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JavaScript Global Functions and Objects II

JavaScript Global Functions and Objects II. Array String Document and Adding Cookies Forms Style, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and Dynamic HTML (DHTML). Name of array. c[ 0 ]. 56. c[ 1 ]. 70. c[ 2 ]. 80. c[ 3 ]. 51. c[ 4 ]. 72. index of the data value within the array.

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JavaScript Global Functions and Objects II

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  1. JavaScript Global Functions and ObjectsII • Array • String • Document and Adding Cookies • Forms • Style, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and Dynamic HTML (DHTML)

  2. Name of array c[ 0 ] 56 c[ 1 ] 70 c[ 2 ] 80 c[ 3 ] 51 c[ 4 ] 72 index of the data value within the array Array Objects Arrays - An arrayis a collection of data values. • Each data value in an array has an index • The first data value is the 0th value (its index is 0) • To create a new array, we can specify the size as the argument for the Array constructor: • var c = new Array(5); • c contains 5 values, with indexes : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 • To access a specific value in an array, we write: • array_name [ index_of_value] • Why do we need Arrays? • Allow us to use one single name to refer to all values in the collection. • Easy to handle the values in the collection. var c; c = new Array(5); c[0]=56; c[1]=70; c[2]=80; c[3]=51; c[4]=72; alert("The 3rd value is " + c[2]);

  3. Array Objects • Example 1: To hold 5 marks • /* [METHOD 1] Not using array */ • var mark1,mark2,mark3,mark4,mark5; • mark1=60; • mark2=70; • mark3=85; • mark4=68; • mark5=90; /* [METHOD 2] Using array */ var marks=new Array(5); marks[0]=60; marks[1]=70; marks[2]=85; marks[3]=68; marks[4]=90; Only need one array name Need five variable names • /* [METHOD 2] All marks in One array : var marks=new Array(500); */ • var i; • i=0; • while (i<500) • { document.write(marks[i]+"<br/>"); • i++; • } • Example 2: To display five hundred marks • /* [METHOD 1] Marks stored in 500 variables : var mark1, mark2, mark3, mark4, .. ; */ • document.write(mark1+"<br/>"); • document.write(mark2+"<br/>"); • document.write(mark3+"<br/>"); • document.write(mark4+"<br/>"); • document.write(mark5+"<br/>"); • document.write(mark6+"<br/>"); • document.write(mark7+"<br/>"); • document.write(mark8+"<br/>"); • document.write(mark9+"<br/>"); • document.write(mark10+"<br/>"); • document.write(mark11+"<br/>"); • document.write(mark12+"<br/>"); The loop is severallines only!! 500 lines of document.write(..)! [Lec09_Slide3_Array.htm]

  4. Name of array c[ 0 ] 56 c[ 1 ] 70 c[ 2 ] 80 c[ 3 ] 51 c[ 4 ] 72 index of the data value within the array Array Objects • We may also specify the array contents during construction: • var c = new Array(56, 70, 80, 51, 72); • If only one argument is passed to the constructor, this argument specifies the size of the array. eg. var c = new Array(5); //5 elements • If two or more arguments: all arguments are treated as array contents. Eg. new Array(56, 70), or new Array(56, 70, 80).. • The .length property tells the number of values in the array. • Example: var c = new Array(56, 70, 80, 51, 72); alert(c.length);

  5. Array Objects Application: The Random Student Picker • The page contains a global array for storing 5 values. • When the document is loaded, • (1) users will be asked to input 5 student IDs. The IDs are stored in the array immediately. • (2) the IDs are shown in the document (document.write(..)) • The pseudo-URL is displayed after the student IDs. • When being clicked, • (1) generate a random number among 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 as the array index. • (2) use this random index to refer to a value in the array ==> random student is picked.

