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Bialas –Landshoff model revisited

Bialas –Landshoff model revisited. Phys.Lett. B256(1991) 540. H. Pioneering work generated much further activity Based on the non-PT treatment of the lowest-order diagrams ‘…. Thus our calculation really is an inclusive one’ (that is, it is NOT an exclusive result)

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Bialas –Landshoff model revisited

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  1. Bialas –Landshoff model revisited Phys.Lett. B256(1991) 540 H Pioneering work generated much further activity Based on the non-PT treatment of the lowest-order diagrams ‘….Thus our calculation really is an inclusive one’ (that is, it is NOTan exclusive result) Recently several attempts to resurrect this approach (Saclay’s group..)

  2. ●No quantitative predictive power • strongIRsensitivity • ∫dQ²t/Q²t ~ 1/μ² • uncontrollablehigher-order radiative corrections • ~αs(μ²) log²(M²/μ²) ; ~αs(μ²)log s/μ²) • ● Exclusiveness requires Gap Keepers • (soft rescattering survival factor & Sudakov form-factor) • Otherwise-> 2-3 orders of magnitude overshooting • ●Can these be by-passed ? • (e.g. by renormalizing using the observed rate of Central Inelastic • JJ events) • NO • On top of many other problems( M, s, process dependence..) • there is no Jz=0 selection rule: • Corrections of order of <pt²>/<Qt²>

  3. CPX MSSM Higgs (KMR-03) CP odd active at non-zero t CP even many other possibilities , e.g. 0++ Selection rule Also, since resolution of taggers > Higgs width: QCD Background ~ But tt mode has only QED background B.C., Forshaw, Lee, Monk and Pilaftsis hep-ph/0303206 Khoze, Martin and Ryskin hep-ph/0401078

  4. CPX MSSM Higgs (KMR-03) CP odd active at non-zero t CP even many other possibilities , e.g. 0++ Selection rule Also, since resolution of taggers > Higgs width: QCD Background ~ But tt mode has only QED background B.C., Forshaw, Lee, Monk and Pilaftsis hep-ph/0303206 Khoze, Martin and Ryskin hep-ph/0401078

  5. Factorization breaking in diffractivedijet photoproduction Resolved photoproduction: Direct photoproduction:  Factorization breaking

  6. Hadronic collisions: Photoproduction: Two-Channel EikonalModel Generalized vector mesondominance: Survival probability: Survival probability: R  |S|2 0.34 KMR 00, KKMR 01 KKMR-03

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