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COMP313A Programming Languages

COMP313A Programming Languages. Functional Programming (7). Lecture Outline. Type checking type classes Some Haskell tricks. Polymorphism versus Operator Overloading. Use the same function name with different types Polymorphism – the same function definition

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COMP313A Programming Languages

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  1. COMP313A Programming Languages Functional Programming (7)

  2. Lecture Outline • Type checking • type classes • Some Haskell tricks

  3. Polymorphism versus Operator Overloading • Use the same function name with different types • Polymorphism – the same function definition • Operator overloading – different function for each different type

  4. Polymorphism first (x, y) = x list x = [x]

  5. Operator Overloading • == • Defined for Int and …. • One for pairs (n,m) == (p,q) = (n==p) && (m==q)

  6. Type Classes in Haskell • Underpinned by the notion of overloading • Mechanism by which overloaded functions can be given types – why? • Elem does not make sense for every possible a • How can we still have the flexibility of polymorphic types and ensure type safety • Use type classes to do this elem :: a -> [a] -> Bool elem x [] = False elem x (y:ys) = (x == y) || elem x ys

  7. We could have: elemBool :: Bool -> [Bool] -> Bool elem x [] = False elem x (y:ys) = (x == Booly) || elemBool x ys elemInt :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool elem x [] = False elem x (y:ys) = (x == Inty) || elemInt x ys YUK!

  8. Type Classes in HaskellOperator Overloading • Could instead make the equality function a parameter: • But this is too general • Instead • Where type a is restricted to those types which can be used with equality elem :: (a ->a->Bool) ->a -> [a] -> Bool elem :: a -> [a] -> Bool

  9. context elemBool :: Bool -> [Bool] -> Bool elem x [] = False elem x (y:ys) = (x == y) || elemBool x ys elemInt :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool elem x [] = False elem x (y:ys) = (x == y) || elemInt x ys elem :: Eq a Þ a -> [a] -> Bool elem x [] = False elem x (y:ys) = (x == y) || elem x ys

  10. Operator Overloading • Think of as: • the equality operator has a set of types defined for it. These are the types which can be used with the equality operator • Thus we say: • The definition of elem can be used over all types with equality • Type classes are usedto give a type to functions like elem.

  11. Type Checking and Classes member [] y = False member (x:xs) y = x == y || member xs y The type will be? Apply the function member to an expression e, whose type is Ord b => [[b]] Eg. A list of lists of integers. Integers have an ordering partial application member e Unify the type expressions giving (without contexts) member :: [[b]] -> [b] -> Bool e::[[b]] And member e the type [b] -> Bool

  12. Type Checking and Classes • But also have to unify the contexts (Eq [b], Ord b) i.e are the set of defined for Eq the same as the set of types defined for Ord • Now check and simplify the context • the requirements in a context, ([b], b) can only apply to type variables • need to simplify requirements like Eq [b][3, 5, 6] == [3, 5, 6] 3==3 & 5==5 & 6 == 6 instance Eq a => Eq [a] where…. • (Eq b, Ord b)

  13. (Eq b, Ord b) Class Eq a => Ord a where …. tells us how the class is derived but not the instances Any instance of Ord is an instance of Eq but … so…. What should the unified context be…

  14. Ord b member e :: Ord b => [b] -> Bool

  15. Assignment hints • Some Haskell tricks

  16. [["auckland", "pokeno", "sh1"],["pokeno", "tauranga", "sh2"], ["tauranga", "opotiki", "sh2"], ["opotiki", "gisborne", "sh2"], ["gisborne", "napier", "sh2"], [ "napier", "woodville", "sh2"]] the cons operator x:rest x:y:rest x:y:z:rest head x head y head z head (drop 1 x) [x,y,z]:rest To get the last ement in a list use “last” To get a list with all but the first element use “tail” tail rest head last rest

  17. How would you get the second last element in a list?

  18. To make a list x:rest [x] [x,y,z] etc If x y and z are characters then the type of [x,y,z] is String [x,y,z]:rest [x,y,z] == “fred” A function to make a list out of some argument list x = [x]

  19. Sometimes it is easier to just create an auxiliary function which accumulates the result as an argument Sometimes it is easier to build a list in reverse order Take the list “the quick brown fox” process_list text = process_list_aux text “” process_list_aux [] result = ------------ process_list_aux x:text result = process_list_aux text ----------- : versus ++

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