  6. //Ask for all IDs and //set the content in the array function setupIDs() { var i=0; while (i<5) { all[i]=prompt("Input a student ID"); i++; } } //Write all IDs to the document function writeIDsToDocument() { var i=0; while (i<5) { document.write(all[i]); document.write('<br/>'); i++; } } //Select a random student ID from the array function pickOne() { var idx=Math.floor(Math.random()*5); document.getElementById("result").innerHTML=all[idx]; } <body > <h2>Random Student Picker</h2> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript> //The global array of student IDs var all = new Array(5); setupIDs(); writeIDsToDocument(); </SCRIPT> <a href="javascript: pickOne();"> Pick a student</a> : <span id="result"></span> </body>

  7. Strings • More about String Manipulations • Each string may contain 0 or more characters. • The .length property tells the number of characters in the string. Examples: var x='McDonald\'s'; alert(x+":"+x.length); var x=‘McDonald’; alert(x.length); • Each character in a string has an index. • The first character is located at index 0. • To get the character at a given location: • The charAt(index)method: • Returns the character at the givenindex. • If indexis wrong (eg., too large), empty string is returned. var x="Computer Programming"; var i=0; while (i<x.length) { document.write(i+": "); document.write(x.charAt(i)); document.write("<br/>"); i++; }

  8. Strings • Search a substring inside a string: • indexOf(substring, start_index) • Searches substring starting from position start_index. • Once substringis found, its index is returned. If substring is not found, -1 is returned. • The argument start_indexis optional (if not specified, the search starts at index 0). • lastIndexOf(substring, end_index) • (Similar to indexOf) Searches for the last occurrence of substring starting from position end_index and searching toward the beginning of the string. • The argument end_indexis optional (if not specified, the search starts at the end). var x="Computer Programming"; alert(x.indexOf("o")); alert(x.indexOf("o",2)); alert(x.lastIndexOf("mm")); alert(x.lastIndexOf("mm",13));

  9. Strings • Copy a substring from a string: • substring(start_index, end_index) • Returns a new string that is a copy of the characters from start_index up to but not including end_index in the original string. • The original string is not changed. var x="Computer Programming"; var subX=x.substring(3,6); alert(x); alert(subX); • Convert to uppercase / lowercase: • toLowerCase() and toUpperCase() • Return the result as a new string. • The original string is not changed. var x="McDonald's"; alert(x.toLowerCase()); var x="McDonald's"; alert(x.toUpperCase());

  10. Strings Splitting and Joining Strings var words=new Array( "apple", "pineapple", "cherry"); var result=words.join(","); alert(result); (1) array method: join(separator_string) Example: To join some words together, separated by "," Original content should be an array of words (strings). Result will be one single long string. Separator (in this example) is a comma ",". Note that the original array content is not changed. (2) string method: split(separator_string) Example: To split a sentence into words: Original content should be a string. Result will be an array of words (strings). Separator (in this example)is a space. Note that the original string is not changed. var x="I like programming"; var result=x.split(" "); var i=0; while (i<result.length) { document.write(result[i]); document.write("<br/>"); i++; }

  11. Convert Application: Automatic Formatting Change all CityU to bold and red. - The user can type the contents in the textarea and click convert, - Each "CityU" in the content is changed to bold and red. How? (1) firstly split by "CityU" to obtain several short sections (2) then join the short sections with <b><font color=red>CityU</font></b> <BODY> <h2> Automatic Formatting</h2> <form name="F1"> <textarea name="t1" cols=40 rows=10></textarea> </form> <a href="javascript: var x= document.F1.t1.value; var sections=x.split('CityU'); /*obtain short sections: section[0], section[1],..*/ var result=sections.join('<b><font color=red>CityU</font></b>'); document.getElementById('result').innerHTML=result; void(0);">Convert</a> <p id="result"></p> </BODY> alert(sections[0]); alert(sections[1]); alert(sections[2]); alert(result);

