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Recruiting Retaining and Rewarding Volunteers . Bruce W. Wilson Past Director, Western Region. Managing Volunteers: Plan, Recruit, Reward & Redirect. Plan: identify volunteer needs and position descriptions What will you accomplish? What is the job?
Recruiting Retaining and Rewarding Volunteers Bruce W. Wilson Past Director, Western Region
Managing Volunteers: Plan, Recruit, Reward & Redirect • Plan: identify volunteer needs and position descriptions • What will you accomplish? What is the job? • Identify volunteering “costs” and “benefits” • Recruit: identify potential volunteers, set the bait and hook them • Task them • Reward and Redirect • Informal Recognition • Formal Recognition • Reward appropriately and timely
What is Expected? Why Do It? What Will It Cost? • Create a written Volunteer position description • Provide a title that gives the volunteer a sense of identity • Outline the work that needs to be done by the volunteer • Describe qualifications and training • Identify a specific time commitment – be realistic • Define the Volunteer’s Impact • Purpose of the overall project and/or program • How the work will impact the project's outcome, clients, or mission • How the work will help the volunteer • Define the Cost of Volunteering • Time away from family, friends, and work • Expenses for travel, meals,parking, babysitting
Finding Volunteers • It is About • Relevance to that First Job – Select meaningful assignments where the volunteer can succeed. . . They will want more! • Connection with people, information, opportunities, etc. • Attract new member involvement by: • Creating short term assignments with an obvious Start and END date • Provide the volunteer with the opportunity to see how they like working as an AIAA volunteer
Three Types of Volunteers • Affiliation - Volunteers primarily to socialize • Achievement - Volunteers for rewards & recognition • Power - Wants position of power or leadership
Identifying Candidates • Whom can you ask to volunteer? • Members who regularly attend meetings /Students / Subject matter experts / Local Industry leaders • How do you get connected to them? • Provide information in the newsletters or website • Personal connections – ask your friends • Recommendations from other volunteers • Step out – reach out / make a personal plea • Some may feel that participation is only available to the “inner circle” • Their involvement helps to sustain the Section • Their abilities and experiences will help set the Section’s direction. • Volunteer activity can enhance their learning, decision making and leadership
Recruitment Strategies • Examine Volunteer positions to be filled • What are the qualifications for the position? • Evaluate the Options • Who will be able to meet the time requirements of the position? • Where will you find these people? • What motivates them to serve? • What is the best way to approach them? • Types of Recruitment • Target Recruitment is specific and focused for a specific skill or event • Broad-Based Recruitment can be effective for positions that can easily be done with minimal training • Recruitment needs to be year round • Make use of Existing Contacts
Implementing Your Recruitment Plan • Be sincere • About the need • About their skills • About the reward • Display your passion • About the job • About the subject • About the benefits • Provide ROI -- return on investment • In kind support / return • Information • Recognition
Asking a Volunteer to Help • Have the right person extend the invitation • Personalize the invitation • Project the right image • Be enthusiastic, not apologetic, don’t beg • Be realistic with expectations • Be courteous • Is this a good time to talk? • Bring closure to the conversation • When can we talk after you have considered this opportunity? • Follow up quickly • Accept “No” graciously • I understand. Thank you for considering it. Can I ask again later? • Or help them perform 85% of the people who are asked to help, do
Ideas for Recognition – Formal Recognition • During the event • Acknowledge the volunteer • Provide free entry • Give a small gift • Certificates / Awards • Local to the section • Institute level awards • Plaques • Special Service Citation • Sustained Service Citation
Ideas for Recognition – Informal Recognition • Day-to-Day Interchanges • Saying “thank you” • Asking about volunteer’s family & outside life • Send a note of appreciation • To the volunteer • To the volunteer’s family • To the volunteer’s employer • Recommend the volunteer for a “promotion” • To more responsible position within the organization • To a larger role in the next event • Or release Make the Volunteer feel like part of your team
Recruiting Summary • Identify the opportunities (jobs) • Describe exactly what is needed • Understand the motivation • Explain the impact • Find the right person • Match opportunities (jobs) to people (needs) • Ask others for leads • Ask the person directly to do the job – they can’t say yes if they haven’t been asked • Recognize and Reward Appropriately Recruiting Good People and Fostering Leaders Is the Most Important Thing You Can Do for AIAA
Affiliation: Volunteers primarily to socialize • Provide with team projects • Provide socializing times • Publish team names, photos (website, newsletters, Bulletin) • Put these people in front of members, if appropriate • Provide affiliation recognition through shirts, pins, letterhead, biz cards
Achievement: Wants rewards & recognition • Participate in goal-setting meetings • Provide opportunity to advance in rank and responsibility • Provide recognition from top management, acknowledging achievement • Provide assignments that include benchmark points of success, quantifiable assignments • Provide opportunity to provide input and advice and challenge decisions.
Power: Wants position of power or leadership • Provide assignments that allow them to rub shoulders with persons of authority • Provide opportunities for innovation • Allow to teach or train others • Publicity about the individual • Seek the person’s advice and suggestions • Include them in decision-making • Provide awards and letters of commendation • Provide tasks offering increasing responsibility and authority
Why Do People Volunteer? • Here are some more great tips from the AIAA Leadership Manual (available at http://www.aiaa.org) for getting people to step in and help with your programs. Here are some reasons why a person may want to volunteer:* To help a particular organization/society* To share a skill* To demonstrate commitment to a cause* To gain leadership skills* To get to know the community/peers* To explore a career* To earn academic credit* To have an excuse to do what they love* To build a resume* To share personal experiences* To meet new people and make new friends* To improve interpersonal and professional skills* To challenge yourself* To have fun* To make a difference in the lives of others* To contribute as a leader* To capture industry news
Reasons Members Give for not Volunteering and Ways to Respond to those Reasons... • Not enough time...Maybe you could give us an hour each month by being a greeter at our Section meetings. OR Could you help us out by spending an hour calling or emailing to welcome our new Section members and invite them to our meetings each month. OR We could really use some help contacting members whose memberships have expired. Can you e-mail or call these members to remind them to renew? We will even provide a script to help you. (Available in the Leadership manual Section 7.8) • Topics at meetings aren't of interest to me...We are always interested in receiving input from our members. Could you help us by suggesting some new topics and, if possible, some speakers. (Step 2) Can you help us contact one of your speakers to see if they would be available to present at an upcoming meeting? • I don't see any benefit in becoming involved in the Section...Doing work in the Section helps you become involved in the entire industry. It is an opportunity to broaden your experiences outside of your office. OR The experience you gain can become part of your résumé and demonstrate to your employer or prospective employer that you have the necessary skills for a job, that you can manage your time, work well with others and have a positive attitude. In addition, it will express your interest in the future of the industry and provide you with tools that can be used where you currently work. • Young Professional Members are intimidated by the more experienced members...Your experience in the industry will offer a new perspective and cutting edge technology. We are always looking for new ideas and ways to streamline our current process of doing things. AND/OR This is an opportunity for you to network with experienced individuals in the industry, meet the people whose work you have studied, and develop contacts and mentors. OR We have opportunities to work with students at both the pre-college and university levels. This is a chance for you to share your enthusiasm with the children. We can provide materials to assist you. (Available from AIAA) • I have no company support...There are many opportunities in the Section that do not require company financial support, we only ask for an hour or two of your after hours time to help us... (Insert a small task that needs to be done.)