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Horror of Auschwitz: Largest Death Camp of WWII

Learn about Auschwitz, the largest death camp during WWII run by Nazi German SS. Discover the atrocities, the gas chambers, and the mass killings of millions of Jews. Explore the historical context and the impact on survivors. Understand the dark history that unfolded at Auschwitz and the need to remember the victims.

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Horror of Auschwitz: Largest Death Camp of WWII

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  1. What Was Used to Mass Murder 6 Million Jews

  2. Auschwitz Auschwitz was the largest death camp during the World War II it was run by the Nazi German military more specifically the SS (Schutzstaffel "Shield Squadron“) . It started off as a one small section, Auschwitz I. 1941 a second section was added, Auschwitz II. Soon after a another section was added, Auschwitz III. From 1942 onward Jews were being sent there by the thousands. At arrival prisoners would get shoes and artificial limbs taken away from them to be given to wounded German soldiers, and they would also get their hair shaved to make pillows, after this they would be put into two lines, the ones that were able to work and the ones who were unable to work including children and women, only prisoners capable of hard work lived. Prisoners that were unable to work were sent directly to gas chambers to be killed and would not be recorded. Prisoners who were able to work would be recorded and get their number tattooed on their forearm. Jews were killed by poisonous gas inside of adapted farmhouses until gas chambers were built in 1943. 1944 the railway to Auschwitz was extended closer to the gas chambers for faster killing. First Jewish people that arrived from Poland were immediately killed. 60,000 non- Jewish Poles , 119,000 Gypsies, and 12,000 Soviet Union prisoners of war were sent to Auschwitz. Vast majority of these were sent straight to gas chambers to be killed. Once 1,710 prisoners were sent there from Holland, 1,594 of these were killed and only 116 of them were sent to the barracks. Auschwitz was not designed to accommodate all prisoners it was instead designed to kill as many , as fast as possible Auschwitz was left by the Germans in 1944, they made all prisoners evacuate “death march” those too weak or sick to walk were left behind, these left behind slaves were found in 1945 by the Russians. Today the camp contains a museum housed in original barracks, also memorial of its victims are there today. Lawton, Clive. Auschwitz. Cambridge: Candlewick Press, 2002. Press

  3. This is the main railway into Auschwitz. manifesto-surrealista.blogspot.com

  4. Bergen Belsen Camp located northwest of Germany. Bergen Belsen was a camp during The World War II and it was run by the Nazi German military. The SS soon took over and renamed it to “detention camp”. Initially this was more of a camp for exchanging Jews with Allies including Jews with political/economic connections or Jews with South American passports/ entry papers to Palestine. The camp was divided into several of sub-camps. Each sub-camp for different types of prisoners. For the first 10 months, conditi0ns at Bergen Belsen were better then any other camp, sadly in 1944 when Josef Kramer came conditions worsened seriously. 1944, one section was named “recuperation camp”. This section received ill and exhausted people, although this was called the recuperation, camp authorities didn’t try to make them well, most suffered and died in terrible conditions. Prisoners were brought in open trucks in freezing weather. In 1945 over crowding of the camp caused many deaths. The camp was liberated April 1945 by the British. Here they found 60,000 diseased or starved prisoners, and over 10,000 unburied or decomposing corpses, most of these were Jews. People continued to die even after liberation. The British burned down main barracks . Eleven of the staff from Bergen Belsen were sentenced to death including Kramer, all of them were executed, 12th December 1945. A museum was created in Bergen Belsen, it was completely redeveloped in the late 1980s , exhibition documenting the history of the Nazi regime and the Bergen Belsen camp opened in 1990, in 1996 a visitor center was created. “Bergen-Belsen”. The Holocaust. 1997. Print.