  12. Strings • Character Unicode • Unicode is a set of characters that represents a large portion of the world's languages. • Contains ASCII codes as a subset: • 'a'-'z' : 97-122 'A'-'Z': 65-90 '0'-'9': 48-57 • Space: 32 • new line: 10 • Common punctuations and math operators: 33-47, 58-64, 91-96, and 123-126 • charCodeAt(index) • Returns the unicode of a character within a string according to its index in the string. • Example: var x="abcdefg McDonald's"; • alert(x.charCodeAt(0)); //Gives 97 (‘a’) • alert(x.charCodeAt(1)); //Gives 98 (‘b’) • alert(x.charCodeAt(2)); //Gives 99 (‘c’) • alert(x.charCodeAt(16)); //Gives 39 (what is this?) • fromCharCode(c) • Returns a new string containing the character according to the given unicode c. • fromCharCode does not need an existing string object (just like Math methods). • Example: var x=String.fromCharCode(65); • alert(x); // Gives 'A'. We can use a loop to show a range of characters.[See Lec09_Slide12_ShowPunctuations.htm]

  13. Strings 'A‘  'B' 'B'  'C' .. 'H'  'I' .. 'Z'  '[' 'a'  'b' Application: Simple Cryptography //Encrypt a string with 5 characters var x="Happy"; var code0, code1, code2, code3, code4; var newCode0, newCode1, newCode2, newCode3, newCode4; var result; code0 = x.charCodeAt(0); //Unicode of 'H' code1 = x.charCodeAt(1); //Unicode of 'a' code2 = x.charCodeAt(2); code3 = x.charCodeAt(3); code4 = x.charCodeAt(4); newCode0=code0+1; //Unicode of 'I' (next of 'H') newCode1=code1+1; //Unicode of 'b' (next of 'a') newCode2=code2+1; newCode3=code3+1; newCode4=code4+1; result= String.fromCharCode(newCode0)+ //'I' String.fromCharCode(newCode1)+ //'b' String.fromCharCode(newCode2)+ String.fromCharCode(newCode3)+ String.fromCharCode(newCode4); alert(result); "Happy" Encryption

  14. Strings Application: Simple Cryptography Rewrite the encryption code to create a useful function: //Convert input string to encrypted string function encrypt(input) { var code; var newCode; var result=""; var i=0; while (i<input.length) { code=input.charCodeAt(i); newCode=code+1; result+=String.fromCharCode(newCode) i++; } return result; } encrypt("Happy") "Ibqqz"

  15. //Convert input string to encrypted string function encrypt(input) { var code; var newCode; var result=""; var i=0; while (i<input.length) { code=input.charCodeAt(i); newCode=code+1; result+=String.fromCharCode(newCode) i++; } return result; } <form name="F1"> <textarea name="t1" cols=40 rows=10></textarea> </br> <input type="button" value="encrypt" onclick="document.getElementById('result').innerHTML=encrypt(document.F1.t1.value)"/> </form> <span id="result"></span> • Your exercise: • Add one button to restore an input encrypted string back to original string. (Add another function, function restore(input), for this purpose.)

  16. Document • More about Document • Each window object has a document property. • The document property refers to a document object that represents the HTML document displayed in the window. • Common Document methods: • open() : Begin a new document, erasing all existing content and reset each property. • Actually, it is often used just for resetting the contents. • write( ) : Append text to the currently open document. • close( ) : Actually not much used. • Once a document has finished loading (<body>..</body>), if you make a single call to document.write(), the call will automatically clear old content and write new content to the page. • ie. Old contents will be cleared first!! Note: onload happens just AFTER <body>..</body>!! • So, to write dynamic contents by JavaScript, you should call document.write() within loading of <body>..</body>. Don’t use document.write() upon pseudo-URL, onload, onclick etc.. (unless you allow current contents to be cleared). Recall week 2 lecture: To add new but keeping current content, use innerHTML!! (not document.write)

  17. Document • More about Document • Common Document properties: • bgColor, fgColor (ie. text) : corresponds to the bgcolor and text attributes in <body>. • linkColor : color of unvisited hyperlinks. • vlinkColor : color of visited links. • alinkColor : color of a link while the user is clicking on it. • title : the content between <title> and </title>. • lastModified : the modification date of the document.

