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Kognitio Console Training January 2013. January2013. Using this slide deck. All title slides are hyperlinked for easy navigation simply click on the relevant section/topic you are interested in or view the deck in order for the full course
Kognitio Console TrainingJanuary 2013 • January2013
Using this slide deck • All title slides are hyperlinked for easy navigation simply click on the relevant section/topic you are interested in or view the deck in order for the full course • There are no exercises in this training, the deck has been designed for you to walk through Kognitio Console as you read the deck. Instructions are in the green boxes and learning is in the blue boxes • Every slide has two return buttons. One to the Main menu (slide 3) and one to the relevant section menu • Any comments or questions should be directed to the Kognitio member of staff that supplied this slide deck. Feedback is welcome as it is essential for us to improve training and ensure we cover all relevant topics.
Contents • Quick start guide to Kognitio Console • Features • Colours and Icons • Object tabs • Configuration • Reports • QuickViz • Import and export, load and unload • SQL Scripting • Kog Scripting • Administration
Quick start: contents • Connecting • Schemas and tables • SQL querying • Users • Sessions
Quick start: connecting – logging on Connections can be made to any Kognitio DSN already set up via the ODBC Administrator tool Log on to Kognitio system using an existing user. This can be the SYS user if this is a newly commissioned system
Quick start: connecting – entry screen Update explorer tree (as required) This is the standard Kognitio Console entry screen. The quick start will look at schemas, submitting basic SQL and introduce users and sessions Note: The exact contents of the explorer tree will depend on the user’s privileges
Quick start: table – double click More details about the different object view tabs are covered in object tabs in the features section Expand out the schema tree to show an existing schema and associated tables and views Double click on any table or view to see the object info in the object pane view
Quick start: table – right click Right click on any table to create or drop table image from RAM, including a fragmented image, drop the table, update statistics and import to or export from the table More details about exporting are covered in exporting and importing in the features section
Quick start: view – right click Right click on any view to create or drop view image from RAM, drop the view, update statistics or export the view More details about exporting are covered in exporting and importing in the features section
Quick start: SQL – drag and drop Click on SQL button Click on SQL View This opens a standard SQL query pane that allows one query to be written and submitted each time Drag and drop any view or table into Query 1 tab…
Quick start: SQL – execution Click on execute button to run query When a table is dragged onto an empty line a “select * from query” is automatically created On execution results and metadata for results are generated…. …and SQL details including timings shown in query history
Quick start: SQL – drag and drop column When you amend a query in the standard SQL view the tab name increments by 1 When a column is dragged and dropped only its name appears. This can be used in SQL queries Drag and drop any column into Query tab… Queries can also be run from the right-click menu As you type the SQL it appears in the Query History pane too
Quick start: SQL – configuration Click on configure or use the tools/configure menu to control editing and query options
Quick start: SQL - query navigation Two ways to navigate: Click the back and forwards arrows Double click on query in the query history pulls up the tab for that query
Quick start: SQL – copying results You can highlight cells to copy The right-click menu is used to resize and copy results Clicking “Copy Selected” or “Copy All” means the header is copied too!
Quick start: SQL – query error Error is highlighted Any errors in SQL execution are shown at the bottom of the SQL view pane In query history errors are highlighted with a red cross
Quick start: results – query correction When the error is corrected and run another tab is created and incremented
Quick start: users – schema privileges Double clicking on any user brings up their user information in the object view pane Single clicking on an object shows the direct privileges of the user on the object, and those inherited from its groups First expand the user tree and double click on the user currently logged in… … and then single click on a schema (or any object)
Quick start: adding privileges Select object to grant privileges on Drag and drop required privileges from privileges tree Expand the privileges tree All privileges are grouped under the objects they apply to Save changes
Quick start: privileges To remove a privilege highlight it and hit the delete key To make a privilege grantable highlight it and type + (plus) To remove the grantable privilege type – (minus) Save changes
Quick start: sessions overview Double click on sessions The object view shows you the sessions of users you have privileges to view Click on a session to see last query executed Right click on a session in the object tree to see option to abort query or session There are also buttons to abort query or session Take care not to abort the sessions associated with this instance of Kognitio Console!!!!
