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Learn how NDIC's SERVICOM initiative improves standards, access, stakeholder interaction, and projects for better customer service. Discover the challenges faced and guiding principles for successful change management.
1.0 Introduction • Deposit insurance is a financial guarantee to depositors, particularly the small ones, in the event of a bank failure • NDIC was established in 1989 to manage the scheme
Introduction Cont’d • Our mission is to protect depositors and contribute to the stability of the financial system… • Aim of this presentation is to acquaint you with the impact of SERVICOM in NDIC
Introduction Cont’d • Impact of SERVICOM in NDIC can be discussed under the following headings: • Standards • Availability and access • Interaction with stakeholders • Presentation • Major projects
2.0 Standards • We now have more robust, comprehensive, and customer focused standards because of SERVICOM. This is reflected in our: • Service Charter; and • Customer Care Policy
Standards cont’d • The Corporation’s 2007–2009 strategic plan is more customer focused because NDIC MGT included the SERVICOM Unit (Nodal Officer) in its preparation. • Stakeholder satisfaction and awareness are critical aspects of the plan
Standards cont’d • NDIC MGT. included the Nodal Officer in a seven-man committee to facilitate the implementation of a balanced score-card performance management system (Customer, financials, internal business processes, learning and growth) • When fully implemented, SERVICOM (SERVICOM Index) will be further entrenched in the performance Management system of the Corporation, with implications for improved service delivery
Standards cont’d • For the first time in the history of NDIC, a comprehensive evaluation of the corporation’s services was conducted by the Corporation’s SERVICOM Unit…with the aid of the SERVICOM index
3.0 Availability and access • Customers now have easier access to information on: • The full range of services of NDIC • Complaints and grievance redress • Access details… Head Office and Zonal addresses • Names of key Contact staff • Means by which they can contact us; and • Standards for all main areas of services
4.0 Interaction with stakeholders • More polite and courteous • Prompt • We now give more thought to people with special needs • When service failure is identified it is remedied quickly in line with our redress mechanism
Interaction with stakeholders Cont’d • A variety of methods are now been used to consult with stakeholders (survey, suggestion box, contact through phone, and planning stakeholders forum) • Use of SERVICOM Customer Relations Activities Register facilitates documentation and analysis of comments on our services (complaints etc)… about 100 complaints have been processed so far
Presentation Cont’d • Reception areas are comfortable and now display: NDIC Floor Directory; NDIC Charter; Customer care policy; Organizational chart; Digital display of key information about NDIC; and redress mechanism
Presentation Cont’d NDIC Service Charter
6.0 Projects • “Survey on Service Delivery Constraints in NDIC and Strategies to Address them” • Paper on integrating SERVICOM with the Corporation’s performance management system • Report on SERVICOM evaluation of all Service frontlines in NDIC • The Corporation’s Strategic Plan 2007-2009(Nodal Officer part of the Four man team that prepared the document)
8.0 Conclusion • We believe that success in SERVICOM will rest on three key pillars: a customer focused strategic plan; an appropriate performance management system; and ability to manage change • In NDIC, we are trying to assemble the components of these pillars to lay the foundation for the ultimate service experience for our customers.
Conclusion Cont’d • By the time we achieve our vision in the very near future, our customers will become our ADVOCATES • …our SERVICOM Dream
AddendumOur Guiding Principles • It is critical to be clear about the benefits to be derived from a change process; • No change process can succeed in an organization if its leadership does not own the process or buy into it; • No change process will succeed/or be useful if it is not in line with the strategic direction of the organization; • There is a need to understand the culture of an organization you seek to change; • An appropriate culture is critical to the success of a change process
Our Guiding Principles Cont’d • There is a need to empathize with the people you wish to change; • It is critical to identify factors that will facilitate the change process, obstruct the process or are neutral to the process; • It is critical to integrate change with the various process in the organization (ie IT and performance management); • Networking facilitates the change process; and • Conducting periodic evaluation of the change process is important.