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Work Incentives Network (WIN)

Work Incentives Network (WIN). Legislative Concept #3755 June 5, 2009. “ Before WIN, I did not know the rules for working with benefits and lost my benefits and my job. This left me broke and I lost my housing and ended up living in a storage unit.

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Work Incentives Network (WIN)

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  1. Work Incentives Network (WIN) Legislative Concept #3755 June 5, 2009

  2. “Before WIN, I did not know the rules for working with benefits and lost my benefits and my job. This left me broke and I lost my housing and ended up living in a storage unit. Since then I was afraid to try to work again since I did not know the rules. Now I have been working part time since January and am getting out of debt, have a stable home and self esteem. I have hope for the future now. Thank you WIN!” -May 2009: Stephanie Thompson (WIN client), Aloha Oregon

  3. “One of the biggest challenges for low-income adults with disabilities who want to work is how to keep health benefits after obtaining employment.”-12/10/08 “Government Performance and Results Act Report: The Status of the Medicaid Infrastructure Grants Program as of 12/31/07” • WIN is a free service designed to help people with disabilities understand and use employment programs in Oregon and/or federal work incentives programs to obtain, maintain or advance in employment while continuing to meet critical needs such as housing and health care. • The myriad of state and federal programs that support persons with disabilities have differing and sometimes conflicting eligibility criteria that discourage individuals from working.

  4. “Employment not only enhances an individual’s sense of self-worth and improves his or her economic well-being, but also frequently reduces service needs and costs – sometimes dramatically.” -5/15/09 National Association of State Developmental Disability Directors Brief Interim Data from April 2009 WIN consumer surveysent to 1,050 participants with an 19% return rate

  5. “I already knew a lot but they told me things that I had questions about and made going to work and making more money not as intimidating. Before I was afraid to go to work but now I know the facts so I'm not afraid to go to work.”-May 2009: Unknown Respondent to WIN survey, Eastern Oregon • 77% of all respondents said that information they got from WIN helped them make a choice about work. • 85% of all respondents said that they would stay in touch with WIN in case something changes in their work or benefits and they need more help or information. Interim Data from April 2009 WIN consumer surveysent to 1,050 participants with an 19% return rate

  6. “Benefits counseling participants had a 10% decline in (Medicaid) claims expenditures after enrolling in benefits counseling services.” -Journal of Rehabilitation 2004 Volume 70, No. 2 “The Impact of Specialized Benefits Counseling Services on Social Security Disability Beneficiaries in Vermont” • Over 2,000 Oregonians with disabilities served since October 2007 by 10 trained and certified WIN Work Incentives Coordinators in 8 Centers for Independent Living sites. • WIN has assisted many Oregonians with disabilities to make the choice to go to work, increase their hours/pay, or explore the potential of employment services. For this investment, Oregon gets increased tax revenue, and according to data from other states, decreased usage and reliance on state and federal funded services. • WIN serves people from all disability groups regardless of temporary or permanent impairment.

  7. “Jaime Head at ILR in Portland got things done when no one else could. She saved my self-employment under Social Security….I just contact Jaime now when I need help. I love WIN.” -5/09: Mike Westrich (WIN client), Beaverton, Oregon This presentation sponsored by Oregon’s Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (CFDA 93.768) with funding provided by the US Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

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