Features: contents • Colours and Icons • Object Tabs • Configuration • Reports • QuickViz • Import and export • SQL Scripts • Kog Scripts
Features: colours and icons for table and views Icons show types Dark blue means horizontally fragmented Blue means in memory Dark blue means vertically fragmented
Features: object tabs – info Info Tab shows schema, table, type, owner and create date. Double click on a table to show the Info tab in the object view pane
Features: object tabs – columns Column tab shows the name, type, display size, scale, precision, nullability and comments of each column in the table Click on Columns tab to show the column information
Features: object tabs – table editing Double-click on table cell to edit (only compatible changes allowed)
Features: object tabs – content If there is NO image in RAM this can take some time as Kognitio has to run the SQL to get the sample Click on Content tab to get a sample of table contents
Features: object tabs – row count If there is NO image in RAM this can take some time as Kognitio has to run the SQL to get the count Click on Row Count tab to find the row count
Features: object tabs – keys Click on Keys tab to see the table’s keys
Features: object tabs – privileges Privilege tab shows the user name, privilege, grantability and the specific columns in the table to which the privilege applies Click on Privileges tab to show the privileges associated with the selected table
Features: object tabs – dependencies The tree structure here is fully expandable to show all dependencies. Views may appear many times if dependent on multiple views Double clicking on a dependency will show that table or view in the Object View Click on Dependencies tab to show the views that depend on the selected table
Features: object tabs – create text For tables and views with images the create image text will also be shown Click on Create Text tab to see SQL used to create table
Features: object tabs – disk distribution Disk Distribution shows the data distribution across mpids and slabs Click RAM / Disk tab for access to further tabs
Features: object tabs – slab allocation Click on the Slab Administration tab to check slab allocation or re-assign slabs if you have the privilege Slab Administration shows all slabs in the system and those to which the table is currently assigned
Features: object tabs – RAM usage Click on the RAM Usage tab to check how much RAM is being used by the table Details about table and row headers, null masks, alignment bytes and deleted data are displayed
Features: object tabs – alignment Click on the Alignment tab for information on table alignment Alignment gives information on column sequence, type, location, length and alignment to investigate disk space utilisation
Features: object tabs – optimal alignment Click on the Optimization tab to obtain a create table statement with the columns arranged in an order to reduce RAM usage The optimised create table statement minimises the number of alignment bytes required
Features: object tabs – CDMs Click on the Compressed Data Maps tab to get information on compressed data maps Compressed Data Maps allow faster access to data on disk.
Features: creating external scripts and tables Creating External Scripts and External Tables
Features: object tabs – External tables Click on the External Table tab to get information on the external table definition External Tables have a red icon with an “x” External tables are a new feature in Kognitio Analytics Platform version 8.0
Features: object tabs – Script Environments Before External Scripts may be used a Script Environment must be defined Script Environments are shown in their own section Script Environments are a new feature in Kognitio Analytics Platform version 8.0
Features: object tabs – External Scripts External Scripts are shown in the schema to which they belong Script Environments are a new feature in Kognitio Analytics Platform version 8.0
Features: object tabs – External Scripts Script Environments are a new feature in Kognitio Analytics Platform version 8.0
Features: object tabs – User privileges Shows privileges a User has on all objects, including inherited privileges from the groups a use belongs to.
Features: object tabs • Clicking on the left/right arrows in the icon bar moves between objects which have been shown on the Object View • Right click on the Object View tab allows the object to be made into a window • Which may be docked with the KC main window
Features: explorer tree • Comments may be added to tables and columns using SQL • These are shown in the tooltip for that column in the metadata. • It is possible to edit tables to add columns and change column types • This is only recommended for tables with no or very little data in them as each change requires the whole table to be rebuilt
Features: configuration – general These options control how KC opens
Features: configuration – metadata Modest performance improvement at the expense of a small increase in server memory usage Untick to minimise memory usage when lots of views/tables are visible These options control how and when KC updates its metadata Note: This may give performance degradation for heavily used systems – recommend leaving unticked for general use
Features: configuration – SQL editing These options control SQL editing and result formatting
Features: configuration – dragging These options control what happens when tables are dragged from the explorer tree into SQL queries and scripts