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American Romanticism: a Cultural Shift (1800-1840)

Take the Right Brain/Left Brain Quiz to discover your dominance. Explore the shift in American views to imagination, feeling, nature, and individuality, as seen in the works of Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, and William Cullen Bryant.

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American Romanticism: a Cultural Shift (1800-1840)

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  1. 1800-1840 Romanticism

  2. Directions: Take this test by selecting the answer which best describes you at this present time. Select the first response that seems right. After you are done, we'll evaluate your responses automatically by adding them up. Whichever number is higher represents your dominance. If the numbers are close, that means you use both sides of your brain equally. Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz

  3. Choose A or B for each question • Think of your bedroom at home. Right now, it is: • A total mess • Pretty organized • When it comes to risks, • You seek out new risks • You prefer not to take them • Having the same thing for dinner every Friday night • Would bore you to tears • Is okay for you • You prefer to: • Do many things at once • Focus on one task at a time • You are better at: • Geometry • Algebra

  4. You often catch yourself day dreaming . • Yes • Not so much • You tend to: • Lose things • Keep things in their place • Which statement reflects your beliefs more? • What's right (or wrong) depends on the situation • I have a strong sense of right and wrong • You are more: • Musical • Mathematical • You are better at remembering: • Faces • Names • Do you listen to music while you work? • Yes • No • Add up the total amount of As and Bs.

  5. Left-brained Right-brained • The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. • Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. • If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. • The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. • Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. • If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. • Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. More A = right; more b = left

  6. Write a reaction in your journal – • Which “brain” are you? • Are you surprised? Why or why not? • How do you exercise/use this side of your brain? Now…

  7. Why does any of this matter?

  8. During these years, American views shifted • Imagination > Reason • Feeling > Fact • Individual > Society • Social > Personal • Nature > All • First professional writers in America • America’s literary and cultural maturity • Less reading of Brit lit • Beginnings of American mythology and other genres • Define a public self • Expansion of land led to surge in spirit, national pride, and self-awareness • Development of American English – more colloquial (informal) • Writing for the sake of writing First harvest: 1800-1840

  9. The universe is like a chain or ladder; a hierarchy • Pure spirit (God) • Largely spiritual but with some substance (angels) • Equal matter and spirit (humanity) • Animal kingdom • Vegetable kingdom • Pure matter (i.e. rocks) • Hierarchies exist in everything in the universe • God established these hierarchies. Disturb = sin The way things were: Pre-1800

  10. Emphasized beauty, strangeness, and mysteries of the natural world • Connection to human imagination • Human nature and nature are part of the same reality • Emphasis on the individual as the basis of values • Imagination/Intuition • Feeling, whim and intuition are valid guides to behavior • Individualism • Limitless potential for progress and spiritual growth • Social class not determined by birth • Intensity • Bright and dark sides romanticism

  11. Washington irving

  12. American character-types illustrate general truths about human nature • Natural world colored by emotion, superstition, and ancient beliefs of supernatural beings • Showed interest in American past by using legend and folklore (historical allusions) • The Legend of Sleepy Hollow • Rip Van Winkle • German folktales  New York’s Hudson Valley • Fun fact: Coined the term “Knickerbockers” – you know, like the New York Knicks? Washington Irving (1783-1859)

  13. Edgar allanpoe

  14. Troubled upbringing and troubled life • Most interested in the exploration of the inner, often irrational, world of human nature • Creates a wholly new universe inside his own imagination – one of grotesque reality • Fun fact: Where do you think the Baltimore Ravens got their name? • (Poe died in Baltimore) Edgar allanpoe (1809-1849)

  15. William cullenbryant

  16. Advocate for women’s rights and foe of slavery Connect observations of nature to the inner reactions they arouse Poetry conveys belief that through imagination and intuition the individual can learn from nature great moral and spiritual truths Fun fact: Bryant is Santa Claus’s younger brother. William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878)

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