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TOPIC FACT-FEELING DIALECTIC. Matadors use the cape to protect themselves from the bull, who thinks the cape is part of the matador. .
Matadors use the cape to protect themselves from the bull, who thinks the cape is part of the matador.
The F-F dialectic is a simple strategy for neutralizing (a la the matador’s cape) or resolving interpersonal conflict through facilitating a dialogue that alternates between sharing facts (objective information) and feelings (subjective emotions). factsFEELINGSfactsFEELINGS
Conflict issues won’t be resolved if they short-circuit full human wiring (intellect vs. emotions)
FEELINGS ENTREES & PRIMERS “What do you think about…” “How did that make you feel?” “What do you think we should do?” “How do you feel now?”
Achieving change cooperation by synthesizing the win-lose dichotomy of thesis (one point of view) & antithesis (a second, conflicting, POV) into a win-win synthesis of an innovative third position.
Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis “How would you feel if we…” “Here’s a win-win option…” “See if you don’t agree that this plan will work…” “Now we’re ready to move from me to we…”
OTHER CONFLICT STRATEGIES Help employees realize that feelings usually change over time. Seek to delay emotional decisions. Strive to generate good feelings about how decisions are made. Use the sunset clause: employees agree to temporarily experiment with a change & then decide at a later date whether they want to stick with it (or let the “sun set” on it).
OD #1. Fact-feeling dialectic for workweek of five 8-hour days vs. four 10-hour days:
FACT: “Surveys say employees prefer 4 > 5 day workweek.” (thesis) FEELING:” I don’t like being away from home 10 hours. I feel trapped.” (antithesis)
FACT: “Employee productivity droops the last 90 minutes of a 10-hour day.” (thesis) FEELING: “I would rather get in the extra 2 hours by starting work at 7:00 a.m. and eating lunch while I work.” (synthesis?)
IDEALISTIC SYNTHESIS : The 4-day workweek will be optional REALISTIC SYNTHESIS: A 5-day workweek is available for those willing to work weekends