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Those women who are guilty of indecency, ask for four (reliable) witnesses from among yourselves to testify against them: If they give evidence and prove the guilt, then keep them to their houses until death comes to them or Allah opens some other way out for them.
Those women who are guilty of indecency, ask for four • (reliable) witnesses from among yourselves to testify • against them: If they give evidence and prove the • guilt, then keep them to their houses until death comes • to them or Allah opens some other way out for them. • And punish both of them, who commit this crime; then • if they both repent and reform themselves, leave them • alone, indeed Allah accept the repentance, and He is • the most merciful.
Note it well, that Allah accept the repentance of those • only, who commit an evil in ignorance and repent soon • after this. Allah turn to them with kindness, for Allah is • All Knowing, All Wise. • But there is no repentance for those, who persist in • their evil deeds until their death comes to them; then • they says, "Now I repent." • Similarly; there is no repentance for those who die as • unbelievers; for such people, We have prepared a • painful punishment.
O Believers, it is not lawful for you to consider women • (widows) as part of your inheritance: nor it is lawful to • treat your wives harshly in order to deprive them of a • part of dowry you have given them, unless they • commit a clear immorality. • You should live with them with respect and honorable • manners, even if you dislike them; it is possible that • you dislike something, in which Allah has placed much • good.
And if you wish to marry another wife in place of the • one you already have, do not take anything back, from • what you have given her, even though it may be a • great amount of gold and wealth. • This is a wrongful act and a clear injustice? • And how can you take it, when both of you have • enjoyed the marital happiness and she has received • from you a firm pledge of marriage?
And do not marry those women whom your fathers • have married, except what has happened in the past • (prior to this commandment). • indeed it was shameful and most hateful (to Allah) • and evil practice.
Forbidden to you (for marriage) are; your mothers, daughters, • sisters, aunts, nieces, your foster mothers, who have nursed you, • your foster sisters, who have been nursed with you, your mother • in law, your step daughters whom you have brought up, from • those wives with whom you have marital relations, and it is not • sinful for you to marry their daughters (after you divorce them); • and also forbidden to you are the wives of your real sons, and it is • forbidden also to keep two real sisters as wives at the same • time, except what has happened in the past, for Allah indeed is • the most Forgiving and the most Merciful.