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wistful. You are wistful if you feel as though your wishes probably won’t come true. Wanting a new puppy, Carrie was wistful because she didn’t think her parents would let her get one. wistful. You are wistful if you feel as though your wishes probably won’t come true.
wistful You are wistful if you feel as though your wishes probably won’t come true. Wanting a new puppy, Carrie was wistful because she didn’t think her parents would let her get one.
wistful You are wistful if you feel as though your wishes probably won’t come true. Think of a time when you have been wistful. Turn and tell your partner about it. Begin your sentence like this: “I was really wistful when …”
grateful To be grateful is to feel thankful for someone or something. Alex was grateful to Mr. Burgess for helping him find their lost dog.
grateful To be grateful is to feel thankful for someone or something. If you felt grateful to someone, what might you say? 1. Thank you! 2. Nice to see you!
grim If something looks grim, it appears serious and forbidding. Seeing the rainy weather forecast, the outlook for Maelika’s birthday party in the park looked grim.
grim If something looks grim, it appears serious and forbidding. If someone gave you a grim look, would that make you nervous? Turn and talk to your partner. Begin your conversation like this: “If someone gave me a grim look, I would feel …”
raspy A raspy noise sounds rough and harsh, like sandpaper scraping wood. Having been stricken with a harsh cold, Ms. Taylor’s voice sounded very raspy when she was speaking to her class.
raspy A raspy noise sounds rough and harsh, like sandpaper scraping wood. What could cause your voice to become raspy? Turn and talk to your partner. Begin your conversation like this: “ Your voice could become raspy when …”
swarmed If animals have swarmed, they have moved quickly and gathered in large numbers. A cloud of dragonflies quickly swarmed around Brian and his family when they were at the beach.
swarmed If animals have swarmed, they have moved quickly and gathered in large numbers. If a cloud of bees swarmed toward you, what would you do? Think about it. Then turn to your partner and act it out. Begin your conversation like this: “If a cloud of bees swarmed toward me, I would …”
revelers Revelers are people who are having fun at a lively party or celebration. During Mardi Gras in New Orleans, there are lots of revelers who enjoy the festive activities.
revelers Revelers are people who are having fun at a lively party or celebration. Would a crowd of revelers be: 1. loud and rowdy? 2. calm and quiet?
irresistible Something that is irresistible is difficult to turn away from. Even though Jarrod’s mom had been dieting for weeks, she found the homemade fudge to be irresistible.
irresistible Something that is irresistible is difficult to turn away from. What food do you find irresistible? Turn and tell your partner. Begin your sentence like this: “A food that I find irresistible is ___ because …”