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Italian Reflexive Verbs. Reflexive verbs , generally, are verbs in which the subject and the object are the same ; in English, you use the reflexive pronouns myself, yourself, himself, etc Examples: Lavar si (reflexive verb) Lavare ( not reflexive).
ItalianReflexiveVerbs Reflexiveverbs, generally, are verbs in which the subjectandthe objectare the same; in English, you use the reflexive pronouns myself, yourself, himself, etc Examples: Lavarsi (reflexive verb) Lavare( not reflexive)
*A: Lavarsi -to wash oneself*B: Lavare- to wash anything A reflexive B NOT REFLEXIVE
A. *Radersi to shave oneself himself,etcB. *radere/ to shave • *A.reflexive*B not reflexive
A*Pettinarsi- to comb one's hairB.*Pettinare- to comb • A. reflexive B. not reflexive
A.*svegliarsi-to wake up oneselfB.*svegliare-to wake up someone A.* reflexiveB.*not reflexive
A*vestirsi - to dress oneselfB*vestire - to dress A*reflexive B* not reflexive
COMMON ITALIAN REFLEXIVE VERBS • addormentarsito fall asleep • alzarsito get up • annoiarsito be bored • chiamarsito be named • divertirsito have fun, to enjoy oneself • farsiilbagnoto bathe oneself • farsi la doccia to take a shower • fermarsi to stop oneself • lavarsito wash oneself • lavarsiidentito wash one’s teeth
COMMON ITALIAN REFLEXIVE VERBS • mettersito put (clothing) on • mettersi ato begin to (do something) • pettinarsito comb one's hair • prepararsi to prepare onself • preoccuparsi (di) to worry (about) • sedersito sit down • sentirsito feel • svegliarsito wake up • vestirsito get dressed
Reflexive pronouns (i pronomiriflessivi) • SINGULAR PLURAL • mimyself ciourselves • tiyourself vi yourselves • sihimself,herself, sithemselves, yourself(f), itself yourselves (f) (f=formal)
I VerbiRiflessivi (presente)a sample conjugation oflavarsi (to wash oneself) • iomi lavo = I wash myself • tuti lavi = you wash yourself • lui/leisi lava = he/she washes him/herself • noici laviamo = we wash ourselves • voivi lavate = you wash yourselves • lorosi lavano = they wash themselves