  5. Crematorium (where the dead bodies were burned). hmd.org.uk

  6. Buchenwald Concentration camp located in Germany, opened in July 1937, Buchenwald was a camp during The World War II and it was run by the Nazi German military. This camp was known for its terrible conditions. First prisoners to come to Buchenwald were political prisoners and criminals. June of 1938 large groups of Jews started being sent there including in November 1938 when 10,000 Jews were sent there from Germany and Austria, these prisoners were forced to work under brutal conditions. October 1942 all Jews were moved to Auschwitz, the number of Jews kept decreasing until May 1944 when Hungarian Jews from Auschwitz started being sent here, all of a sudden the number of Jews went up to over 89,000, Jews did not have the privileges that other prisoners did, some Jews would be used for medical experiments. Harsh and unhygienic conditions caused the death of a great number of prisoners. Nazi’s couldn’t kill all of the prisoners before the war ended. Prisoners ended up taking over the camp and taking the officer’s weapons. America liberated the camp shortly after the war ended.21,000 prisoners were freed, 4,000 of these prisoners were Jews and of those four thousand Jews 1,00 of them were children. Total of 240,000 prisoners were sent to Buchenwald, 43,045 of these died or were murdered. 1947, 31 staff members of Buchenwald were put to trial, 2 of them were sentenced to death and 4 of them were life imprisoned. Concentration camp can still be visited today including the original buildings and crematorium which were preserved. . “Buchenwald”. The Holocaust. 1997. Print.

  7. Horrible sleeping conditions was given to the prisoners. www.eliewieseltattoo.com

  8. Chelmno Camp located just outside of Soviet territory, 47 miles west of a ghetto by the name of Lódz. Chelmno was a camp during The World War II and it was run by the Nazi German military. Chelmno was the first death camp to use gassing for killing prisoners. Chelmno was the killing center of the Jews who lived in Lódz. Chelmno consisted of two sites. “Schloss”, this was an old mannered house where prisoners were killed and all the staff lived, and about 2.5 miles away near the forest was “Waldlanger”, this is where all the graves were and later on where crematoriums were built. First victims arrived to Chelmno in December 7th, 1941. Gassing began the very next day. After arrival victims sent to room designated as “washroom”. These were actually ramps that led to awaiting gas vans. 50 to 70 prisoners forced inside at once. These gas vans were actually converted Renault trucks, after engine started the exhaust was piped into sealed compartment, death came within 10 minutes. The dead were the transported to Waldlanger, there they would be buried. Crematorium was constructed later on. Once the crematorium was built bodies were burned, bodies that had already been burried would be dug- up and burned. 320,000 Jews were killed in Chelmno, primarily from Lódz. Camp was abandoned by the Germans January 17th, 1945. Chelmno staff received few major sentences, 3 were sentenced to thirteen years of prison and 1 was sentenced to seven years of prison. Monument was built here after the war. The Poles built site incorporating pieces of the crematoria. “Chelmno (Kulmhof)”. The Holocaust. 1997. Print.

  9. The fence arround Chelmno that blocked them from freedom. www.ushmm.org

  10. Dachau Dachau was one of the first Nazi concentration camps located in a small town named Dachau 10 miles northwest of Munich. Dachau was a camp during The World War II and it was run by the Nazi German military. Dachau became a training ground for the SS. First prisoners arrived March 22nd, 1933. When camp was first opened, only political opponents of the Nazis were sent here. Soon more groups started being sent here. Including Jehovah's witnesses who resisted the draft, Gypsies who were considered racially inferior just like the Jews were, and homosexuals. Between November 9th and November 10th of 1938, over 10,000 Jews were sent to Dachau. Prisoners at Dachau were forced to work without getting anything back and if they ever fell ill it usually meant death. There was no mass extermination with gas Dachau but there was still 31,591 deaths out of the 206,206 prisoners that were registered . On April 29th, 1945, the camp was liberated by the Seventh Army of the United States. Forty former SS staff members of Dachau were put to trial, 36 of them were sentenced to death and were later executed. Distel, Barbara. “Dachau”. Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. 1990. Print.

  11. Extremely weak and unhealthy prisoners of Dachau. www.holocaust.cz

  12. Treblinka Treblinka was a camp during The World War II and it was run by the Nazi German military. July 1942 victims were brought to Treblinka. To bring the victims to Treblinka, they would jam 80-100 in each car, prisoners were beaten by truncheons and rifle butts in the process. Families were separated at arrival, all sick prisoners would be immediately killed through either injections or they were shot. Corpses would be thrown in trenches fully clothed, other prisoners look for jewelry and gold on the dead bodies, all valuables had to be turned in to the SS, as they worked they were beaten with truncheons. A lot of corpses wouldn’t be buried and would be just left lying around, this would horrify new-coming prisoners. Even wounded would be buried alive, and no matter in how much pain they were in they would still be buried alive, “mercy shots” were extremely rare. 100 of 350 prisoners that tried escaping from Treblinka were re-captured. Germans dismantled Treblinka in November of 1943. Remaining prisoners were either killed or sent to another camp. Roleff, Tamara. The Holocaust: Death camps. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Print.

  13. Prisoners being jammed into cars to be taken to Treblinka sternmass9.blogspot.com

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