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WordPress has now emerged out as the most popular medium of CMS (Content Management System) in the last few years. On an estimate, around 27% of the companies and firms use WordPress platform to launch their websites. Even huge media houses are using WordPress to operate their news websites offering 24-hour news updates with frequent pictures and videos to the viewers and audience at large.
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WordPress has now emerged out as the most popular medium of CMS (Content Management System) in the last few years. On an estimate, around 27% of the companies and firms use WordPress platform to launch their websites. Even huge media houses are using WordPress to operate their news websites offering 24-hour news updates with frequent pictures and videos to the viewers and audience at large.
The user-friendliness of the WordPress has made popular among the users. However, many organizations developed their website years back on traditional PHP platform before WordPress so admired and become powerful. Now, what to do? It is quite simple. Entrepreneurs can migrate their websites from PHP to WordPress without worrying about any data loss or programming errors. In fact, several businesses are migrating from their old websites from PHP to WordPress now.
Benefits of Migrating From PHP to WordPress Considering busy schedule and lifestyle, WordPress does certainly have an edge over PHP. WordPress is a faster, easier, and advanced form of CMS where the user just needs to have a basic knowledge about the internet and blogs posting unlike PHP. A person has to start from scratch adding relevant tags and code to post an article. In addition, WordPress is cost effective, saves time, and helps to promote the business online effortlessly.
Ease of Application: A person ca?’? work on PHP unless he has adequate knowledge about software coding; on the other hand, WordPress site requires minimum technical knowledge, and anyone can post blogs or manage website contents easily. Design Consistency: In PHP, a developer has to create a theme, which requires considerable time, skills, and efforts. Whereas, WordPress has 1000s of readily available free and paid themes, which can be applied to a website quickly irrespective of the number of pages. You can read up tips about the D?’? and D???’? of building your website with WordPress themes.
Extremely SEO-friendly: The PHP developers have to look personally after optimizing the site for better visibility, but WordPress has in-built SEO friendly features. Also, many SEO plugins like Yoast SEO are readily available, which assists the user to create a post in such a manner that it stays SEO-friendly. Full Value for Money: To develop a website from a scratch is a far difficult task. An owner has to hire a software developer for this purpose. On the contrary, anyone can build WordPress website by following a few simple steps and online tutorials.
Improved Security: WordPress offers advanced layering of security and encryption through frequent updates and plugins. Obviously, it is very difficult to hack a WordPress hosted website. However, hackers can easily hack into a poor-quality PHP website anytime. Mobile Friendly: WordPress offers the selection of responsive theme and plugins that make the website responsive and display website layout according to the devices.
In-Built Blog: WordPress was originally developed for blogging. Hence, RSS setup, email subscriptions, managing comments, displaying recent posts on other pages is very straightforward and helps businesses to extend their reach. It makes the site dynamic and more interactive. Social Media Integration: Automatically integrate the posts with social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. It does not require to login individual account and post the blogs.
Newsletter Promotion: Businesses can send a newsletter regularly to readers using 3rd party specialized services through a WordPress website easily, but such thing is impossible on PHP website without technical expertise. Growth Potential: WordPress websites are more scalable. Businesses can add any number of pages as business grows. Business owners need not to worry about the consistent layout and performance of the site.