  18. Document Cookies A cookie is a small amount of named data stored by the web browser. A common usage of cookies is to recall user preferences across web browsing sessions. We can create, read, modify, and delete a cookie through the document.cookie property. A typical location of cookies stored in the computer: • Internet Explorer • Tools menu • Internet Options • General: Temporary Internet Files - Settings

  19. Document Session cookies and persistent cookies Session cookie: Automatically deleted when the user exits the browser. To create or modify a session cookie: document.cookie = "name=value" For example: document.cookie = "imagesPerPage=6" Persistent cookie: Assigned an expiration date/time, after that the cookie will be deleted. Stored in the computer's hard disk. To create or modify a persistent cookie, we need to set the expiration date: document.cookie = "name=value;expires=UTCDate" For example: var expireDate=new Date(2010,11,31); document.cookie = "imagesPerPage=6;expires=" + expireDate.toUTCString();

  20. Document • Deleting Cookies • Session cookies are automatically deleted when the browser session ends.Persistent cookies are automatically deleted when it is expired. • To remove a cookie manually, we may set its expiration date to a date earlier than today, ie. forces the browser to delete the cookie. • Reading Cookies • Cookies can be retrieved by JavaScript by referring to the document.cookie property. • document.cookie contains information in one of the following forms: (1) "" (empty): if no cookie is stored. (2) "name=value": if there is only one cookie. (3) "name1=value1; name2=value2; ..": if there are 2 or more cookies stored by the website. Example: Suppose the cookies for 2 values: height=180 and imagesPerPage=2 are stored. To get the values, we may apply the string methods like split, substring, indexOf, etc.. alert(document.cookie)

  21. Application: Store image height and page size settings using cookies [Refer to Lec09_Slide19to22_GalleryWithCookies.html] <BODY onload="loadCookies();makeHtmlOfImages()"> … <input type='button' value='increase height' … onclick=" imgHeight+=10; recordHeightCookie(); makeHtmlOfImages()" /> <input type='button' value='decrease height' … onclick=" imgHeight-=10; recordHeightCookie(); makeHtmlOfImages()" /> <input type='button' value='set number of images per page' … onclick=" page_size=parseInt(prompt('New number of images per page:',page_size)); recordPageSizeCookie(); currentStartImageNum=1; makeHtmlOfImages()" />

  22. //Store a cookie for the page size //(number of images per page) function recordPageSizeCookie() { //Set expire date var expireDate=new Date(2010,11,31); document.cookie = "imagesPerPage=" + page_size + ";" + "expires=" + expireDate.toUTCString(); } //Store a cookie for the image height setting function recordHeightCookie() { //Set expire date var expireDate=new Date(2010,11,31); document.cookie = "height=" + imgHeight + ";" + "expires=" + expireDate.toUTCString(); } //Recall settings from cookies function loadCookies() { var idxHeight; //index of "height=" in the cookie string var idxImagePerPage; //index of "imagesPerPage=" in the cookie string //Find the values of idxHeight and idxImagePerPage idxHeight=document.cookie.indexOf('height='); idxImagePerPage=document.cookie.indexOf('imagesPerPage='); //If "height=" exists in the cookies (ie. idxHeight is not -1), set the value of imgHeight if (idxHeight!=-1) imgHeight=parseInt(document.cookie.substring(idxHeight+7,99)); /*99 means up to the 99th position in the cookie string (parseInt will only extract the starting numeric contents in this substring)*/ //If "imagesPerPage=" exists in the cookies (ie. idxImagePerPage is not -1), set the value of page_size if (idxImagePerPage!=-1) page_size=parseInt(document.cookie.substring(idxImagePerPage+14,99)); }

  23. <input type="checkbox"/> Big images <input type="password"/> <textarea cols=40 rows=10></textarea> <input type="radio" name="fruit"/>Apple <input type="radio" name="fruit"/>Orange <input type="radio" name="fruit"/>Pear <input type="radio" name="fruit"/>Grape Forms • More about Forms • Common HTML form elements: • Button <input type="button"> • Checkbox <input type="checkbox"> • Password <input type="password"> • Select/Option <select> and <option> • Radio button <input type="radio"> • Text <input type="text"> • Textarea <textarea> <select name="op"> <option value="apple"/>Apple <option value="orange"/>Orange <option value="pear"/>Pear <option value="grape"/>Grape </select>

