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Verification Process: 3 Sample Sizes and Methods of Selection.
Verification Process:3 Sample Sizes and Methods of Selection
The U.S Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@usda.gov. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 6/2013
Food & Nutrition Services • DPI’s School Nutrition website has an “index” http://fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_topics • Index is alphabetically organized by topic: Verification is located under letter “V” • Check each school year (SY) for current Verification Forms (16 pages) and Verification Report Instructions
Eligibility Manual for School Meals • Verification Process is explained in the “Eligibility Manual for School Meals” August 2013, (Referred to as EM) • Terms related to the Free and Reduced-price eligibility process (are helpful to understand parts of verification) - -EM Part 1: B • Verification Terms - - -EM Part 8: A
Verification Terms • Sampling Methods: EM Part 8: E • Verification For Cause: Part 8: D and the USDA Memo SP13-2012 http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/Governance/policy.htm • Direct Verification (optional) EM Part 1: B and Part 9
Verification Forms recommended! http://fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_fincou1#verification “Verification Forms” contains: • Reminders on specific situations, pages 2-3 • 3 sample size methods: worksheet for each, pg 4-6 • Notification that household will be verified, pg 7-8 • Collateral contacts (prototype forms), pg 9-11 • Direct Verification (prototype forms), pg 12-13 • Notification of results & Tracker form, pg 14-15 • Fair Hearing Procedure, page 16
3 Sampling Methods Standard: lesser of 3% or 3000 apps from error-prone paper applications Alternate 1: lesser of 3% or 3000 apps selected randomly Alternate 2: lesser of 1% or 1000 apps selected first from error-prone apps; PLUS .5% of apps with case # EM Part 8: B, C, E, F
Which Sampling Method to Use? Choice is based on last school year’s verification results • Standard sampling must be selected by SFA’s if preceding school year non-response rate was equal to or greater than 20% • Large LEA’s (more than 20,000 students approved by October 1 for free or reduced by application) with greater than 20% non-response but showed at least a 10% improvement in non-response rate may select any of the 3 sampling methods • LEA’s with less than 20% non-response rate may select any of the 3 sampling methods
Four Step Process Standard Sampling Step 1: Count the total number of free & reduced-price meal applications for the current school yearapproved and on file as of October 1 EM Part 8: E
Standard Sampling Step 2: Multiply total number of all currently approved applications on October 1 X .03 (3%) = number of applications to verify (must be selected from error prone) OR 3,000 error prone applications approved on October 1, whichever is less Round all decimals up to the next whole number Must select at least one application to verify if 3% of total is less than one
Standard Sampling Step 3: Sort Applications “Error Prone” Applications identified with household income within $100 of monthly (or $1,200 of yearly) Income Eligibility Guidelines “Non – Error Prone” Applications are all other approved applications (based on income or categorical eligibility or Foster Care paper app) EM Part 8: A
Standard Sampling Step 4: • Select required number of applications from the error-prone income applications • If there are not enough error-prone income applications to meet your sample size, randomly select from all current school year (SY) paper applications until required total number to verify is chosen
Alternate Sampling Methods • Alternate #1 Sample Size: select randomly. Each household application has an equal chance of being selected • Alternate #2 Sample Size: must do 2 math calculations to determine sample size. May require sorting applications into specific piles by type: error-prone income, 10 digit case number & Foster child applications. EM Part 8: B, C, E, F
Alternate Sampling Methods These sampling methods can only be selected by: • An LEA with a non-response rate on Verification of less than 20% in the previous school year 2. An LEA with more than 20,000 children approved in the current year for free and reduced-price meals by application as of October 1 when its non-response rate for the preceding school year is at least 10% below the non-response rate for the second preceding school year
Alternate #1 Sampling (Random) • 3% or 3,000 of all current school year approved household applications, whichever is less • All paper applications: (categorically eligible, which are: FoodShare/SNAP, W-2 cash benefits/TANF, or FDPIR case numbers), Foster Care, and income apps must have an equal chance of being selected • Randomly select the required number of applications to be verified
Alternate #1 Sample Size Calculation Multiply total number of current year approved applications on October 1 by .03 (3%) = number of applications to verify (select at random from all current school year approved applications) OR 3,000 applications approved by October 1 of current school year, whichever is less (select at random from all current approved applications) Round all decimals up to the next whole number Must select at least one application – if 3% of total applications is less than one
Alternate #2 Sample Size Calculations 1% (.01) or 1,000 of all current year applications approved by the LEA by October 1, whichever is less and also - - - calculate One-half of one percent .5% (0.005) of current year applications approved by October 1 based on FoodShare/SNAP, W-2 cash benefits/TANF, FDPIR case numbers & Foster Care paper applications Add both numbers together = # to verify! EM Part 8: E, F
Alternate #2 Sample Size Randomly select applications from error-prone applications approved based on income If there are not enough error-prone income applications, randomly select from all applications until the required total number is chosen plus Randomly select from paper applications approved for benefits based on case number and Foster Care
Alternate #2 Sample Size Calculations 1% (.01) X _____ total number of all current year applications approved on/by October 1 OR 1,000 applications, whichever is less {Must randomly select from error-prone income applications} Must select at least 1 app - if 1% of total is less than one. AND Applications approved based on FoodShare, W-2 cash benefits, FDPIR case numbers & Foster Care paper applications .5% (.005) X _____ total number of current year applications approved based on case numbers & Foster OR 500 applications, whichever is less. Must select at least one application - if .5% of total is less than one. Adding these 2 numbers together equals the Alternate 2 sample size!
Computer System with Verification Feature Check the computer system to ensure that: • it selects appropriate sample size • it selects error-prone applications for the Standard and Alternate #2 sample sizes • all letters to households generated by the computer system contain the required current school year Privacy Act and Non-Discrimination Statement EM Part 2: C, E, F, G; Part 8: E, F, G, H, K, P & SNT Mailing April 25, 2013 Web-based Direct Certification
QUESTIONS About Verification? Contact any School Nutrition Program Consultant Directory posted at: http://fns.dpi.wi.gov/fns_sntdirectory