial year. "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 4: Community Dev. (Cont) Standardization of community development, education, training and development • Conducted a scoping exercise for the standardization of community development education and training qualifications: NQF level 4 to 6 with stakeholders in the Standards Generating Body (SGB). • The generation and registration of the Qualifications and Unit Standards is awaiting the finalisation of payment to SAQA and signing of the Memorandum of Understanding. • Implementation of re-grading of community development practitioners could not take place following advice from DPSA that the re-grading be linked to the Occupational Specific Dispensation Process. • Initiated Community Development Capacity Assessment process. "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 4: Community Dev. (Cont) Coordinated and integrated service delivery • Conducted a study to establish constraints and support required by community based development institutions in five provinces namely, Gauteng, North West, Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Kwa-Zulu Natal. "Building a caring society. together"
Professionalization of Community Development Practice • The DSD seeks to develop a database of Community Development Practitioners and Workers within the sector. • The Department is in the process of professionalizing Community Development Practice. • National Consultations have been conducted with national departments i.e DPLG and DPSA, that mandated the department to lead the process of professionalising Community Development Practice. • Provincial Consultations are planned to take place in 2009/10. • The database will be presented to the South African Council of Social Service Professionals. "Building a caring society. together"
Skills Audit for Community Development Practitioners • The Department of Social Development has conducted the Skills Audit of Community Development Practitioners (CDPs) in all provinces. • The skills audit focuses on the geographical location of CDPs and their capacity to deliver sustainable community development programmes. "Building a caring society. together"
Non-Profit Organisations "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 4: Community Dev. (Cont) Non-Profit Organisations Registration and compliance of registered organisations • Registered 5137 of the 7093 applications for registration of NPOs, this brought the number of organisations registered to 48456 • Digitised records of 42 491 registered NPOs to improve business process on registering NPOs in terms of Section 13 and increasing access to information on registered NPO in terms of section 25 of the NPO Act. • Deregistered 194 NPOs for non-compliance as per section 21 of the NPO Act. 10 NPOs however later submitted their reports and were re-instated. • Appointed new members to the Panel of Arbitration to adjudicate cases on organisations appealing against being deregistered as per section 22 of the NPO Act. • Provided training to 742 Community Development Practitioners (CDP) in six provinces on NPO registration, legislation compliance and corporate governance to enable CDPs to support Community-Based Organisations. "Building a caring society. together"
Community Dev. (Cont) Improved regulatory framework • Completed and Gazetted the Regulations of the terms and conditions to appoint a technical committee in compliance with Sections 10 and 28 of the NPO Act. "Building a caring society. together"
YOUTH "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 4: Community Dev. (Cont) Youth Costing of integrated Youth Development Implementation Plan • Costing of the implementation plan could not be finalised due to limited budget. • Engaged Stakeholders on the National Youth Service in all nine provinces; developed Business plans and process of identifying sights for implementation of NYSP. • Implementation commenced in Mpumalanga and Kwa-Zulu Natal. • Developed a roll-out plan for NYSP during stakeholder mobilisation in the provinces. "Building a caring society. together"
Programme 4: Community Dev. (Cont) Youth Masupatsela Pioneer Programme: • Conceptualised the fledging Masupatsela Youth Pioneer Programme which was approved by the MINMEC. • Convened national Conference on the professionalisation of Youth Work in February 2008 • Research on professionalisation of youth work will be finalised during 2008/09 financial year. "Building a caring society. together"