  24. [Refer to Lec09_Slide24_form.html] <form name="F1"> <input type="checkbox" name="cb"/> Big images <br/> <input type="password" name="pw"/> <br/> <textarea cols=40 rows=10 name="tb"></textarea> <br/> <select name="op"> <option value="apple"/>Apple <option value="orange"/>Orange <option value="pear"/>Pear <option value="grape"/>Grape </select> <br/> <input type="radio" name="fruit"/>Apple <input type="radio" name="fruit“ checked=true/>Orange <input type="radio" name="fruit"/>Pear <input type="radio" name="fruit“/>Grape </form> <a href="javascript: alert( document.F1.cb.checked+'\n'+ document.F1.pw.value+'\n'+ document.F1.tb.value+'\n'+ document.F1.op.value+'\n'+ document.F1.fruit[0].checked+'\n'+ document.F1.fruit[1].checked+'\n'+ document.F1.fruit[2].checked+'\n'+ document.F1.fruit[3].checked+'\n' );">show all values</a> For preparation of test / exam: Just need to understand, No need to memorize.

  25. Forms • Elements in a form can be accessed as a form elements array: • document.form_name.elements[ ] • Example: An array of 4 textboxes: <form name="F1"> Please input the names:<br/> <input type="text"/></br> <input type="text"/></br> <input type="text"/></br> <input type="text"/></br> </form> alert( document.F1.elements[0].value+ document.F1.elements[1].value+ document.F1.elements[2].value+ document.F1.elements[3].value)

  26. Forms • Checkboxes: • A small square that the user can select or deselect by clicking. • Useful properties: • checked: a boolean value that specifies whether a checkbox is currently checked. • disabled: a boolean value that specifies whether the checkbox is disabled and is unavailable for user input. <body onload="showDate()"> <form name="F1"> <input type="checkbox" name="choice" onclick="showDate()"/> US Date format </form> Date is: <span id="display"></span> </body> //Show date in the format according to the US Date format checkbox function showDate() { var x=new Date; if (document.F1.choice.checked==true) document.getElementById("display").innerHTML=(x.getMonth()+1)+'/'+x.getDate()+'/'+x.getFullYear(); else document.getElementById("display").innerHTML=x.getDate()+'/'+(x.getMonth()+1)+'/'+x.getFullYear(); }

  27. 10 checkboxes will be handled as document.F1.elements[..] count the selected checkboxes, ie. if document.F1.elements[..].checkedequals true set all document.F1.elements[..].checkedto false Application – Array of checkboxes A list of attractions in Hong Kong Disneyland. • <form name="F1"> • <input type="checkbox" />Festival of the Lion King</br> • <input type="checkbox" />Jungle River Cruise</br> • <input type="checkbox" />Rafts to Tarzan Island</br> • <input type="checkbox" />Liki Tikis</br> • <input type="checkbox" />Dumbo the Flying Elephant</br> • <input type="checkbox" />Mad Hatter Tea Cups</br> • <input type="checkbox" />Cinderella Carousel</br> • <input type="checkbox" />Golden Mickeys at Theater</br> • <input type="checkbox" />Space Mountain</br> • <input type="checkbox" />Buzz Lightyear Blasters</br> • </form> 2 pseudo-URLs <a href="javascript:showSelectionCount();">Show count of selected games</a> : <span id="count"></span> <a href="javascript:cancelAllSelections();">Reset Selections</a>

  28. Demo: Array of checkboxes document.FormName.elements[..].checked • <form name="F1"> • <input type="checkbox" />Festival of the Lion King</br> • <input type="checkbox" />Jungle River Cruise</br> • … • </form> <a href="javascript:showSelectionCount();">Show count of selected games</a> : <span id="count"></span> <a href="javascript:cancelAllSelections();">Reset Selections</a> //Display the count of selected choices function showSelectionCount() { var i=0; var tot=0; while (i<10) { if (document.F1.elements[i].checked==true) tot++; i++; } document.getElementById("count").innerHTML=tot; } //Reset all checkboxes function cancelAllSelections() { var i=0; while (i<10) { document.F1.elements[i].checked=false; i++; } } Exercise: Add a pseudo-URL for selecting all choices.

