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VIRUSES. Chapter 24. HIV. CHARACTERISTICS. Nonliving Do not have cytoplasm or organelles Cannot metabolize Do not grow Cannot reproduce by itself Nucleic acid and protein coat. Sizes and Shapes. Helical Polyhedral Enveloped Complex. Papovaviruses Warts, cervical cancer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VIRUSES Chapter 24 HIV

  2. CHARACTERISTICS • Nonliving • Do not have cytoplasm or organelles • Cannot metabolize • Do not grow • Cannot reproduce by itself • Nucleic acid and protein coat

  3. Sizes and Shapes Helical Polyhedral Enveloped Complex

  4. Papovaviruses Warts, cervical cancer Adenoviruses Respiratory infection Herpesviruses Cold sores, genital warts Poxviruses Smallpox, cowpox Picornaviruses Polio, hepatitis, colds Orthomyxoviruses Influenza a, b, and c Retroviruses AIDS Coronaviruses SARS DNA Viruses and RNA Viruses

  5. Replication in Viruses Lytic Cycle: virus invades a host, produces new viruses and ruptures the host cell releasing new viruses Lysogenic Cycle: allows virus to hide in host for days, and then ruptures

  6. Prions • Infectious protein particles that do not have a genome • Abnormal forms of a natural brain protein • Modes of transmission not fully understood Mad cow disease Scrapie in sheep Chronic wasting disease in deer Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) in Humans

  7. Video TED:Nathan Wolfe's jungle search for viruses (12 min) http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/nathan_wolfe_hunts_for_the_next_aids.html

  8. Works Cited • http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=experts-where-did-viruses-come-fr • http://porpax.bio.miami.edu/~cmallery/255/255chem/255chemistry.htm • http://www.mobilecomputer-service.com/viruses.htm • http://www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/bzf/mppg/agviroid.htm • http://tangente113.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html

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