  29. Demo: Array of checkboxes document.FormName.elements[..].disabled Add a Young Visitor checkbox: 3 games are disabled for young visitors: document.F1.elements[4] document.F1.elements[5] document.F1.elements[8] <form name="FGroup"> <input type="checkbox" name="Young" onclick="updateForm()"/>Young Visitor </form> //Update form according to the Young Visitor checkbox function updateForm() { if (document.FGroup.Young.checked==true) { document.F1.elements[4].disabled=true; document.F1.elements[5].disabled=true; document.F1.elements[8].disabled=true; document.F1.elements[4].checked=false; document.F1.elements[5].checked=false; document.F1.elements[8].checked=false; } else { document.F1.elements[4].disabled=false; document.F1.elements[5].disabled=false; document.F1.elements[8].disabled=false; } }

  30. Cascading Style Sheets and Dynamic HTMLStyle– CSS property of HTML Elements • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) • CSS: a standard for specifying the visual presentation of HTML documents. • Example in HTML: • <img id="img1" src="monster1.gif" style="position: absolute;top:100;left:0;" /> • Other commonly used styles: • background-color, font-size, height, width, z-index • Dynamic HTML (DHTML) • We can use JavaScript to dynamically change colors, position of elements and even to hide and show them, by setting their styleproperties. • Examples in JavaScript: • document.getElementById("img1").style.left=300; document.getElementById("guess_color_bar").style.backgroundColor=0xFFFF00; • Many CSS style attributes contain hyphens, eg. font-size. But hyphens are interpreted as minus in JavaScript. • Therefore their names in JavaScript are slightly different: • If a CSS attribute name contains any hyphen, its name in JavaScript is formed by removing the hyphen and capitalizing the letter following the hyphen, eg. font-size  fontSize.

  31. Application: 10 textboxes to count random numbers • Random numbers (0-9) are generated every 100 ms. • Their occurrences are shown in 10 text boxes: • (1) The count is shown as the value in the text boxes • (2) The width of text boxes are changed correspondingly (width = count * 10) • <body onload="setInterval('newRandom()',100);"> • <h2>Animation of Random Numbers (0-9)</h2> • <form name="F1"> • Count of 0: <input type="text" style="width:0" value="0"/><br/> • Count of 1: <input type="text" style="width:0" value="0"/><br/> • Count of 2: <input type="text" style="width:0" value="0"/><br/> • Count of 3: <input type="text" style="width:0" value="0"/><br/> • Count of 4: <input type="text" style="width:0" value="0"/><br/> • Count of 5: <input type="text" style="width:0" value="0"/><br/> • Count of 6: <input type="text" style="width:0" value="0"/><br/> • Count of 7: <input type="text" style="width:0" value="0"/><br/> • Count of 8: <input type="text" style="width:0" value="0"/><br/> • Count of 9: <input type="text" style="width:0" value="0"/><br/> • </form> • </body> //Generate a random number between 0 and 9 and update the counter: function newRandom() { var x=Math.floor(Math.random()*10); document.F1.elements[x].value=parseInt(document.F1.elements[x].value)+1; document.F1.elements[x].style.width=document.F1.elements[x].value*10; }

  32. Summary • Array • Application: Random Student Picker • String: index, length, searching, substrings, case conversion, split and join • Application: Automatic Formatting • Character <-> Unicode • Application: Simple Cryptography • Document: open, write, close, title, lastModified, bgColor, ... • Cookies Added to My Picture Gallery (Using strings and arrays) • Forms: more input types, elements array, using Checkboxes • Application: A List of Attractions in Hong Kong Disneyland. • Style / Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and Dynamic HTML (DHTML) • Application: 10 textboxes to count random numbers

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